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Ramakrishnananda Swami

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He took some of the pictures in front of the Golden palace

And in some of the pictures where he tries to pose just like Sri prabhupada.


And there is a disturbance in the background sound of his website, they all yell like "wooom" or something it is very disturbing to hear.


Anyway, he is fake and shouldn't be thought as an acharya. You can take him as a nice "poser".

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Guest: Forgive me, maybe I dont know enough. But it seems to me that there is very little doubt that he IS a disciple

of Tamal Krishna Goswami. The is a whole 8 pages article about how he got initiated. with loads of pictures of

him with Tamal Krishna, so I guess he just faked that also?

And if that is not enough, just listen to the lecture of TKG where he says in his own voice that Swami

Ramakrishnananda is his Disciple.

So! I think that is enough to show that he is not faking anything, and that he is a disciple of Tamal Krishna



Well! It's clearly enough for you, but he has claimed to be a disciple of so many different people, including a babaji and Kirtanananda, that it's natural that those of us with some experience in vaishnava life may be suspicious.


I wasn't able to get the articles or the TKG lecture. That may be due to the limitations of my computer here at the university, so I'll try again at home. I do find it curious, though, that he says he was initiated by TKG but was selling himself as David Har-tzion earlier this year, with no mention of TKG except as a sadhu he had associated with. TKG hasn't been avaialble for initiation for almost a year and a half.


You are of course free to to as you wish and move as your heart dictates. But this thread opened by asking what we know about him, and what we know about him are things that arouse suspicion in those of us with experience.

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I have been researching the web (as you can see from my earlier post) and I have many questions concerning Har-Tzion/Ramakrishnananda.


For one thing, the post from the outside forum which is dated 2001 and list him as a Jewish mystic. That is only two years ago and I do remember that from his old website. Also, I can not find any dates on his current site telling when all of the numerous initiations took place. Isn't it interesting that we are not able to ask any of the gurus?


I do not mean to offend anyone but Prabhupada taught us to question this sort of thing - someone posing as acarya - we have the right to question.


The pictures and the lecture are meaningless to me. And what happened to those female sannyasis - they were so prominent and important on his last website and now poof....

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I just finished listening to Tamal Krishna Goswami's lecture (which I found very nice BTW) and guest will have to tell me where in it he says that Har-Tzion/Ramakrishnanada is His disciple. I did not hear it at all.


But the lecture brings about another question - in the old Har-Tzion site forum someone had asked him about his ashram in Tel Aviv and he responded that he had no connections at all with anyone in Tel Aviv and that there is no ashram in Tel Aviv but Tamal Krishna Goswami very clearly states that he is speaking in Har-tzion/Ramakrishnananda's ashram in Tel Aviv. Huh??

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Please accept my humble obeisances, all glories to Srila Prabhupada.

All my respect to all the Vaisnava devotees.


I know H.H. Ramakrishnananda Swami Goswami for years and my advice to you all, with all due respect, is to be careful not to commit any offences to a Vaisnava devotee, His Holiness tried for years and years to preach in the most difficult places. For example, “Karmic feminist movements”, inside the ultra-orthodox Jewish community in Israel and the Middle East, Hassidic movements like “Habad” (for this he wrote 3 books in Hebrew using his Karmi name, Har Tzion), he managed to meet in various occasions important Rabbis and even the supreme Rabbi of Israel, the Rabbi Mordejai Eliahu. Some years ago he tried to enter and preach in Iran with his Chilean passport, though eventually this was not possible. He also accomplished a number of secret programs of preaching inside the impersonalists movements, such as Sivananda, Transcendental Meditation, Osho Community in Pune, Krishnamurti’s organization, and Siddha Yoga (for that purpose he wrote 3 books in Hebrew, among them The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali and others), he tried to preach within the Ritvik themselves. With the purpose of rendering the service that his Spiritual Master (His Holiness Tamal Krishna Goswami) had entrusted to him, and due to his profound knowledge in Judaism, Mayavadic and western philosophy, His Holiness was willing to sacrifice his time and the recognition of other devotees for many years.

I deeply respect your opinions, never the less I would advise you to keep yourself from making offences to this great soul. Many of us who know him were orthodox religious Jews, disciples of Osho or fanatical feminists, and we reached the point where we invest out energy in trying to be devotees of Lord Krishna, due and because of his work and service for years.

Because of his program, he presented, for a period of time, some of his female disciples as Sannyasis, and he managed to bring into Krishna Consciousness a great quantity of “feminists”, that in no other way would have accepted Srila Prabhupada.

I don’t want to exaggerate if I say that the day will come when this devotee work will come to light, and we better not come to that moment and have to repent for our opinions about him.

Therefore, only now, since he was obligated to leave Israel and the Middle East, due to persecutions from the religious orthodox organizations, and he settled in New York, he can present himself in his original form. As His Holiness Ramakrishnananda Maharaja Goswami, a loyal servant and disciple of His Holiness Srila Tamal Krishna Goswami, and a well wisher of ISKCON and all the Vaisnava devotees.

