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famous devotees

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Hare krsna


Well this reminds me of a quote from the gita.


I mean there is nothing wrong with using fame to serve krsna at all. After all its by krsna's mercy that you attainted such fame.


And krsna says in the Gita, Whatever a famous man does, common man follow.


So if a celebrity takes an interest to krsna, common people will also take an interest in krsna.


Hare Krsna



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Guest guest

You stated:


"One example of this is the notorious Vivekananda who also smoked and gave himself lung cancer"


Can you give me an exact reference as to where you got the information that Vivekananda died of lung cancer?

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Guest guest

I do not think these links to George's songs are working anymore. I have never heard the 2000 version of "MY sweet Lord. Can you put the link again if it is broken here?


Thankyou very much, another follower of both George and Prabhupada

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I was surfing the Internet Movie Database (www.imdb.com) and entered “Krsna” in the search vehicle to see if there would be some reference to movies with Krsna or Hare Krsna mentioned.

There is a documentary by Robert Downey Jr. called “The Last Party”. It is a video collage’ about the 1992 presidential election. In the “Thanks to” section of the credits Downey thanks “Lord Sri Krishna”.

This seems a rather specific acknowledgement from someone not generally known to be a devotee of Krsna.

Robert Dowey Jr.'s expression of gratitude not just to the generic expression "God" but to "Lord Sri Krsna" caused me to wonder how many other famous people may be out there who have, through a variety of channels, gained an appreciation for the books of Srila A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada, the devotees of Krsna and/or Vaisnavism in general.

Such people may not be inclined to attach themselves publicly to the Hare Krsna movement since unfortunately, to the mainstream American public (i.e the consumers who write famous people's paychecks), the Hare Krsnas are viewed as followers of some invented, mysterious cult as opposed to being adherents of an ancient philosophical system embraced by somewhere near a billion people world wide, (what to speak of some of the deeper thinkers the world has managed to produce such as Thoreau, Emerson, Einstein, Ghandhi... ect).

Out of an understandably founded fear that their professional lifes might be negatively affected by being publicly connected to the Hare Krishna movement such individuals quietly keep such venerations a personal and private matter.


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A few years back some gurukulis said that they ran into Robert Downey Jr. He was very happy to meet them and kept asking them questions about what it was like growing up as devotees. My understanding is his father was some sort of avante garde filmmaker from the 60s, so its possible Downey has had contact with devotees and sees them in a positive light.


Jodie Foster is a very good friend of Robert Downey Jr. Now, I have heard that when she made the movie Contact the producers came to the Hare Krishnas and wanted them in one of their scenes. However, Jodie nixed the Hare Krishna scene? Why? What I heard was the scene was going to be in the part where all these wackos, UFO guys, Christian evangelists, Elvis impersonators etc.... are welcoming the aliens (if you've seen the movie, you know the scene) and Jodie didn't want the devotees to be in a scene that was sort of a mockery. Thats what I've heard. So she may be somewhat favorably disposed to devotees as well.

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Haribol. For anyones information, fame has no meaning unless a person is famous for his devotional service. Thus, George Harrison is so famous, even among those who havent, wont, and will never take to sadhana bhakti, as a person who IS a Krsna Devotee.


Some of these folks mentioned are famous in a worldly se4nse, and some are quite famous AS DEVOTEES (Like chrissy Hind, Boy George, Bob Dylan), but other famous folks who may have been at a temple are not famous as devotees, they are fortunate beyond all their fame, but REAL fame has not yet begun.


I like to think of famous devotees as my godbrothers who distinguished themselves as devotees. I think of Visnu Jnana Swami, Jayananda, Sudama Swami, all three who have left us a long time ago, yet are still famous. These devotees are always seen in photos with Srila Prabhupada. Their bodies are loing turned to dust, yet they are REMEMBERED as devotees.


Anyway, not to disrespect those materially famous who have made great decisions to dovetail their fame with the truely all-attractive famous One, just giving respect to the famous who many in the world have never heard about

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<center><a href=http://www.radiokrishna.com/rkc_archive_new/music_A-K/George%20Harrison/RKC%20Live%20Stream%20-%20George%20Harrison%20-%20Collection%20%28Part%2002%29.mp3>MY SWEET LORD 2000</A> .... starts about minute 22 in collection of songs


<a href=http://www.radiokrishna.com/rkc_archive_new/music_A-K/George%20Harrison/RKC%20Live%20Stream%20-%20George%20Harrison%20-%20Collection%20%28Part%2001%29.mp3>MY SWEET LORD Original</A> .... starts immediately in collection of songs</center>


From great sound bytes at Radio Krishna



BTW, for all George fans there is a wonderful DVD produced of the concert presented for George's Dhani, wife and friends in which Ravi Shankar had written an incredible one hour masterpiece of Indian music for George which was followed by another hour of major musicians playing George's hits (Tom Petty, Eric Clapton, Paul and Ringo). It is a moving experience that is relishable over and over. Seeing that giant picture of George with neckbeads is worth the price of admission. My Sweet Lord had them all dancing in the aisles, but only a musician like Mahak could guess the next, the last song of such a beautiful night. three syncopated drummers including THE drummer, six guitarists, and the audience still standing jazzed from My Sweet Lord.



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I only need to know about Srila Prabhupad bringing Krishna consciousness to my heart along with His lineage. If I had to depend on G. Harrison or worst, Madonna, forget it. Next week Madonna will be donning another costume & parading her latest mask. Who cares? Celebrity nonsense. Devotees don't need to waste their time. Do you need to know it is acceptable to an ego based 'celebrity' to find Krishna acceptable or to 'sell' Krishna? Shame folks.

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I'm afraid all the shame falls on you, Guest. Millions heard of Krsna from George years before they heard from Srila Prabhupada. Millions heard from George and never from Prabhupada. You tread on a lot of feet and hearts with your arrogance. Prabhupada would be most disappointed. To not see George as Prabhupada's dear disciple is to curse Srila Prabhupada's very own words. And I know he deserves no shame for his fondness for George either.



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