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Meeting with Bhati Caru Swami & Bhatimarga swami

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serve him by remembering his instructions. There is no difference between the spiritual masters instructions and the spiritual master himself. In the absence therefore, his words of direction should be pride of the disciple.


(CC(1975 Ed) Adi 1.35)



He lives forever by his divine instructions, and the follower lives with him.


(SB(1962 Ed) Preface)


He reasons ill who tells that Vaisnavas die, when thou art still living in sound.


(Bhaktivinoda Thakur b)



Yes, the ecstacy of separation of Spiritual Master is even greater ecstasy than meeting with him.


(Letter to Jadurani, 13/1/68)



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"Thousands of Srila Prabhupada's disciples had no contact with the physical body of SP "


it is an emergency.. so many disciples in so many countries, more than a regular spiritual master have to accept


the assumption that vani is good, cannot bring us at the horrible paradox that vapu has no value or is negative!!


vapu+vani... where is the difficult?


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Why it's so difficult to just go on following what Srila Prabhupada started?


If nobody can show any comments from Srila Prabhupada, that vapu (His physical body) is needed for becoming his disciple, then why you guys go on telling that kind of bhogus propaganda?


Srila Prabhupada teaches the opposite:


The chanting Hare Krishna is our main business, that is real initiation. And as you are all following my instruction, in that matter, the initiator is already there.

(Letter to Tamal Krishna, 19/8/68)


Eternal bond between disciple and Spiritual Master begins from the day he hears.


(Letter to Jadurani, 4/9/72)


These are not ordinary books. It is recorded chanting. Anyone who reads, he is hearing.


(Letter to Rupanuga Das, 19/10/74)


So my Guru Maharaja will be very, very much pleased with you ... it is not that he is dead and gone. That is not spiritual understanding ... he is seeing. I never feel that I am alone.


(Lecture, 2/3/75)


As far as my blessing is concerned, it does not require my physical presence. If you are chanting Hare Krsna there, and following my instructions, reading the books, taking only Krsna prasadam etc., then there is no question of your not receiving the blessings of Lord Caitanya, whose mission I am humbly trying to push on.


(Letter to Bala Krsna, 30/6/74)




We're always feeling your presence very strongly, Srila Prabhupada, simply by your teachings and your instructions. We're always meditating on your instructions.


Srila Prabhupada:


Thank you. That is the real presence. Physical presence is not important.


(Room Conversation, Vrndavana, 6/10/77)


Therefore we should take advantage of the Vani, not the physical presence.


(Letter to Suci Devi Dasi, 4/11/75)


Although according to material vision His Divine Grace Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarsavati Thakura Prabhupada passed away from this material world on the last day of December 1936, I still consider his Divine Grace to be always present with me by his vani, his words. There are two ways of association - by vani and by vapuh. Vani means words and vapuh means physical presence. Physical presence is sometimes appreciable and sometimes not, but Vani continues to exist eternally. Therefore, one must take advantage of the Vani, not the physical presence.


(CC, Antya 5 Conclusion)


There are two conceptions, the physical conception and the vibrational conception. The physical conception is temporary. The vibrational conception is eternal.[...] When we feel separation from Krsna or the Spirirual Master, we should just try to remember their words or instructions, and we will no longer feel that separation. Such association with Krsna and the Spiritual Master should be association by vibration not physical presence. That is real association.


(Elevation to Krsna Consciousness,(BBT 1973), Page 57)


Physical presence is immaterial. Presence of the transcendental sound received from the Spiritual Master should be the guidance of life. That will make our spiritual life successful. If you feel very strongly about my absence you may place my pictures on my sitting places and this will be source of inspiration for you.


(Letter to Brahmananda and other students, 19/1/67)


So we should associate by vibration, and not by the physical presence. That is real association.


