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do you espect that ,after this big demonstration of an evolute and uncomparable use of the rethoric and having you revealed your very high philosophical scholarship, we all bow silently at your feet ?


we are in september, weather is very good, go outside, pick flowers, make long walks, have an ice cream, play soccer with other children...

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do you think to be serious thinking to destroy the beliefs of one's life only because some matherialists say that bible is a scripture and mahabharata is a myth?


karl marx said that "religion is opium for the people" and there was (and there are) millions of humans living more or less happily in this philosophy .. many more than the ones who really follow the teachings of bible and mahabharata


The question has not been answered because there's nothing to answer


but please go on..... i am italian, i am using you to practice english

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(1) What is the relationship between the Aryans of India (Brahmins) and the Aryans of Germany (Hitler's Nazis)?


(2) Why do the Brahmins and Nazis have the same symbol - the Swastika? (Look at the racist National Front symbols in South Africa).

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it is a joke... there's a plethora of horror movies with crosses and churches... porn movies with priests and nuns.. and funny western movies with strange and drunk fanatical bible preachers...


i do not even dream to associate them with you or lord jesus


you are uselessly offensive, what is your purpose to say that vedantist are nazist? what do you want to obtain?

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Well for starters, no one invited you in this conversation. It was a very pleasant conversation regarding Hindu marriage ceremonies. Now, if you cannot comprehend where your comments are welcome, then, sorry to say, but THAT IS YOUR PROBLEM, not us "Hare Krishna and Hindu people". I know this observation may come as a shock for you.


Also, this is a Hindu forum, so, we are allowed to quote from our relgious books. This is not a classroom nor is it a session of Congress where comments of religion are not welcome(but somehow, you people seem to sneak it in, forgetting your own laws of separation of church and state). Therefore, our beliefs and philosophies are welcome here without fear of humility. Don't think I dont know how christians look upon us!! (i believe the term is "ungodly savages") I have been in the company of christians my entire life. YOu christians are far from saintly. YOu cannot even simply follow one of Jesus' main points-Tolerence. I know you Christians believe that you have the right to spread your words where ever or to whom ever you want, neglecting a peoples right to choose which relgion or no religion they practice. I believe that this would be a form of non-Tolerence.


If there is anything you can learn from Hinduism ( the oldest religion in the world to date, or in your words "an epic religion") that we do not press or force people to join our religion. Nor do we visit slums and pay a families out of poverty if only they change their religious prefrences. Wow the tolerence there is just unbounding(sarcasam, if you ae unable it pick it up). There have been many many instances where christians have done terrible things "In the name of God". Wow more tolerence there(sarcasam, if you are unable it pick it up).nor do we go to war over religion. In fact, there has never been a hindu religious war (and please do not embarass yourself by saying the conflict b/w India and Pakistan is a religious quarrel, because, it is not. Read your History books for a better understanding)


I just got a little upset /images/graemlins/mad.gif when in our own forum we get ostrisized for our beliefs. This person is such a coward that he/she refused to even give their name.


Furthermore, my question to you is does Jesus' life mean nothing to you? You seem as though you are a devout christian, fighting for your place just to pray. If there is one thing that Jesus' preached, it was tolerence. In my opinion, every christian out there now today fails miserablely living life without compassion and tolerence for others.


For the record, Jesus would be very disappointed in the way you people have turned his name into what is now known as Christainity. i feel sorry for him. because if i was a marytr, i would not want followers like you! that is for certain.


If i have offended any hindus in this reply, please forgive. and Bhagavan, please forgive me for losing my temper.


also, Hitler, an insane person used the Swastika from our scriptures. Did you even look at it. Hitler reversed the sign it is not the same sign we use in our religious cermonies. if you have not notice, the more and more you stretch out this coversation, you are showing us how insanely stupid you really are. did you even realize that during wwII india was under the rule of great britain, how can we be the same people??? yes, our origins maybe the same, but, our evolution is entirely different. the nazis were christians, as you are, and bhramins are hindu. Just a reminder. For crying out loud, before your next insanely rediculous post, please, please , i urge you, read a history book and stop wasting our time!!!!


Jai Shree Krishna

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Now, once on books I met with one of these athiests and they challenged me to provet that god existed.


I said I will tell you right after you answer my question


Q "Whats the definition of an Athiest?


A "Someone who doesnt believe in god"


Me "So without god there woudnt be an athiest right?


He "Interesting point.


Me "Have a look at this book(Science of Self Realization)


He "Thanks but I still dont believe"


Me "You dont need to, he believes in you and just read the book"


So without god there woudnt be an athiest right?????

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So good news kim, you are not a full fledged atheist afterall. Assuming you believe in time that is.



This comment actually got me thinking about something Srila Prabhupada said. Now I would never wilfully drive a thread off-topic but I think this thread is already beyond repair regarding Hindu marriages, so please allow me to put my two cents in the slot machine. Well anyway, remember how Srila Prabhupada once gave the example of how the laws of nature will always go on no matter if no one believes in them? He also gave the example that a criminal will be arrested no matter how much he denies that the law exists, and so on.

Add this to an adaptation of Karl Marx's infamous statemet and you get this:


"Atheism is the opium of the people."


It really is. So many people are happy to live in this illusion of atheism, yet foolishly demand "proof" of God's existence and mock those who believe in it. Yep, it's true. These people are high on opium! /images/graemlins/grin.gif


Having said all that, I have nothing against atheists personally. A good number of them are friends of mine. Still, we manage to tolerate and respect each other's beliefs but we also have the right to believe in our own opinions. So this is my opinion.

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atheism is just another temporary false designation. No one is really an atheist, it is just a passing mental condition, like being a drug addict.


God lives in the "atheist" also, rather they admit it or not.


I have a different problem. I believe in God but I resent Him for being number 1 with no chance left for me to take His spot.


But this bummed theist condition is also just a temporary mental condition that I will grow out of someday and realize myself as the tiny servant of those that serve Him with love, ad infinitum.

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