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Why did God Create all these Religions?

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God did not created religion. Who says so? Religion was not even a word then. Even the old Testament or the Reg Vedas don't mention this. Religion is here becasue there are lot's of people that wanted to partake the Glory of God for their own! And also worth mentioning the smell of money in their hands, tax free!

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The Birth of Religions


People have always wondered who created the world, and why. The above question, also arose in the minds of the people who lived, many many years ago. These ancient people started to have faith in an intelligent, Benign (good) Being, who they called God. These people developed their own method of worship. That is how so many religions came into existence. Since the Sun gives Light, Warmth, and therefore Life, many ancient religions worshipped the sun as god.


When people learned to cultivate crops, they realized that rains were important. So they started to believe in a rain god and developed a method of worship. For various such reasons, ancient people worshipped mountains, rivers, trees etc.


Since man is happy when he receives gifts, the ancient people started to believe that gods could be made happy, by the offering of presents. Some practices arose which included various sacrifices to please the gods.

The ancient people started to build a house of god. The Hindus call it a temple, a Christian a church… These houses of/for God were/are run by priests. These priests, sometimes, stated that such and such worship was/is required, for the well-being of the person, for the problem that he was/is currently facing. Elaborate, expensive modes of worship came into existence.


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We have been graciously invited to this Hindu forum, open to peoples of all religions, to share and discuss our different paths to G-d.


Please show some respect towards their sacred books.


Christianism has also been rather intolerant in the past (I am the ONLY way). We are not interested in useless, destructive criticism. Thank-you.

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I saw a whole different meaning for the passage in parenthesis below: In Catholicism I was told when very young. Love god, obey god. Then I was asked the question. If god told you to kill would you? And I said, No.

And my teacher said, but you said you would 'obey god'. And I said yes. But a true god, would never ask me to kill anyone, not even to test my faith in him. Only a deceiver, an evil force try to take me away from God's truth.

In the passage below, "the Lord is" - the Authorized Vedic literatures, the Upanishads, Puranas and Naradapancaratra.

Therefore, if 'the Lord' ignored it, he would not truly be a Lord, but a deceiver, a pretender, and should be viewed for what it is. The truth remains the same eternally, as does God's word. -bium


Bhagavad Gita and Srila Prabhupada commenting on Chapter 7 text 2. Srila Rupa Gosvami writes in his Bhakti-rasamrta-sindhu: "

"Devotional service to the Lord that ignores the authorized Vedic literatures like the Upanisads, Puranas and Narada-pancaratra is simply an unnecessary disturbance in


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I don't understand why you are getting mad at me. I simply quoted something out of the introduction to Srimad Bhagavatam. I was just joking about the Mormon thing. God bless the Mormons. If you have a problem with Srimad Bhagavatam please leave me out of it because I don't feel I have any authority to question its legitimacy.I never would have dreamed I would have invoked so much anger.

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My dear guest,



Here are some more quotes for you out of the introduction to Srimad Bhagavatam. "The Lord said that but for these three items- namely, eternal relation with God, exchange of dealings with Him, and the attainment of love for Him- all that is instructed in the Vedas is superflous and concocted."


I hope it is in this spirit of attainment for the love for God that we can put aside our animosity and Chant Hare Krishna together.


Thank you very much.


Hare Krishna

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"The great Mayavadi sannyasi Prakasananda inquired from the Lord as to the reason for His preferring the sankirtana movement to the study of the Vedantra-sutra. What caused the Lord to indulge in sankirtana?"


"After this inquiry, the Lord submissively replied: "I have taken to the sankirtana movement instead of the study of Vedanta because I am a great fool." The Lord thus represented Himself as one of the numberless fools of this age who are absolutely incapable of studying the Vedanta philosophy. The fools' indulgence in the study of Vedanta has caused so much havoc in society. The Lord thus continued: "And because I am a great fool, My spiritual master forbade me to play with Vedanta philosophy. He said it is better that I chant the holy name of the Lord, for that would deliver Me from material bondage."


"In this age of Kali there is no other religion but the glorification of the Lord by the utterance of His holy name, and that is the injunction of all the revealed scriptures."

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  • 1 month later...

Hare Krsna Dear Bhaktas (those on the path of Love of Godhead),


As i remember Srila Prabhupada said....... Religion without Philosophy is Sentimental,and Philosophy without Religion is Mental Speculation. /images/graemlins/confused.gif


Only the Sanatana Dharma or Eternal Charactersitic of the Souls is the Perfect Philosophy/Religion, from Prabhupada we are awakened to that. Now we just have to give up all the other Religions(for me the "religion"to give up is sense gratification). True Christianity would be to follow Christ as He showed us which also would be Perfect Religion/Philosophy.All Glories to Lord Jesus Christ /images/graemlins/smile.gif

All Glories to Srila Prabhupada(who helped us to understand Lord Jesus the Christ,our "GURU") /images/graemlins/smile.gif

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