(Lectures SB, 68/08/18)


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all this nice quotes say only that vani is more important than vapu.. or phisical presence without remembering is nothing... not that vapu is not valid, favorable to the spiritual advancement and to be avoided


(krsna and balarama lived in the house of guru sandipani muni)


the post samadhi initiation theory is only a reaction to the falldown of many gurus in iskcon.. i.e. "better books that bogus"

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"all this nice quotes say only that vani is more important than vapu.. or phisical presence without remembering is nothing... not that vapu is not valid, favorable to the spiritual advancement and to be avoided"


Nobody told that vapu is not favorable. There is nothing wrong in vapu and it should not be avoided. But still the question stands:

Where you can find comment from Srila Prabhupada, that His vapu is needed to become His disciple?


"(krsna and balarama lived in the house of guru sandipani muni)"


I would also like to live in the house of Srila Prabhupada, but Hi lives always in His Divine instructions and the follower lives whit Him.


"the post samadhi initiation theory is only a reaction to the falldown of many gurus in iskcon.. i.e. "better books that bogus"


I don't know about that theory. I'm just telling what Srila Prabhupada told. Hi started the system, where His vapu was not needed for one to become His disciple and to get initiation from Him. And there is no need for me to show any more comments from Srila Prabhupada about that, since opposing party has not presented anything from Srila Prabhupada to support what They are telling.



Maybe I should register as user? So nice discussions here.

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"Hi started the system, where His vapu was not needed for one to become His disciple and to get initiation from Him"


the right version is ""He, IN A SITUATION OF EMERGENCY, USED the system, where His vapu was LESS IMPORTANT for one to become His disciple and to get initiation from Him"


you do not need any other demonstration because the "strange" and "illogic" theory is yours not mine..


if i have a teacher surely he can say that if i am disattentive in the classroom it is like not to beeing there, and that homework is extremely important


but nobody has find a real and effective to build schools only based on books, records, cassettes, cd roms etc.


try to learn architecture or medicine at university level only with books and tapes!!

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Yes prabhu, it was a nice conversation and I thank you for it. Honest and dignified exchange of ideas between devotees is very important. My understanding is limited, but grows through such sincere discussions. Nobody should be afraid to express their doubts or understanding, even when matters are controversial and emotionally charged. We all miss Srila Prabhupada and care deeply about the future of his mission... Hare Krishna!

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"the right version is ""He, IN A SITUATION OF EMERGENCY, USED the system, where His vapu was LESS IMPORTANT for one to become His disciple and to get initiation from Him"


Where He says that it was emergency? And where He says that it should only go on for so long then His material body is present?


"you do not need any other demonstration because the "strange" and "illogic" theory is yours not mine.. "


I'm not presenting anything which is not presented by Srila Prabhupada.


"but nobody has find a real and effective to build schools only based on books, records, cassettes, cd roms etc."


"try to learn architecture or medicine at university level only with books and tapes!! "


Good point. That's why we have other devotees, senior god-brothers and sannyasis. It's kanistha-adhikaris (third class devotee) mentality to see only ones own guru and deity of the Lord, without seeing other vaisnavas.


When Srila Prabhupa was physically present older devotees teached the younger ones everything what they have learned from Srila Prabhupada. Only very few devotees associated directly with Srila Prabhupada. Most of His disciples show Him only few times or never.


It's very important for ones spiritual live to have many good siksa-gurus around and to listen them also. Of cource siksa-guru is siksa-guru only if His teachings are in line with Srila Prabhupada.

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I now registered as user, so everybody can see who is writing.


I completely agree with you that: "Nobody should be afraid to express their doubts or understanding, even when matters are controversial and emotionally charged" and "Nobody should be afraid to express their doubts or understanding, even when matters are controversial and emotionally charged".


Looking forward to have more discussions about Krishna and His devotees.


Sri Krishna, the Personality of Godhead, who is the Paramatma [supersoul] in everyone's heart and the benefactor of the truthful devotee, cleanses desire for material enjoyment from the heart of the devotee who has developed the urge to hear His messages, which are in themselves virtuous when properly heard and chanted.


(Bhagavatam 1.2.17)


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PAMHO Bhaga prabhu. All glories to Srila Prabhupada!


It is very important that we devotees learn to appreciate each other despite our differences in understanding or practice. In this great effort to spread Lord Caitanya's mission we must firmly stand sholder to shoulder, like the very diverse Pandava army at Kuruksetra.

