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Kalki avatara

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" In the present day, its difficult for everyone to learn sanskrit in detail to the extent they can understand the scriptures by themselves. thats why some of us go to guru."


guru is not a new idea because we do not understand sanskrit in present times... to have a spiritual master was the standard in ages where the people was extremely advanced in all the sciences, spiritual consciousness and sanskrit


even krsna had a guru.... and sai baba is a fake even if a guru is necessary to go back to godhead

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I did not mean that we go to guru to learn sanskrit. I meant to say that Guru who is more knowledgeable in shastras and vedas would enlighten us and for which we go to guru. I also did not mean saibaba is a guru. No way. He is not even fake guru. a fowl guru who is using young men for his physical needs in the name of guru and spoiling the name of guru


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one who says to be god, having said the biggest lie, can do any bad thing... one who falls in the hands of a pederast, a molester, has mental and phisical damages that end, after years of suffering, doctors, psychologists, at the moment of the death


but..... being the disciple of one who says that he's god and everyone is god, is a problem that maybe one has to resolve in millions of lifes!!!

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I totally agree with you, but I also believe in cross-validation that is to say check Guru according to scripture, check guru according to sadhu, and check vice versa. It is without a doubt that without the mercy of guru one cannot attain the Supreme Goal, but at the same time how do we know about the difference between a GURU and a RUGU (if there is such a word). For this scriptures are vital, so is Guru and so is Shastra, not I am not saying one is more important than the other. All three are checking systems.


ys. jitz

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"but I also believe in cross-validation that is to say check Guru according to scripture, check guru according to sadhu, and check vice versa."


me too... there's no other way (together with praying krsna and mahaprabhu), otherwiseit is gambling

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Sathya Sai Baba's refusal to explain anything other than what pleases himself makes it difficult to have confidence in many of the statements he makes on whatever subject, quite apart from what concerns the 'unseen' world of spiritual realities. SSB's demand is that the devotee has implicit and wholly unquestioning trust in him, all his works and anything he utters. If it fails to make sense or is not in accordance with observable fact or other statements of his, this has to be put down to our human ignorance. It is therefore not entirely wrong to say we cannot properly understand him! He holds that virtually everyone alive today is ego-laden, sense-attached and impure who really knows nothing about anything! But we do know with demonstrable certainty that SSB gets his facts wrong time and again, laughably so! And he was, by all appearances, unaware what a storm the world would raise against pedophilia, probably because it is common and yet is not talked about openly in the region where he grew up. A long-standing suspicion seems justified, namely that this kind of homosexual exploitation of boys in India is very widespread and is tacitly accepted in many segments of society- such as in backward parts like the Andhra Pradesh villages of the Puttaparthi region. This is the result of the wall-to-wall culture of repressive censorship against such sexual deviance in most of India.


SSB's imperious and down-looking attitude does not exactly make for a feeling of overflowing divine acceptance and love, which he is always talking about as being his entire nature etc. He can smile and be charming, but love is shown only in action. What does he mostly do? Stroll about looking distant and often as strict as a headmaster who will never abide to be gainsaid or crossed in the least way? This is a manner which invites private anxiety and even fear. He certainly sets up considerable barriers to knowing him and so also to loving him, for how can anyone love what they do not know? This feeling is not confined to relatively peripheral persons such as I, for it is quite evident at times even between Baba and some of his most trusted office-bearers. He scared the wits out of Prof. Kasturi with a raging lion-like expression without any explicable ground other than to cow him totally, it certainly appears.


It is evident that many close followers of SSB hold him in awe, but - more than that - fear him personally. There is plenty of written evidence by followers showing this. And the murders of 1993 have increased this fear without any shadow of a doubt. The fear is seldom talked about but can at times be seen in faces of those often in contact with SSB. One can simply imagine the effect on those under his control, especially his students. SSB has told that his close servitors have three chances of obeying him when he tells them something. If not, terrible consequences can follow. As in the case of Baba's driver for two decades, who burned himself to death in the Hillview Stadium after failing to follow SSB's warning to drive more slowly! One does not have to circulate for long among Sai devotees to know the general paranoia or come across the aura of unexpressed fear around questions of what one can and cannot say and do.


