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coming more then once a week! Unheard of!!!!

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Guest ji, thank you for your comments about just letting things go and I will because this wasnt the intention of mine to disrespect anyone.


I just want to say that we shoudnt blame our stupidity on Krsna. Krsna gives us free will to come to the temple or not. If we dont go or dont want to go krsna fullfills that desire.


If you want to remember krsna he will give you the ability and if you want to forget krsna krsna will you give you that ability as well.


Hare Krsna

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Interesting discussion. I know a guy who goes to the temple regularly every single day - and promptly afterwards goes around to his shop where he sells bad quality goods for inflated prices- he has a glib tongue -this guy.


Another aquaintaince makes an effort to help whosoever he can in whatsoever way he can with his limited means - but he helps. Unfortunately he visits the temples only rarely.


Who would u rate higher ?

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service is voluntary... going to the temple is a service


stop judging


if you want that people come more often to the temple help devotees to improve the things in the temple... better adoration, better kirtans, better prasadam, better relationships, better classes, better involvements of the guests..


also one who comes only a single minute in his life is actually a dear guest of srimati radharani, so we have not the right to criticize him... we have only to improve our personal spitiual condition to make that guest to desire our association...

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Thank you very much for your response. My intention when starting this post wasnt meant to insult anyone or judge anyone. I just wrote the post because of curtain observations I made.


I wasnt saying that people who come to the temple are better then people who dont. I was talking about the consciouness of thinking that coming to the temple is a chore.


I hope you understand what I mean


Hare Krsna

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I never said someone has to come to temple, I just said they should come to the temple. I am not judging anyone. Man this is being taken the wrong way....as usual.


You should come to the temple regardless of the situation there. Thats just an excuse to not come to the temple. Even if everything from Kirtans, relationships, classes and prasadam is good people who dont have the desire to come to the temple wont come.


This is about improving people's consciousness and not a judgement on my part.


I started this thread because I saw something that bugged me. Which was the fact someone said to me I have come to the temple once this week and that is enough.


Like going to the temple is a chore.


So I am not judging but rather stating something that occured.

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Yea, I know what you mean. Still, I was just making a point that what is there is perfect within itself and if something disturbs me or you, the cause is not the phenomena in truth, but the way that the phenomena is perceived.


Bhagavatham 1.3.36- I apologize for disturbing you /images/graemlins/smile.gif , but what can I say, I myself am disturbed just like you.

"The Lord, whose activities are always spotless, is the master of the six senses and is fully omnipotent with six opulences. He creates the manifested universes, maintains them and annihilates them without being in the least affected. He is within every living being and is always independent.


The prime difference between the Lord and the living entities is that the Lord is the creator and the living entities are the created. Here He is called the amogha-lilah;, which indicates that there is nothing lamentable in His creation. Those who create disturbance in His creation are themselves disturbed. He is transcendental to all material afflictions because He is full with all six opulences, namely wealth, power, fame, beauty, knowledge and renunciation, and thus He is the master of the senses. He creates these manifested universes in order to reclaim the living beings who are within them suffering threefold miseries, maintains them, and in due course annihilates them without being the least affected by such actions. He is connected with this material creation very superficially, as one smells odor without being connected with the odorous article. Nongodly elements, therefore, can never approach Him, despite all endeavors."



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"You should come to the temple regardless of the situation there. Thats just an excuse to not come to the temple."


no... the right behaviour of a devotee is that when the preaching fails he feels himself guilty to not have executed well the order of the spiritual master..


in the same spirit we should think that if the people does not come to our temple, the reason is that we are not caring enough for them and, first of all, we are not caring much for the murti... who is the one who calls the devotees to see him..


let us be more humble and krishna will send us service also in the form of temple guests to serve

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Haribol, well aint I in a bunch of trouble. The last time I went to a "temple" was on 2-23-1990, and then before that, on 5-24-83. So Ive only gone twice in the last 20 years. And, I didnt even stay very long, because a guru was in town in 1983 and sent me away, and no one else was there when I went in 1990.


But, my guru told me that I could neither join or quit Krsna, that His temple was already established in the heart of each person, and that a devotee automatically becomes a tirtha (a place of pilgrimage, a temple). Only eccliastic religion must depend on buildings where they think God must be confined, probably they do not like the understanding that he comes out following each of us as we go drinkin' and carousin' after services.


Association, ya say? Of course it is important, but Srila Prabhupada also made a commitment to his guru to associate with devotees. How did he do it in Amerika? He made devotees, and gladly associated with them. So, if youre alone and have no association with devotees, try chanting to your dog. He will sit by you and like every minute of your singing, and he will actually be attracted every time he hears such singing. Go make a devotee.


Hare Krsna, ys, mahaksadasa


ps this is to rectify any perceived offence I made the other day about our barking friends.

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I understand. I will be more respectful to people who dont like coming to the temple but can I get mad if they dont come because they dont like their philosophy being questioned by Prabhupad and the sastras and they blasphame him?


But I think I should just let things go now, this thread has gone on to long and I myself have forgotten what it was originaly about. None the less I am probably the one on the wrong end.


Gotta work in the humbleness.


Hari bolo

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nothing wrong is happening and they dont like coming because they have prejeduces or something. I mean I know devotees who have treated guests with the utmost respect but the guest will give them an evil eye or smirk at them or something and not come after they would hear a beautiful class which questions their way in life?


I try to see from both perspectives, thats the only reason I started these posts.

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Actually the glass is both half full and half empty. Just see things as they are without feeling a need to positively or negatively spin it. That's just the mind.


From one angle the soul that shows just a tiny interest in coming to Krsna's temple but basically lives 99% of the rest of his life is in very deep illusion.


But then again out of all the countless innumerable living beings that one rare soul showed some attraction to Krsna. What a glorious thing that is. So if we concentrate on that aspect and try to fan that tiny spark into an all consuming flame that would be sufficent for us.


Of course also keeping in mind the rest of that person's life may be a mess so we may not want to hear from them. Nevertheless to respect that soul and to acknowledge the presence of the Supersoul in that person is pleasing to Krsna.


I think NOI and the teachings of Kapila deva in the SB help us here.

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