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Is Srila Bhaktivedanta Svami Prabhupada your

Sravana guru

or your zikSa guru

or maybe your dikSa guru

your param guru or

your param param guru?


What do you know about the GbC Prabhupadanuga doctrine isued 1996-1997, as I was fed up with, without to know what was behind?

From this basic doctrine emerged many more that are against bhakti: one does not need a guru, one does not need dikSa,

bhakti dependes only on the mercy of Krsna, you should make pancakes, and bhakti will come...

So that noone should know waht is bhakti, the sadhana and the sadya.


Negative utopia, like in the comunist countries:

One can fool all for some time,

one can fool some people all the time,

but one cannot fool all the people all the time.


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Well Prabhu, I don't agree what you are saying. Nobody is Srila Prabhupada's follower without following His instructions. One has to chant 16 rounds, follow 4 regs, read Srila Prabhupadas books everyday, accept every single sloka what is in His books and so on.


ISKCON Bangalore is distributing more books then any other Temple and everyday They distribute Prasadam for 60 000 hungry children. So if you say that they are not following Srila Prabhupada, then please tell me what those devotees do, who you think are following better?


Let's judge for the results.


I don't know about the GBC Prabhupadanuga issue and to honestly tell I'm not so interested for it. What is important is to do what Srila Prabhupada wanted and if you are trying to tell that I'm fooling for someone, then please show something from Srila Prabhupada to support what you are telling. Otherwise it has no value for me.

Hare Krishna!

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PAMHO Prabhu! Srila Prabhupada ki jaya!


"It is very important that we devotees learn to appreciate each other despite our differences in understanding or practice. In this great effort to spread Lord Caitanya's mission we must firmly stand sholder to shoulder, like the very diverse Pandava army at Kuruksetra. "


I completely agree whit that.

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Haribol, you state: "Well Prabhu, I don't agree what you are saying. Nobody is Srila Prabhupada's follower without following His instructions. One has to chant 16 rounds, follow 4 regs, read Srila Prabhupadas books everyday, accept every single sloka what is in His books and so on."


This is not correct, never was, never will be. Even to be an initiated disciple, there are no such qualifiers. While it can be generally said that these things are required, such a statement cannot be made unless it is made by Prabhupada, which many revisionists think they are. Srila Prabhupada alone accepts who is his disciple, and it is quite puffed up for one to grab his throne and make such decisions.


Srila Prabhupada has many faithful disciples and followers who do not chant 16 rounds, and do not follow the regs. These folks comprise the vast majority of his disciples and followers, those who are otherwise known as kanistha adhikaris. The boundries you set are not limiting GURUKRPA in any way. He never rejects those who may fall away because of nasty habits, but maybe you want him to. He actually initiated a boy in honolulu that was brain damaged, and he spent all day just trying to chant one round. This was his requirement for initiation. I quit the movement, and told Srila Prabhupada that I couldnt accept second initiation because I had a problem with the ganja. His instructions to me (through a respected siksa big brother devotee) was that he was very pleased with my decision, that he wished his other followers were as honest, and that I should always try to cut down on habitual sense activities. So ya see, you may reject me because of what you want Prabhupada to be, but Srila Prabhupada is quite different to me, as well as all the others who have had the fortune to even read a passage in His Books.


Good job on your book distribution, but your devotional service should never make you proud of your accomplishments, for the devotee always considers his service greatly lacking and insufficient.


haribol, ys, mahaksadasa


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"Where He says that it was emergency? And where He says that it should only go on for so long then His material body is present?"

- if we read any scripture we can observe that a guru has 3... 12 ..... 25 disciples .. not 7000.. the fact that srila prabhupada had 7000 disciples is because in this world there is not the big number of pure gurus that there were in the vedic era.. so srila prabhupada accepted take this burden


there's no need of specific instructions ... a disciple, when the master leaves the planet, can accept disciples without breaking the etiquette


"I'm not presenting anything which is not presented by Srila Prabhupada."

-prabhupada says in gita.. tad viddhi pranipatena... accept a spiritual master.... make questions!!!


