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how to loose fat

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In the Ayurvedic tradition, FLESH MAKES FLESH. NO other diet works except the ELIMINATION OF MAMMALS' FLESH from your diet! PLEASE take this seriously. ANY methionine your body requires is derivable from MILK (non-fat of course) or milk-derivatives (yoghurt, cheese etc.). If you have problems with your will-power LET ME KNOW over this board and I will inform you of your next step in this scheme. PS Adoption and pursuit of a martial art and its warm-ups and preliminaries via training 3X per week are EQUALLY important in this matter.

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my dear friend,

i would say that the best way is to eat frsh fruits and vegetables, uncooked, as much as you can, and try to refrain from yogurth, milk, sugar... for one or two weeks, an you'll see the difference.

you can eat nuts, cashews, dry fruits to have energy, it will be enough for a while, don't worry.

Also avoid to eat too much in the evening, you can eat at like 5pm, and then fast in the evening. drink some water, and everything will be fine. We Krsna devotees have a tendencie to eat too much sugar and milk, and it's not that good... if you eat less cooked food, you'll be more healthy and you'll lose weight.

Sunanda dasa

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I have taken your advice, I have stoped eating meet, (only at 2 occasions, where there was no other choice) I haven't found a good martial program yet, but I shall join a gym and exrcise there. Martial Arts would be a much more wise decision, but it takes alot of dedication and time.


thank you my friend. Hare Krishna

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Hare Krsna,


My sister is a homeopath as well as an expert in ayurveda.

As she cooks most of the time, i have to eat what she has made and thats a good thing! I have lost so much weight!

she also encourages me to go to sauna(takes the toxins out),swimming, jogging, running etc. in general, cardiovascular activities which work more on the metabolism then the muscles. From what i have learnt from her, either too less weight or too much weight is nothing to do with anything else apart from the disorder or an imbalance in the our metabolism rate, cardiovascular activities balances it all out. also find our what kind of person u are everyone is 2 or either vata pitta or kapa, find out ur nature, are you restless? are you more of a mental person than a physical one, then find out to harmonise your dosas(nature) which food groups should be taken. find out how much calories you burn of in a day this will be analysed on how much activities you do in a day.

Observing ekadashi also helps as the ayurveda says it balances out all the dosas in ourselves. if you find that too hard, as mentioned in the ther posts, its good to have fruits and vegetables also water(detox) if you can do this for a week or so then go back to normal and careful eating. most of our weight is caused by trapped toxins in our body. so first priority is to take these out, by exercise and sensible eating.


I hope that helps,

ys J

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ever since i stopped eating meat and dark sodas, i have lost about 40 lbs. i started in march of 2002 and i have already lost that much! im going to try going vegan, considering that its easier, now with the veggie stores and all.

P.S.- love is great and war sucks!

love you all!! kelly

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That's great Kelly. Congrats on making the change. It takes strength to go against the flow.


What I like about a vegan vs. vegetarian diet is that even by drinking cow's milk we are supporting the slaughter of cows. The male calves are sold by the dairy industry to veal producers. And the cows that produce milk are treated horribly and killed for meat when they are deemed unsuitable for further milk production.


Many Krsna devotees struggle over this issue as we are taught to respect other life forms and especially the cow is considered a type of mother. This is a nice philosophy but in today's western societal framwork this aspect of using dairy products from common commercial dairies makes no sense, at least to me.


Hare Krsna

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I join my buddy theist in congratulating you, Kelly. My older daughter (now 26) became vegan a few years ago, after being raised as a vegatarian, for precisely the reasons theist mentions. She could no longer support what an acquaintance of mine calls the "blood milk industry." I've considered a vegan diet several times for the same reason. Howeve, I've found something even better. When I lived in San Diego, soem Hare krishna devotee friends of mine had a small herd of cows. I supported their efforts tomodel protecting cows by buying thier milk. Here on the Big Island, I have a friend who has an even larger herd, and I get all my milk from him. This is milk from cows I personally know will never be abused in any way and will never be sold for slaughter.


It may be even easier to do if you make friends with other vegans. Go for it!