All this sets standards and examples. In the Sai movement, both foreign and Indian VIPs appear seriously po-faced much of the time and are unduly tight-lipped about all remotely sensitive matters having to do with Baba, his organisation or other works. They always have to be in the right, one cannot question anything that is decided by whoever decides. Members are even sometimes expelled without any explanation, as in the case of the Moscow centre's president, who allowed discussion of the sexual allegations against SSB. The personal qualities of most top leaders in the Sai movement make for a social and mental-emotional gap between Sai officials and 'ordinary' hard-working followers, with few exceptions. This has had the effect of consolidating an inner circle who are subservient to the International Chairman and the Central Trust - a kind of international jet-set elite who invite one another around the world to hold forth - often mainly to regurgitate or repackage Sai Baba aphorisms - and who evidently confer to hush up anything they can which might affect their own positions in Baba's favour and within the organisation that bears his name.


All this is the basis for the many cover-ups. The 1993 murders and the many pedophile accounts involving Sai Baba (some going back decades), have been kept from the main body of devotees for so long through this organised deception. However, the growing recognition in the world for the duty of mandatory reporting of known cases of sexual interference or abuse - a legal requirement in many countries - will surely eventually bring forth court actions and large compensation claims against leading Sai office-bearers who can be demonstrated to have failed in this reporting duty, as it has already at last done in the Catholic Church in so many countries. All Sai officials would be very well advised to "sweep their hearths and keep their houses clean" on this count from now on, for the information is presently freely available to every one of them.


When fear is felt but cannot be expressed it is all the more effective. Once the fears can be confronted without the possibility of retribution - such as by removing oneself from their source both physically, socially and emotionally - it becomes evident that, as F.D. Rooseveldt put it "there is nothing to fear but fear itself".

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Your information is nicely presented. Sai baba has become like a "dadha" due to his overwhelming money power and it is this money that is making many of the politicians in India to keep quiet. So unlike in westernn countries, in India only Lord Krishna can expose this baba and save the people. People have no guts, the one who has guts get killed siince they dont have money as rich as baba.

Well GOD sees the Truth but Waits...Leo Tolstoy

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  • 1 year later...

Hare Krishna,


When a child is in danger, the Mother/Father/Guardian has a moral responsiblity to say'

"Watch out for that car!"

"I don't think that person is right for you"

"I feel something is wrong"


From direct experience,

"I went out with that person and they were not very good to me"


We depend on each other for opinions good or bad to get our knowledge.

We depended and depend on our first Gurus, "Our Parents", to give us (nuture) the necessary exposure to Life and Scripture...


I for one like to hear or to be warned or to be encouraged,

especially from one who has gone through a certain experience. Perhaps, those who found offense to the information you suppled about your experiences should could have been appeased had the wording been done differently, i.e.:

"Although many people found this about so-and-so my experiences and knowledge was this and this. This happened to me. I saw this happen. (As a witness and much harder to say as a victim)


I am smart enough to know that I am not a self-realized soul yet, I am also smart enough to know my time is limited in this body to get there, maybe 60,000 days of human embodiment to become a self-realized soul - "KC" by Krishna's Grace. There is not that much time to wake up so I do not want to waste any time on someone who is questionable. So someone on the road who gives me a warning, I evaluate it and then I take action.

I would say you know, I went that way and got burned and perhaps you won't get burned, but you are as you are and you are going to do what you are going to do. I don't reccomend it.


re: Buddha as avatar, what were Buddha's parents? What religion did they practice. What religion did Buddha start out with when He began. What language does Buddha use?

What language are the mantras or the sacred scriptures of Buddism. The artifacts of Buddha will display whence came His knowledge.


Christians think Jesus just fell out of the sky and they persecute Jews. Jesus's Mother "Mary" was a Jew, Joseph His Father was a Jew, all the Apostles were Jews, yet most people think of Jesus as just appearing. Jesus practiced Judaism, read scriptures in Hebrew. Jesus was a Jew who came and expanded Judaism as promised in Judaic scripture.


Buddha's parents were Santana Dharma, so Buddha had to be an expansion or Avatar based on this. His artifacts are all Santana Dharma. Buddha was not expanding or a descendant of Judaism, nor his parents, as far as I know nor did He teach Judaism(proper).


Now, these are my observations and opinions, as I wasn't there and have to use what I believe as evidence,

Buddha, based on His childhood form of worship, and the language He used, and the mantras (sanskrit)He left behind and the Mandalas -- "which look a lot like Yantras" can only say for me to be

"The Banana don't fall that far away from the Banana Tree!


I support you because I see and feel the Heart of Your warning.

Hare Krisha.

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What a joke....Not SSB, but all u guys trying to decide whether he is God or not!!!


Try raising 6000 crores of Rupees, sitting in a village!!!