"Good point. That's why we have other devotees, senior god-brothers and sannyasis. It's kanistha-adhikaris (third class devotee) mentality to see only ones own guru and deity of the Lord, without seeing other vaisnavas."

-no prabhu... i am of course neither a adhikari.. i am a dog.. but i want that vaishnavas became gurus!! If you admit that they are siksa, what is the big difference if they give also initiation and became diksa? if i am able to give siksa.. i can also give diksa!!!


or prabhupada is the only guru and we are all the same with no inferior and superior... or if there's teachers and alumns, the teacher have alle the features of teachers and can give initiation... otherwise it is illogic


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Here are some direct quotes from Srila Prabhupada from his books, conversations and letters to disciples which dispel the misconception of the ritvik idea. If you want to understand Srila Prabhupada and his instructions you have to look at his entire corpus of teachings. Additionally you will have to bring an open heart and mind with you so that you don't read with an eye to justify a preconcieved idea rather than reading with the idea of learning and changing/improving yourself. Additionally, if you really want to understand the words written and spoken by Srila Prabhupada you will need the help of a pure devotee who can guide you and help you to reconcile all the teachings and make sense of it all. I have included the words of Srila Prabhupada's Guru at the end of all the quotes by Prabhupada himself to illustrate the point. He is emphatic about the absolute need to hear the words from a pure devotee rather than merely reading them and conjecturing on their meaning oneself, which will only lead to confusion. All of these quotes are taken from a very nice article refuting the ritvik misconception written by Srila Prabhupada's disciple Bhakti Bhavana Vishnu Maharaja. Here is a link to the article of origen should you care to view the context within which the quotes below have been presented by Maharaja.

http://www.gosai.com/chaitanya/saranagati/html/vishnu_mjs/ritvik/index.html - it's a long URl so you may have to copy and paste.


"One should not proudly think that one can understand the transcendental loving service of the Lord simply by reading books... One must accept a Vaisnava guru

(adau gurv-asrayam), and then by questions and answers one should gradually learn what pure devotional service to Krsna is. That is called the parampara system." (Cc. Antya-lila 7.53, purp.) — AC Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada

I wish that in my absence all my disciples become the bona fide spiritual master to spread Krsna consciousness throughout the whole world. (SPL Madhusudana, Nov. 2, 1967)


Regarding your question about the disciplic succession coming down from Arjuna, it is just like I have got my disciples, so in the future these many disciples may have many branches of disciplic succession. (Los Angeles, 25 January, 1969)


Every one of you should be spiritual master next. (Hamburg, September 5, 1969)


These students, who are initiated from me, all of them will act as I am doing. Just like I have got many Godbrothers, they are all acting. Similarly, all these disciples which I am making, initiating, they are being trained to become future spiritual masters. (RC Detroit, July 18, 1971)


You, all my disciples, everyone should become spiritual master. (London, August 22, 1973)


Every student is expected to become acarya. Acarya means one who knows the scriptural injunctions and follows them practically in life, and teaches them to his disciples... I want to see my disciples become bona fide Spiritual Master and spread Krishna consciousness very widely, that will make me and Krishna very happy... Keep trained up very rigidly and then you are bonafide Guru, and you can accept disciples on the same principle. But as a matter of etiquette it is the custom that during the lifetime of your Spiritual master you bring the prospective disciples to him, and in his absence or disappearance you can accept disciples without any limitation. This is the law of disciplic succession. (SPL Tusta Krsna, December 2, 1975)


The word guru [in this verse, yei krsna-tattva sei guru haya] is equally applicable to vartma-pradarsaka-guru, siksa-guru and diksa-guru. Unless we accept the principle enunciated by Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, this Krsna consciousness movement cannot spread all over the world. (Cc. Madhya-lila 8.128, purp.)


One should not proudly think that one can understand the transcendental loving service of the Lord simply by reading books. One must become a servant of a Vaisnava. As Narottama dasa Thakura has confirmed, chadiya vaisnava-seva nistara peyeche keba: one cannot be in a transcendental position unless one very faithfully serves a pure Vaisnava. One must accept a Vaisnava guru (adau gurv-asrayam), and then by questions and answers one should gradually learn what pure devotional service to Krsna is. That is called the parampara system." (Cc. Antya-lila 7.54,purp.)