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Try ingesting your urine everyday first thing in the morning. It works!(it isn't dirty and your own body fluid. There are number of testimonials to support the prqctsise of urine therapy) Try this for a fortnight and see the results!( Besides making you slim and trim, it would correct all the other imbalances of the body including any ailments (hidden, benign or otherwise)

I have found this as the most effective remedy for keeping fit and slim.


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  • 1 month later...
Guest guest

What are you saying here? Urine? Please don't do that. I rather stay fat than drink my urine. It is a unclean and dirthy thing to do, no vaishnava should ever do such thing. Urine contains some junk material which have to leave the body.

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  • 3 weeks later...

You are mistaken. There are umpteen number of sites on Urine therapy You would be surprised to know that tehre are research going on this in UK, Germany and Japan. This apears to be the secret of longeivity and health of our sadhus and yogis.There is a mistaken notion that urine is a dirty thing. In fact no other natural fluid is as pure as urine. It is human being's pharmacopia and ones natural immune and correcting system.Traetr it as a mdeicine and not just a fad or addiction. (WE aren't telling you to ingest gallons of urine but only the morning's midstream urine - dilute it with water to start with (it tastes better than many other fluids or drinks that we ingest and tax our body. After a while you would get used to it)

I have been practising this UT for the past 6 years and can state with cofidence that it really works! It depends on the age when you start it - the countdown or rather the youthfulness is freezed from the age you start, viz., you begin practising UT from the age of 35, then even after 10 years or 20 years you would be young and have the appearance that of a 35 year old! No joking!

UT is to be taken in moderation- the first morning urine is recommended for ingestion as it contain all the necessary ingredients, minerals, hormones of your body and helps in rejuvenation of your body's system, metabolism ,etc. There are many sites on UT. You may visit the site Shirley's Wellness Cafe.com site which is very exhaustive and gives all the required information and many testimonials or visit teh web site of the Bihar Institute of Yoga.

Just try it for a fortnight and you would youeself notice the difference in your body system.







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  • 1 month later...
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  • 5 years later...

make oil intake zero and increase protein in this way u'll shed a lot of weight. protein cuts ur weight like detergent washes dirt. make Vegetables by adding tomato it will increase the taste and have pulse, peas, corn I mean all kind of protein, u can also have non veg if desired without oil, only steamed or roastedand see the miracle. TRY

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  • 5 months later...


How can I loose fat, in the stomach, face, and weist (butt)


I have personally lost over 100 lbs. I also lift weights and have lots of energy.


Here is the best scientific method telling you everything you need to know about eating:<br>www.pcrm.org/health/veginfo/vsk/index.html


And to help you build muscle:


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Let me tell you something, if you can control your food habits like staying away from junk and sweets it makes you loose weight right away ... all you need is firm determination. Another key is to stop eating after 7 PM .. if you're hungry have a cup of tea or fruits.


If you no control over your eating habits then exercise is the key. You got exercise minimum 2 hours a day.


I still remember loosing 30 Kgs of weight when I was in 11th grade. As simple as eating 3 rotis, salad and dal in lunch, no snack in the evening, 3 rotis, salad and dal in dinner and 1/2 hour of walk. I lost this weight in 3 1/2 months.

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Let me tell you something, if you can control your food habits like staying away from junk and sweets it makes you loose weight right away ... all you need is firm determination. Another key is to stop eating after 7 PM .. if you're hungry have a cup of tea or fruits.


If you no control over your eating habits then exercise is the key. You got exercise minimum 2 hours a day.


I still remember loosing 30 Kgs of weight when I was in 11th grade. As simple as eating 3 rotis, salad and dal in lunch, no snack in the evening, 3 rotis, salad and dal in dinner and 1/2 hour of walk. I lost this weight in 3 1/2 months.


Respected members of the forum,


Yes I do agree with Ashi2001. Self-control is important in loosing wieght. Perserverence, knowlege about healthy diet habits are vital to lose weight. Please do not hesitate to get help from doctors, dieticians or any kind of help. There are many methods of losing weight right now, be sure that method you choose is healthy and do not give way to other adverse health effects. Namaste.

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