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Asteroid heading for earth, may hit in 2014

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LONDON: A giant asteroid is heading for Earth and could hit in 2014, US astronomers have warned British space monitors.


But for those fearing Armageddon, don't be alarmed -- the chances of a catastrophic collision are just one in 909,000.


Asteroid "2003 QQ47" will be closely monitored over the next two months. Its potential strike date is March 21, 2014, but astronomers say that any risk of impact is likely to decrease as further data is gathered.


On impact, it could have the effect of 20 million Hiroshima atomic bombs, a spokesman for the British government's Near Earth Object Information Center told BBC radio.


The Center issued the warning about the asteroid after the giant rock was first observed in New Mexico by the Lincoln Near Earth Asteroid Research Program. "The Near Earth Object will be observable from Earth for the next two months and astronomers will continue to track it over this period," said Dr. Alan Fitzsimmons, one of the expert team advising the Center.


Asteroids such as 2003 QQ47 are chunks of rock left over from the formation of the solar system 4.5 billion years ago. Most are kept at a safe distance from the Earth in the asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter.


But the gravitational influence of giant planets such as Jupiter can nudge asteroids out of these safe orbits and send them plunging toward Earth.


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He he... I can see both of you tired prabhus laying on the grass looking up to the sky at the approaching asteroid and yelling at the top of your lungs: Bullseye!!! It looks like a giant Salagrama Sila coming to eat me!!! ;-)


...but seriously folks: no such event is forecasted by the Vedas for our times... just the advent of a new Golden Age :-)

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LE I was just thinking last night about 427,000 years to go and what Kali-yuga will look like.


It started when while watching an x-file rerun (Moulder is back by the way) a commercial came on advertising a dating service. Which is always kinda weird but this was the first one I've seen for homos.


$27,000 years to go? Oh, it can't be possible.


Red paint huh. I'm going to get a can myself.

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LE I was just thinking last night about 427,000 years to go and what Kali-yuga will look like.



I think about this a lot lately.


We are told that as Kali-yuga progresses the principles of religion will go down to zero!! It is difficult for me to imagine that it can get much worse than it is already.


Everytime I think it can not get any worse then some new and unimaginable horror happens. Human beings have become so desensitized to violence etc that compassion has become a rare commodity. People do the most unthinkable things to each other - even to their own children.


Just in the time that I have been in this body I have seen a decline in common decency. Things that were unthinkable only a few years ago are common place and accepted ie abortion.


I had to go to California the other day and I was amazed a the billboard ads I saw along the way - everything was geared towards sex and the bodily pleasures. The ones that struck me in particular were the ads for beer - the models (male and female) were all very young and half dressed. The ads made it appear that the only way to be fulfilled in this life was to be drunk!


Now homo dating services! Personally, I do not think anyone should flaunt their sex lives to the public - straight or gay. I have always been extremely uncomfortable with it.


Where am I going with this? No where actually, I am just venting a bit. /images/graemlins/smile.gif


I've never seen the X-files - what is it about?


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Living in US or other Western countries we are sheltered from a lot of CURRENT Kali-yuga pains. Just imagine living somewhere in a war torn country in Africa, watching your children die of starvation, or being hacked to death by some animals with machetes... I thank Lord Krishna every day for having a decent situation and do my best not to come back here in my next life... Haribol!

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Think about it. What if there really was a huge meteor zooming down on earth and it would hit in 10 years guaranteed. Immediately you would have all sorts of countries cooperating with one another to fight a common threat. After it was defeated, the carryover of cooperation would likely continue atleast more than it had been. But then again I don't wanna test it out in case we can't stop a huge meteor /images/graemlins/smile.gif

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If the asteroid had oil on it, the nations would vie for ownership. If it is a doomsday bomb, nations will not cooperate to save the world, they will instead try to direct it toward the enemy.


I like positive thinkers, and I hope they are right, but there is no evidence of cooperation in this kali yuga age. Presently, we have a common enemy, death, and all the devotees know that is will come. All the devotees have been informed that we can help the entire world by singing and dancing and feasting. But it is too hard, because devotees are seen as enemies by other devotees, there is no cooperation. This is not a slam on any of them, this is just pragmatic (albeit cynical) view of this reality.


So devotees refuse to cooperate, even denying the final order of Srila Prabhupada and making up other final orders of separation and non-cooperation, so how can we expect the muslims, the jews, the communists, the WTO exploiter slave-masters, the christian butchers, to cooperate.


As the meteor hits, and we are thrust back to caveman days, we will still fight, the zionist and the semites will still be clawing each other with their bare hands. Humans will revert to cannibalism as it always has.


Those who accept cooperation as the way of righteousness, accept that loving neighbors as oneself is permanently linked to any possibility to approaching Love of the Supreme Lord, these folks are marked by the beast for execution. I pay humble tribute to the martyrs, all of em.


This place is called martyaloka, the planet of death, so any way it comes is all right with me. Even life in the cannibal opposing survival camps is not all that different from life in luxury on the banks of lake come or in the casinos of monte carlo. Killers and victims are everywhere.


mudmon lives (barely)

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Yes indeed, we are fortunate to live in the United States because we have the opportunity to attend Krishna's temples freely. I don't really agree that we have somewhat been sheltered from the pains of kali-yuga; we've just been ignorant of them. Yes, it is true that one in America can have a much more "comfortable" life than say someone in Africa, Afganistan, Iraq... However, America has huge karmic debts to be paid, and 9/11 was an example of things to come for America. America has caused so much worldy bloodshed that, according to Srila Prabhupada, it will have to pay the price. We in America are at a turning point. We can either help burn up this karmic debt by the fire of chanting, signing and feasting or we can continue to wreak havoc on the world and create more karma. The only thing we can do is chant Hare Krishna and tell everyone else too as well.


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  • 7 months later...
Guest guest

the world was suppose 2rnd in 2000 but it didnt if it was happining then no 1 panic they can stop it destroy u really think the bristish and american goverment will let the world end i dont think so if they can send men 2 the moon and life on mars they can destroy a astroid

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest guest

ateroid have fall to earth before and will continue to do so in the future. we know now that even the sani dev idol in maharashtra fell from saturn. i think that even the 12 jyotirlingam have come from cosmic sky. the thing we have to remember is that we have to have faith in the aumkara whatever you may call him. krishna is one of his names and if you have full hbelief in him then you have nothing to worry about.

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  • 1 year later...

The "Golden Age" as it's been called is without a doubt coming, but it is not what people think. It's my belief that this coming of a new age is the result of everyone dying. Because our spirits, our ka, our chi, our atman, whatever you want to call it is a part of the whole, the gaia, the soul of the planet earth. We are just drops that have fallen from this vast being, and when all die as one we shall return to it and live in peace until it cycles into the collected energy that is the whole of existance (or which ever lable you wish to put on it). But those that create large amounts of karma may indeed return to this place once the damage is repaired. If the end is coming soon (and I do believe it is) there's really nothing left to do but celebrate. Sing, Dance, Have a good time! Do not give into fear for it will consume you. Make the best of what time is left in these physical shells. I know that not everyone shares my views of things and you can put an infinite amount of lables on the things that are, but the point is that these are times that shouldn't be spent in conflict, they should be embraced and celebrated. For pure energy knows no conflict.

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