The disciple, if he cannot understand the statement of the scriptures or any saintly person, he submits his doubts before the spiritual master and he clears it. In this way we have to make progress. (Montreal, July 9, 1968)


By reading you cannot understand. (Bom. Jan. 8, 1977)


Question: Through a book can you contact the spiritual master?

Prabhupada: No, you have to associate.

Devotee: "Can you associate through a book?" she asked.

Prabhupada: Yes, through books and also personal. Because when you make a spiritual master you have got personal touch. Not that in air you make a spiritual master. You make a spiritual master concrete. So as soon as you make a spiritual master, you should be inquisitive. (RC London, Sept. 23, 1969)


Eulogy of Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura


by Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Saraswati Thakura


(The Harmonist, Dec. 1931, vol. XXIX No. 6)


It is not empiric wisdom that is the object of quest of the devotee. Those who read the scriptures for gathering empiric wisdom will be pursuing the wild goose chase... The mutual admiration society of dupes does not escape, by the mere weight of their number, the misfortunes due to the deliberate pursuit of the wrong course in accordance with the suggestions of our lower selves... Thakura Bhaktivinoda is acknowledged by all his sincere followers as possessing the powers of the pure devotee of Godhead.


His words have to be received from the lips of a pure devotee. If his words are listened from the lips of a non-devotee they will certainly deceive. If his works are studied in the light of one's own worldly experience their meaning will refuse to disclose itself to such readers. His works belong to the class of the eternal revealed literature of the world and must be approached for their right understanding through their exposition by the pure devotee. If no help from the pure devotee is sought, the works of Thakura Bhaktivinoda will be grossly misunderstood by their readers. The attentive reader of those works will find that he is always directed to throw himself upon the mercy of the pure devotee if he is not to remain unwarrantably self-satisfied by the deluding results of his wrong method of study.


The writings of Thakura Bhaktivinoda are valuable because they demolish all empiric objections against accepting the only method of approaching the Absolute in the right way. They cannot and were never intended to give access to the Absolute without help from the pure devotee of Krishna. They direct the sincere enquirer of the truth, as all the revealed scriptures do, to the pure devotee of Krishna to learn about Him by submitting to listen with an open mind to the transcendental sound appearing on his lips. Before we open any of the books penned by Thakura Bhaktivinoda, we should do well to reflect a little on the attitude which serves as the indispensable prerequisite to approach its study. It is by neglecting to remember this fundamental principle that the empiric pedants find themselves so hopelessly puzzled in their vain endeavor to reconcile the statements of the different texts of the scriptures. The same difficulty is already in process of overtaking many of the so-called followers of Thakura Bhaktivinoda and for the same reason...


Those who want to understand the contents of the volumes penned by the piecemeal acquisitive method applicable to deluding knowledge available to the mind on the mundane plane, are bound to be self-deceived. Those who are sincere seekers of the truth are alone eligible to find Him, in and through the proper method of His quest.


In order to be put on the track of the Absolute, listening to the words of the pure devotee is absolutely necessary. The spoken word of the Absolute is the Absolute. It is only the Absolute Who can give Himself away to the constituents of His power. The Absolute appears to the listening ear of the conditioned soul in the form of the name on the lips of the sadhu. This is the key to the whole position. The words of Thakura Bhaktivinode direct the empiric pedant to discard his wrong method and inclination on the threshold of the real quest of the Absolute. If the pedant still chooses to carry his errors into the realm of the Absolute Truth he only marches by the deceptive by-path into the regions of darker ignorance by his arrogant study of the scriptures. The method offered by Thakura Bhaktivinoda is identical with the object of the quest. The method is not really grasped except by the grace of the pure devotee. The arguments, indeed, are these. But they can only corroborate, but can never be a substitute for, the word from the living source of the Truth who is no other than the pure devotee of Krishna, the concrete Personal Absolute.


