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fyoo chur

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FYOO CHUR 1995 by mahaksadasa (from Kipu'ka)


As a youth

All I wanted was the future

Always thought about the future

All my planning for the future

All my living for the future


Now it's here

And I paint it every day

But it's always day to day

Praying for another day

Alive for yet another day


Like the sea

Riders need a strong boat

Waves will never sink this boat

Gopal knows we need this boat

So He sends this mercy boat


All this future

Gave it up long time ago

Thought about it years ago

Now it's here but I have to go

The future is long time ago


Send the boat

Cause the future nevermore

Accumulate? I can't. No more

Future plans? I can't. No more

I want to sing and dance some more

Right now I need to love Jah more


Love Jah more?

Singing out His Holy Names

Hear from those who sing His Names

One God. One Love. With all those Names

Sing them all, those Holy Names


Govinda is sure Jah Name

Ramana is sure Jah Name

Krishna is sure Jah Name

King David sang His Holy Names

Solomon, wise, he sang His Names

He sends His sons to praise His Names

Who give their lives to spread His Fame




This song was sung by Kawela twenty five years after we left her

getting ready to give tribute to her slain husband. The occasion was

that the entire infrastructure of her world was dissolved by time,

and this is what dissolves us all. When Kipu'ka was finished, I

could not find an ending, because all the characters took upon

themselves devotional characteristics. They do not ride off into

sunsets like fictional characters do in normal novels, they do not

live happily ever after in illusion, even these fictional characters

have ability to LIVE IN SOUND. I had intended to send a dear friend

who recently left us the completed Kipu'ka, but she now lives in

sound with them. There is no death for those who dovetail their

desires with the desire of the Supreme Lord. His desire is eternal,

and the desire includes reuniting with His Own, the best of beings,

who, despite their temporary loss of memory, have come full circle to

make such reunification the best of all things.




Hope full circle comes to us all. When we first uttered the holy name of the Supreme Lord, this was the process for attaining perfection. The full circle is that we call His names in love, jst like that first innocent (and possibly offenseless) utterance.


Haribol, ys, mahaksadasa


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Haribol. Of course we know what to do. The diversions are our creation to avoid reality. I posted the old bob dylan classics on another forum, and was also guided to act properly. This is the value of vaisnava association (any way we can get it), good advise, and a way to focus on reality. Hare Krsna, ys, mahaksadasa

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