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Spiritualize our surroundings...

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I have done some things around my house and property to help me to remember Lord Krsna. I would like to share some of this with you all in the hopes that others will also share.


I live on five acres so I was able to do some things outside as well as inside. Some of the outdoor things I have done are:


I have named the three ponds that I put in Govinda Kund, Radha Kund and Shyama Kund. I have two flower gardens that I planted for Lord Krsna's flower offerings and these are named Vrndavan Garden and Govinda's Garden. Within Govinda's Garden I also have Jayaradhe's Memorial flowers for Krsna.


I made a nice size hill in the back of the property which is of course, Govardhana Hill and I am just starting to landscape this - so far only two trees are on it.


Also, on the back of the property is the start of a larger long shaped pond which is to be called Yamuna. I have planted over 100 trees on the property some are only a few feet tall others are 15 or so feet tall - someday I hope that the yard will then resemble something of a forest.


So now, when I go to work in the yard I think - today I shall work around Shyama kund etc thus remembering the pastimes and names of Lord Krsna.


My point is spiritualizing our surroundings is really quite simple. All I did was name the different areas etc in my yard. Inside, I have pictures on the two bulletins boards surrounding my desk - some are photos from India of Prabhupada's quarters and other Holy places. I also have an altar set up where I serve my deities.


Some of us live in houses, some in apartments, some with family or friends but there is always something that we can do to remember Lord Krsna.


Please share if you feel so inclined.

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Hare Krishna


I have a small altar at home in a book case 'type thing' I offer flowers (they seem to grow more as I offer!) and some incense, no deity worship, but very nice picture's of Radha-Krishna/Pancha Tattva/SrilaPrabhupada and of course disiplic/six Goswamis and Prahlada Maharaja and Lord Nirsimhadeva, the way I remember Krishna is by talking to Him in my mind like i.e



me>"was that chanting ok"

krishna>"could be better"

me>"next time?"



Haribol...I'm not crazy!


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You are so fortunate to have so much land and Dieties to serve in good devotional concsioiusness.

Alas, i live in a small pokey flat without the service of Sri Arca-Vigraha.Haribol

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that I have had to rename parts of this desert waste land so that I might be able to remember Lord Krsna.


Now I freak out that I will be mis-understood in my purpose of starting this thread!! Sometimes the forums are such a difficult place to be just as the rest of this material world is! I have become parnoid....



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Our external enviroment definetely has an effect on our conciousness. I have pictures up of Radha Krsna but at the same time live like a lazy bachlor sometimes. I don't even look Their way most of the time. I need to be made conscious of these things.


Its like one time a guest challenged this bhakta who was talking about transforming your living space into a temple. The guest asked, "so how do you possibly consider washing your kitchen floor to be spiritual?" The devotee replied , "Just feel that God is coming to lunch."


I was inspired by your post and you shouldn't feel it is being misunderstood.

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I wish I could have so much space to do all that and I probably will in the future /images/graemlins/smile.gif .


For now however, I am happy with Radha Krishna pictures in my room and a rose flower plant that i planted outside for them.


Oh yeah, my parents have a prayer room... and the main diety there is Sri laxmi along with Narayana.


Also we have huge pictures of Tirupathi Venkateshwara Swami(Balaji or Vishnu) and Allumellu manga(laxmi) in that prayer room.

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my anxiety! Thank you for the kind words of encouragement. I am sure you understand as you have also been around the forums for quite sometime!


I enjoyed your story about the floor washing. Everything we do within our homes (ie floor washing0 and without (ie grocery shopping) should be done with Lord Krsna in mind. So hard to remember though.

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That is great that you are able to do these things and that is my point. No matter where we can somehow do something for Lord Krsna. Even prisoners are able to practice Krishna Consciousness!!


I like to have bhajans playing in the background all day as I go about my chores. Of course, I do not always hear them as I get caught up in my own supposed troubles etc but something always draws me back into hearing them. My favorite disks is the Vrndavan Mellows set! Incredible!!



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haribol !

i've mentioned this before in other posts and preach it once again. i work in a auto factory for 1 of the big 3 auto-makers in the US and i'm fortunate enough to have a boom box at my work station. i play a cd of Srila Prabhupada chanting the mahamantra on repeat for 8 hours straight !! people walking by or visiting my work area hear the sweet nectar of Prabhupada chanting the Holyname - i like to call my little work zone a transcendental work area, on account that i'm always listening and remembering Prabhupada and the glories of Sri Krsna !

bhakta mark

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Today I really programmed my environment for remembering Krsna.


It was twelve hours of japa sandwiching two and a half hours of loud congregational chanting and dancing in the middle in front Lord Jagannatha, Lady Subhadra and Lord Baladeva at the Toronto Ratha Yatra.


Just following your feet around on Ratha Yatra day is enough to make one really want to be in this material world.





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I consider my trailer to be a temple to Krishna. It's the best I can do because around here if you try to build anything elaborate you have all sorts of inspectors and county agents telling you what you can and can't do with your own property or in this case with my Dad's property. So far Krishna has protected me and my temple to Krishna from the meat-eaters that are running around in hordes.

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Yes "hordes". Take it too quickly off the shelves and they will form packs and mobs with sharp instruments and prowl the country side for bits and scraps of it.


May Krsna always protect you and your temple from such.


But this is the principle isn't it. What ever we have just change our view of it by using it in Krsna's service.


This is an inspiring thread. Even though I have pictures up etc. I still view my apt. as mine to lounge around in. Krsna is here to add atmosphere to enhance my enjoyment.


No wonder I'm not Krsna Conscious. I'm such a miser. I won't even surrender a room.

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Hare Krishna


A while back I desired to give someone a copy of the Gita, so I thought about a person at my Mums workplace, then changed my mind, then asked my Mum said "how about that lady up the road", I said yeah ok, then ten minutes later my Mum said she'd gave the Gita away, I asked how she did so quickly, what happened was the lady in question came home sick with a bad headache from work, just in time for my Mum to spot her, and this Lady hasn't had a day off in years, I thought how could this have happened, and in a second thought Krishna (supersoul) must have directed her.





<font color="blue">O </font color> <font color="green"> Mind </font color> <font color="red"> Just </font color> <font color="orange">Worship </font color> <font color="black"> Krsna </font color>


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