I hope these quotes from Srila Prabhupada and his Guru will help you.


Your servant,

Audarya-lila dasa

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Dandavats. Thank you very much for those slokas. That was just what I was praying that somebody sends. Now I will send them to ritviks and will see what they answer. I myself still don't know if ritviks are right or not. But I want to know the truth. Thank you ones again Prabhu.

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Thanks for correcting me. I think you must be right and I made mistake by writing that one can be Srila Prabhupadas follower only if one follows Srila Prabhupadas instructions, becose one must be very pure that it's possible to follow all instructions of Srila Prabhupada. Well, I'm not eaven near of that level myself.


Maybe it's better to say that everybody who wants to follow Prabhupadas instructions is His follower.

Hare Krishna!



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Now I found the ritviks response for it. That makes sense. Please see:



This is in response to the paper -'Illuminations on Guru Parampara. An Essay Addressing the Ritvik Misconception in light of bona-fide siddhanta' by Sripad Bhakti Bhavana Visnu Maharaja.


I think it's not needed that I send hole response here, becose if someone is interested they can go to above adress to see it.



moderators note: posts anything pertinent here.

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Please take note carefully of a few important points. The refutation paper 'brushes' aside comments made directly by Srila Prabhupada as irrelevant because they came to light historically many years after his entrance into samadhi - this is not a good argument and merely avoids addressing the actual points that he was making. The paper did not adress many of the quotes. Saying that Tusta Krsna was an upstart does not prove such, nor does it say anything about what Srila Prabhupada wrote to him concerning diksha and his expectations for all his disciples. There was no mention whatsoever of the purport from CC where Srila Prabhupada very clearly says that one cannot get proper instruction from a book, but rather needs to associate with a pure vaishnava and take diksha and siksha from him.


Regarding the idea that everything is in Srila Prabhupada's books - that's true - in his books he clearly says that one who is serious about spiritual life must read the sandarbhas of Jiva Goswami. He makes a similar statement regarding Sri Brhad Bhagavatamrta. If you look in the folio you will also see that Srila Prabhupada refuted the idea that he didn't want his disciples to read the books of the previous acharyas - quite the opposite is true. So, in his books you will find the instruction to read other books and to seek out good guidance - exactly what the author of the article I directed you to was saying.


Overall, I felt that the refutation was very weak and avoided adressing the real issues that were raised. Read the words at the end of the article by Srila Bhaktisiddhanta regarding access to divine knowledge. It is the same instruction that Srila Prabhupada himself gave - find good company and learn from one who is a living example - the person Bhagavata.


your servant,

Audarya-lila dasa

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You are right, this is not so simple thing. I also readed Gopiparanadhana dasas Sri Brhad Bhagavatamrta and it was one of the best books I have ever found. Very interesting and same time you want to know what happens next. I almost could not take my eyes away from it before the last page. Have to read it again when I have time. Do you know if Volume two is already available?


I still don't think, that ritvik is bhogus, becose it was started by Srila Prabhupada and he never said that it should finish when He's physical body is finish. Instead he told that we should not make any changes in ISKCON.


But also I think that if somebody wants to take initiation from some disciple of Srila Prabhupada there is nothing wrong with that if that guru is uttama-adhikari. But for me it's more save just to take shelter from Srila Prabhupada, becose I'm not so advanced that I can see who is uttama and who is something else.


Ritviks have good and clear answer for every opposite opinion

.... and I have to honestly say that I'm never seeing anybody supporting better what they are saying with Srila Prabhupada then ritviks.




moderators note: link removed, provide anything pertinent here


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don't know about the GBC Prabhupadanuga issue and to honestly tell I'm not so interested for it. What is important is to do what Srila Prabhupada wanted



Look at this meeting in Canada. They do not know even now

what SBV Svami Prabhupada wanted.

Do not think that you know what he wanted.

Don't be to much external.


SBV Svami Prabhupada said that his mission is successful if

he can make one person to be kRSNa conscious, namely to make a pure devotee.


A pure devotee can be understood only by a pure devotee,

which is of the same heart , suhRd.


Don't be to much external.

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