Good or Bad, i guess u got to be exceptionally smart to raise so much of money, or fool people for so long, (I think he is in his seventies now)including our friend who was fooled for 10 years...Imagine 10 long Years...What kind of a statement can a guy who was fooled for 10 years make? I guess it is a question of his IQ...For 10 years he spoke for SSB, and now probably for the next 10 years he will speak against SSB, and then what? "Say he made a mistake" and keep getting fooled for the next 10 years?lol


Why is our friend praising himself for some thing that got cancelled abroad? Do it here in India, in the place where SSB stays.....


As for me...well if I can get some lessons on how to raise 6000 crores doing nothing....I would surely become his disciple....Ha Ha Ha...


Hats off to all of u..discussing Gods and avatars, when none of us even know what that term means!!! All u know of Krsna is what is stated in some wild imagined story...Not even a shred or iota of proof exists about gods and avatars....I guess the guy who wrote it must have downed some real powerful stuff to write a story like that!!!

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but do you know here in this real world.1 master over here.who rule over SA_ha_STRA_r.whose vishwa nirmal dharma spread in 100 countries irrespective of caste & religion.


her next birth will be Kalki avatara.


mail me on raz_aaryan@.co.in for more detail

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to see such intolerance here. Is this a Christian forum? Calling Sai Baba an 'afro god' is not at all in good taste. It is vulgar, racist and disgusting-Krishna will not forgive such people. Such people can never become his devotees. This is not how a vaisnava behaves. A true vaishnava treats everyone equally.


If some of you guys are jealous of Sai Baba's popularity, then you should control such nasty thoughts. Not everyone can become as great as Baba, but you, as a vaishnava, should do your part to please god, however insignificant that might be.

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i bet people had the same skepticism when Krishna, Ram, Jesus were alive too. Time will reveal the truth either way. For now i think it's better to reserve judgement if there is any doubt.

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Dear friends,


In the path of revelation and reactivation of our eternal inner divine qualities, we re-allow again ourselves to start to sense the truth clearly with our heart. Sensing the truth means to be totally focuses with our heart to feel everything, e.g. the love everyone is giving to us, the envy others give to us, the eternal cosmic unchangable truths, to differentiate the indiviudual's energies.


To be capable to clearly sense the truths ourselves, without having to always rely on others (e.g. gurus, friends etc.) conclusions, often requires in us courage to also feel painful things like our or others emotional wounds, sorrows, problems, blockages. This process of also have to feel unpleasant things is mostly the key element why people on earth do currently often have difficulties to perceive other existing realms and their inhabitants like the angels, the ancesstors, the Gods, God Himself, as they are of course scared and still in shcok to again have to sense the sufferings by that expecting to have the wound healed with the help of a trusting person. However it is not necessary in ourdays that all souls on earth have to individually heal their deep wouds, this is mostly done by the grace of the loving souls on earth that with their work in healing Mother Earth's wounds automatically also heal the hearts of all inhabitants of our planet.


When we attach ourselves again back to our root consciosness state of sensing the realms of our origins, than we can be again real happy. The thematic of Kalki avatar is directly touching this key conclusion. Giving statements about that guy or that guru is Kalki avatar is fully understandable as those people claiming those points do trust in their statement often based on wonderful experiences had with those persons they affirm to be the Kalki avatar.


When we allow ourselves to sense the different energies of the many individuals, Krishna, Rama, Buddha, Ganesh, Shiva, Jesus, Amma, Sai Baba etc. have, than the uncoverings of current state of mind/heart is happening, this gives to everyone the ability to clearly differentiate any statements given. When comparing the different energies of the mentioned individuals we easily can differentiate differences in the form of the energy. All those individuals have another energy, however the one of Krishna, Rama, Buddha and Jesus is quite similar as it forms the base quantum of source energy of all existence. Ganesha's and Shiva's energy is almost equal to Krishna's energy but their energy is subordinated to a higher source energy. The energy of Amma, Sai Baba is linked to Krishna's source energy but differs in the consistency of its quantum form. Also Sai Baba's and Amma's liberated consciousness, i.e. their eternal form/svarupa is not equal in consistence as Krishna's or Rama's form/svarupa. Eternally a difference exists between Krishna's and Sai Baba's or Amma's energy/form/svarupa, as all those three individuals are eternally different souls.


When we start to face reality we automatically also stop to give statements about many things. This method opens in us the gate of strenght and capacity to sense again the truth in us by ourselves. Than, we do not feel ourselves attacked or offended at all by others judgements or claims.


Last but not least, we must never forget the key importance of the fact that for the source of everyone and everything who/which exists, i.e. Krishna, Rama, He considers Himself always one in love with all His eternal children, independently in which current consciousness state their eternal children do currently reside into, conditioned state or liberated state.


In love,


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