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Church of Scientology

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Hare krsna everyone.


As you all know I am looking for a job. Two days ago I saw a sign that said "Now Hiring"


To my surprise it was the Church Of Scientology. ANyways I went in with an open mind as I didnt know much about it but when I got the application form it asked me the weirdest questions.


Anyways It was a weird Experiance.


I am wondering if anyone knows more about it. They want to show me a video tomorrow before i work there. I guess my schedualed brain washing is at 10am. Should I work for them. What exactly are they about.


thanks Hare krsna.



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Do not go to work for the Scientologists. They may use that as a way to attract people to come but do not go anywhere near them.


Here is what they believe. That millions of years ago the intergalactic overlord named Xenu gathered up alien souls from all over the universe and put them in a volcano. Then he dropped an H-Bomb and destroyed them all. But their alien spirits survived and infect people. In order to be 'cleared' of these spirits you need to pay them money. The way you advance spiritually is to pay more money until you are bankrupted.


Their only goal is to take peoples money. They will give you psychological tests to convince you of different things.


In addition, they teach that Jesus was a pedophile and was in part a memory implant by Xenu.


Its crazy and sick. Stay away. Believe me on this one. They will have you sign contracts that will take away your rights.

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The space stuff seemed a little off the scope.


I don't know much about them, except it seems to have something to do with electronically monitoring alpha brain waves. I think you can feel safe to assume that they are not a lost branch of the Caitanya tree though.

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Hare krsna prabhu's


Well guest, how do you know about them anyways.


Ghari, you think i should work for them.


I saw one of the guys there yesterday and his eyes seemed like they werent blinking at all. Actually i was supposed to go for my brainwashing today but instead decided to go to school and low and behold the lady called me from there.


Anyways, what do u guys think. I should see the video? Work for them or not?


It feels quite uncomfortable but i have no fear i have krsna.




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Will Scientology Celebs Sign 'Spiritual' Contract?

By Roger Friedman


Tom Cruise claims to have been dyslexic before he was saved by Scientology.


Let's hope that he can read the fine print in a new agreement the religious organization is demanding its members sign.


The contract — called the "Agreement and General Release Regarding Spiritual Assistance" — makes it clear that the signee does not believe in psychiatry and does not want to be treated for any kind of psychiatric ailment should one befall him.


Instead, once the paper is signed, the agreement calls for the Church of Scientology to step in if there's ever a problem. The result would be total isolation and constant surveillance.


The question is: Will the stars upon whom Scientology has depended to carry its message — including Cruise, John Travolta and Kelly Preston, Lisa Marie Presley and her mother, Priscilla — sign a new agreement that could potentially hand over their rights and personal freedom to the church?


The wording of the agreement is shocking, to say the least. If a member of the church becomes what we might call "mentally incompetent," he automatically agrees to be placed in the care of Scientology counselors, potentially barring family, friends or anyone else from interceding, including doctors and psychiatrists.


The new agreement seems to stem from a long-simmering wrongful-death lawsuit brought by the estate of Lisa McPherson against the Church of Scientology.


It alleges that McPherson died in 1995 after being held against her will by the church for 17 days. When she died, it is claimed, her body was covered with cockroach bites and McPherson was dehydrated.


By having members sign the contact agreeing to be isolated from family and medical professionals, the church apparently believes it would be immune to such lawsuits. The lawsuit, which has suffered several postponements, may come to trial in 2004.


Outspoken critics of Scientology — such as Carnegie Mellon professor Dave Touretzky, who uncovered the new agreement — claim the form is designed to protect the church from further litigation.


But will Cruise, Travolta, and others agree to the same wording that non-celebrity followers must in allowing themselves to endure something called the "Introspection Rundown?"


Calls to their spokespeople didn't help very much. Travolta and the Presleys' publicist referred my question back to the Church of Scientology. Cruise's office didn't have an answer.


An assistant in the Scientology office did tell me that she was a member of the church and had signed many different contracts.


The Spiritual Assistance agreement reads in part: "I understand that the Introspection Rundown is an intensive, rigorous Religious Service that includes being isolated from all sources of potential spiritual upset, including but not limited to family members, friends or others with whom I might normally interact."