A Vaisnava should be judged for his results, and it is a fact that just in his center in Great Neck, New York, there are 25 full time devotees from Jewish origins, who dedicate themselves to chant 16 rounds every day and follow very strictly the path of Krishna Consciousness. Please, let’s be more careful when we relate to devotees who render very confidential services to Krishna. In this very moment, there are devotees of the Lord who are preaching in Iran, Jordan and even Iraq, which are risking their lives, and I think it is not just to criticize them because they changed their name to names like Ajmed, Mansur or Rhudi, and preach in a way that from a simple look seems like Islam, and they present themselves as high Moslem leaders.

If you still want to know more about this devotee, you can talk to H.H. Romapada Swami or His Grace Ravindra Svarupa.


Your servant

Vaishnavi Devi Dasi

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The website is confusing with mixed messages. Please explain why the name changes in the past year? This is not meant to be a challenge but a sincere inquiry.


Also, TKG did not initiate him offically so how is that TKG is his spiritual master rather than whoever it was that initiated him? Who did initiate him? According to the old website - he was the one and only disciple of a babaji in India. Now there is no mention of this babaji or did I miss it?


According to your post my understanding is that he cusomizes the philosophy according to whichever group he is speaking to???

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I don’t care about anything; I think that someone who uses his Karmi name is not worthy to be called a devotee, because it’s an offence to his spiritual master. That was the name he received before his initiation from his bone fide Spiritual Master, and no one is able to change this, no matter what is the purpose.

He is just another one of those who try to get fame and appreciation from people.

What can I do, I am a very orthodox person who follows only the Scriptures, Sadhu and Guru.



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Please accept my humble obeisances, all glories to Srila Prabhupada.

All my respect to all the Vaisnava devotees.


His Holiness Ramakrishnananda Maharaja Goswami was initiated many years ago by Kirtanananda Swami, first initiation, Brahminical initiation, and Sannyas initiation. Being in disagreement with Kirtanananda he moved away from him. Finally he met His Holiness Tamal Krishna Goswami and accepted him as his Spiritual Master. I personally was present when His Holiness Tamal Krishna Goswami informed us that even though the formal initiations were performed by Kirtanananda, he accepted His Holiness Ramakrishnananda Swami as his disciple. That was so clear, I was there. Personally I heard Tamal Krishna talks to us about it. You can enter the website and hear a recording of it.

Babaji wasn’t for Ramakrishnananda Swami what we might call “a Spiritual master”, not in the same sense that Tamla Krishna Goswami was. But he was someone very important in his life which he greatly respects. Babaji never had any other student except Ramakrishnananda Swami.


I am not sure I should explain everything with full details; I don’t think it’s very wise to expose in public the service of H.H. Ramakrishnananda Swami in Israel or with the Sannyasis of Osho. Never the less, I think that more important than this is to fulfill my obligation to stop these offences that are being done to His Holiness in this forum and in these conversations.

His Holiness Tamal Krishna Goswami noticed the vast knowledge of Ramakrishnananda Swami in Judaism and other various fields, such as Mayavadic Philosophy, western philosophy, and he requested His Holiness Ramakrishnananda Swami to try and preach Krishna Consciousness inside circles that are extremely adverse to Krishna Consciousness, like Oshoist, and especially the religious orthodox Jews. His Holiness Ramakrishnananda Swami is widely known by the orthodox religious and by the rest of the public as “Rabienu David Har Tzion” in Israel, he wrote three books about Judaism, trying to introduce in a great scale, at least a little message of Krishna Consciousness, even though with a great deal of caution, as much as in his books as in his preaching to masses, he didn’t mention anything related with the form of Krishna or the deities, without any other choice, the philosophy he talkes there is more similar to something impersonalist. But for those who sincerely seek, they can find the message of Srila Prabhupada between the lines. Never the less, when a person came near him in private, he slowly educated them in the bone fide process of Krishna Consciousness. All this work was under the name of Rabeinu David Har Tzion. One day everything became known and came out, and His Holiness saw himself obligated, for obvious reasons, to abandon Israel. In his website as in his books, His Holiness saw himself obligated to present himself with his Karmi name.

In the time he tried to penetrate the organization of Osho, he worked only with his surname Karmi “Har Tzion” and without his first name “David”. With great difficulties he, with seven of his disciples, opened a center next to the Ashram of Osho. Presenting himself as “Har Tzion”, his success was so tremendous that his felt obligated abandon Pune before the pressure of the Ashram of Osho, (the Oshoist utlize energy that causes the body to tremble etctera. And His Holiness has an energy that strong that when he raises his hand the people with him can reach up to fainting, people jump off the ground. He used these powers in pune, in the name of Srila Prabhupada and Lord Krishna, and it worked in such a way, that the directors of Osho’s Ashram did everything possible to get him to leave Pune, because if His Holiness would continue to give Satsangs they will remain without any followers, people started coming to sing Hare Krsna). The trick of female devotees worked fabulously in pune, because for the Oshoists its something very important.