"As part of the Introspection Rundown, I specifically consent to Church members being with me 24 hours a day at the direction of my Case Supervisor, in accordance with the tenets and custom of the Scientology religion. The Case Supervisor will determine the time period in which I will remain isolated, according to the beliefs and practices of the Scientology religion."


"I further specifically acknowledge that the duration of any such isolation is uncertain, determined only by my spiritual condition, but that such duration will be completely at the discretion of the Case Supervisor. I also specifically consent to the presence of Church members around the clock for whatever length of time is necessary to perform the Introspection Rundown's processes and to achieve the spiritual results of the Introspection Rundown."


(Any isolation, of course, would be preferable to watching Travolta in "Look Who's Talking.")


What does this all mean?


Linda Hight, spokeswoman for Scientology, told me last night that the contract is self-explanatory.


"I'm sure you know the English language," she said, "and you know what it means."


She described psychiatry as "barbaric, harmful, and fraudulent."


"The contract is drawn up," Hight added, "for those who wish [to use it]."

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Your immediate reaction was that it was weird, that the guys eyes didn't blink, that the questions were weird. And this was just on a meeting, you haven't even scratched the surface.

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Did you read that contract? Being influenced by association is a given. You have no fear because you have Krishna you said. OK. So does that mean you can walk into a lion's den and no harm will come to you? So if you wouldn't risk your body in that way why risk your mind with these scientologists?

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to take the training course. Maybe it's just a scam to get you to see some video. Did they say what the work is? Like maybe bundling flyers? We sure don't want them turning you into a zombie with their experiments.


I guess I should not have compared it to my mission with the Christians. I have never considered Scientology a religion. I know it's based on a popular book called Dianetics by Hubbard. You can likely find out more on the net from the anti-cult websites.


I assumed you only considered it because they were close to your home. You still may find something on the net. From that major site, I found 230 jobs I could get without my experience and education locally from hotel desk clerk 11PM to 8 AM through to manufacturing labourer through to car washer and gas meter reader and shoe salesman and security guard. There was even a job helping people search for jobs. Often they give a web address and you can use maps to see how close they are to you.


Yet, you sound like a ksatriya so only Krsna knows where he wants you. He is helping you overcome some lethargy with this crisis. The trick is not to count on one or two interviews that you like but to keep interviewing until one happens. Otherwise you are at home wishing for four days while they decide and then you start all over again, only now you have lost four days. Soon you have lost four weeks, then four months. I realize that trying to fit it into your school schedule is a real limitation. "What ever don't kill us, makes us stronger" as they say, so this will make a strong Haridham.


For me I'm looking for a job where I don't have to be too involved with the world; I think standing around alone in a hotel overnight, checking in two guests and checking out two guests is about my speed. After a while the whole work thing gets to be a bit redundant.

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Now I know why Margo Kidman left Cruise.


That is absolute lunacy. Apparently in this TIME article from 1991 it is confirmed about the Xenu aliens, Hubbard's fake mail-in doctorate and more than I needed to get me rolling on the floor in laughter.


I may never stop laughing. I am having a hard time still believing the alien bit even though I've now seen it on several websites including the alleged TIME article.


I've worked with cult members who believe that they evolved from apes and will end when they die, who try to squeeze as much sensory pleasure out of every atom of their body in the meantime, using drugs to enhance their fornication, etc., but I never worked with anyone who was an alien.


I call this MISSION IMPOSSIBLE, Haridham! Should you choose to accept it.


This special delivery from Mars will self-destruct in five seconds ... four ... three ..... two ...

<EMBED SRC="http://canoeparts.ca/KINGDOM/SpecialDelivery.wav" AUTOSTART=TRUE WIDTH=1 HEIGHT=1 LOOP=0>



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Hare krsna


Well everyone. That was quite interesting. Yes I did look on the internet and my teacher used to be a scientologist and told me not to get a job there. They want people to join them and pay them to "work" for them to recruit more people.


Oh and I am not at home looking for a job. I am going to school and checking the net for jobs on my break from school.


I will check those links out soon.


I am going to an army recruit office on the weekend and checking out ups and fedex.


So my schedualed brainwashing video i think i will avoid.


What a bunch of crazy cooks.


I am not that desperate for money.

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Haridham, did they make you sign a million year contract yet?


BTW be careful what you say about Scientology on an open forum. They will come here and if too many things are said, they will sic their lawyers on everyone involved. They definetely use strongarm tactics to protect their interests.

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