I think that the change of names in all these years remains clear, even that if we want to destroy we can always find some defect.

I am not going to dedicate all my time to speak about something without having the consent of His Holiness; I just wanted to fulfill my duty, and try to warn devotees not to do offences against souls that had sacrificed everything for Krishna, and for taking the message of Lord Caitanya to the most demoniac places, trying to comply with the request of his Spiritual Master, even at the cost of honor and of their own lives.


I have no time to continue, but if you want more details about his initiations and his Spiritual Master, the best is to visit his website.


Your servant

Vaishnavi Devi Dasi



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To be fair, I think we may have to admit that something profound happened to him when he met Tamal Krishna Maharaja. It just seems strange, though, that only a couple of months ago there was hardly any mention of TKG on his site, and he presented himself as the only disciple of this Narahari Babaji. It's not clear that things add up. I think that's all we're saying. He may be making a sincere effort for spreading the teachings of Mahaprabhu, but his Web sites make him appear to some as an inveterate self-promoter. I mean no offense; however, over several decades of associating with devotees, I've run into many strange people who presented themselves rather aggressively as pure devotees with a special mission.


BTW, here's a note to Vaishnavi-devi: Srila Prabhupada seemed to have little trouble bringing Jews to Krishna consciousness. There's no secret about the number of ISKCON leaders who came from Jewish backgrounds (and this has been a source of rancor for many who come from anti-Semitic backgrounds). It's a rather long and distinguished (some would say notorious, too) list.

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For the record several of the newly registered users in this thread are all the same person.


First they posted how great RKS is, then they posted under a different name saying how he is an offender. And again they posted under a different name how he is a great person.


And the person who asks the first question is the same person who later posts as a registered user who is a disciple of RKS and has known him for years.


I would suggest you don't waste time discussing with these people, because they are actually one person.



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I was wondering about the two newbies that appeared last night at the same time but then I thought "It can happen!!"


During my research I noted that just about every message board possible - no matter what the subject had been hit by "disciples" of RKS with the same message about the wonderful meditation site. Talk about spamming.


Thanks, JNdas for the heads up and letting us know that we were being cheated and scammed.

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when I touched on the "changing the philosophies to suit the listener" thing in an earlier post of mine. I gave this a lot of thought last night after I shut down my computer. I actually figured (correctly) that you (Stonehearted) would talk about it also.


This espionage guru thing just kinda rubbed me the wrong way and did not ring realistic. Read like some kind of spy novel.


Just how much of Vaishnavi devi (??) post was fact or fiction - we will never know. I for one am not going to waste any more time trying to ask him/her/it questions to get the truth.

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A lot of people engage in self-promotion in the name of Gaudiiya Vaishnavism. Some of these individuals may be sincere; others may be interested in self-aggrandizement. But in all cases the essence of the preaching is lost. Preaching is meant for satisfying Krishna - in that sense it is kiirtana. If the motivation, however subtle, is to become a big guru with many followers then that it is not "preaching," strictly speaking, as Krishna-conscious principles would have us understand it.


There is no shortage these days of people who want to "preach." They flood the internet with advertisements of "spiritual sexology,Eastern meditation,Ancient Yoga," etc etc. The methods are clearly meant to grab the most number of people by appealing to the lowest common denominator with the least amount of effort. The idea of sacrifice is lost in such efforts.


Compare and contrast this "modern-day" approach to the attitude of an ideal brahmachari disciple of Srila Prabhupada, dressed in dhoti and tilak, carrying only his bead bag and few other possessions, speaking humbly but authoritatively based on scripture, distributing books on the streets where he is invariably looked down upon by all karmis for his "bizarre" appearance. He has to endure many condescending if not openly hostile looks before he can even distribute one book. This brahmachari learns every day what it means to be humble, if he keeps Krishna's and guru's teachings in his heart. An ideal brahmachari - perhaps a romantic notion in this day and age, but I trust the point is clear.


Despite all the newer and innovative ways of spreading "Krishna-consciousness" - the flashy websites, the catchy mailing lists, the yoga classes, the mantra rock and roll, etc etc, it is the humble but uncompromising brahmachari on the streets who outdoes all of them in dedication, potency, and sincerity.





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in case our friend - Vaisnavi devi, golden light, guest, guest or guest - comes back in to read.


This concerns the "fake" female sannyasis - From the very beginning there have been women in Srila Prabhupada's movement - He did not have to resort to underhanded tactics to attract anyone - be it women, jewish, white, black!!


Prabhupada preached in some very hostile environments without compromise and look what He accomplished.


There are many people out there that will not distinguish RKS's ways from Prabhupada's movement and this is where I get angry!


Ok, I am out of here for now as I am quickly becoming passionately angry. VD, GL or whatever other name you might choose - goodbye!!!

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