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Kalki avatara

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"Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu is certainly a great, uncommon devotee, but we cannot accept Him as an incarnation of Lord Visnu because, according to sastra, there is no incarnation in this Age of Kali."


"In this Age of Kali there is no lila-avatara of the Supreme Personality of Godhead; therefore He is known as Triyuga. That is one of His holy names."


[it specifies on yuga-avataras. Read Madhya 6.100, next text in CC]




In his book Laghu-bhagavatamrta, Srila Rupa Gosvami has enumerated the following twenty-five lila-avataras: Catuh-sana, Narada, Varaha, Matsya, Yajna, Nara-Narayaлa, Kapila, Dattatreya, Hayasirsa, Hamsa, Prsnigarbha, Rsabha, Prthu, Nrsinha, Kurma, Dhanvantari, Mohini, Vamana, Parasurama, Raghavendra, Vyasa, Balarama, Krsna, Buddha and Kalki


[it is all lila avataras]


Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu is not mentioned as a lila-avatara because He is an incarnation in disguise (channa-avatara). In this Age of Kali there are no lila-avataras, but there is an incarnation of the Lord manifested in the body of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu. This has been explained in Srimad-Bhagavatam.


[it is written in a context of the primary text. And still - "In Kali-yuga Lord Hari is not seen in a directly visible incarnation as He is seen in the Satya and other yugas. For this reason it is written that He appears in three yugas (tri-yuga). At the end of Kali-yuga, Lord Vasudeva enters the learned Vedic scholar Kalki and corrects the situation in the material world." Srila Rupa Goswami ]


( Madhya 6.100 ) -


"Gopinatha Acarya continued, “There is certainly an incarnation in every age, and such an incarnation is called the yuga-avatara. But your heart has become so hardened by logic and argument that you cannot consider all these facts.


Srila Rupa Goswami -


93 Lord Kalki is described in Srimad-Bhagavatam (1.3.25):


“Thereafter, at the conjunction of two yugas, the Lord of the creation will take His birth as the Kalki incarnation and become the son of Visnu-yasa. At this time the rulers of the earth will have degenerated into plunderers.”


94 In Padma Purana it is said that the same person who was Manu, Dasaratha and Vasudeva will become Visnu-yasa....

96 Beginning with Lord Vamana, eight of the avataras here described appeared in the reign of Vaivasvata Manu. These 25 avataras are called kalpa-avataras because for the most past they appear once in each kalpa.


[in each kalpa?]


Lord Kalki will appear in the home of the most eminent brahmana of Sambhala village, the great soul Visnuyasa.

SB 12.2.18


Lord Kalki, the Lord of the universe, will mount His swift horse Devadatta and, sword in hand, travel over the earth exhibiting His eight mystic opulences and eight special qualities of Godhead. Displaying His unequaled effulgence and riding with great speed, He will kill by the millions those thieves who have dared dress as kings.

SB 12.2.19-20


When the Supreme Lord has appeared on earth as Kalki, the maintainer of religion, Satya-yuga will begin, and human society will bring forth progeny in the mode of goodness.

SB 12.2.23




His Divinne Grace -


"This is only the beginning of Kali-yuga, but at the end of Kali-yuga the entire population will consist of mlecchas because no one will follow the Vedic principles. At that time the incarnation Kalki will appear.


"This chapter relates that, when the bad qualities of the age of Kali will increase to an intolerable level, the Supreme Personality of Godhead will descend as Kalki to destroy those who are fixed in irreligion. After that, a new Satya-yuga will begin.


The chapter ends with a brief description of the future dynasties of the sun and moon coming from Vaivasvata Manu in the next Satya-yuga. Even now two saintly kсatriyas are living who at the end of this Kali-yuga will reinitiate the pious dynasties of the sun-god, Vivasvan, and the moon-god, Candra.


These verses vividly describe many unsavory symptoms of the age of Kali. Ultimately, at the end of this age, Lord Krsna will descend as Kalki and remove the thoroughly demonic persons from the face of the earth.


It is said that the Krsna consciousness movement will be prominent within the next ten thousand years, but after that people will all become mlecchas and yavanas. Thus at the end of the yuga, Krsna will appear as the Kalki avatara and kill them without consideration.


In Srimad-Bhagavatam you will find many things which are foretold. There is mention of Lord Buddhas appearance and Lord Kalkis appearance. (Lord Kalki will appear at the end of the Kali-yuga.) There is also mention of Lord Caitanyas appearance.


Krsna has descended at the present moment in the incarnation of His holy name. Kali-kдle nдma-rьpe. In other ages, God comes to kill the demons, but if God takes the killing process... Of course, at last, when Kalki incarnation will come... That is, of course, long, long after. But at the present moment, God is compassionate. Taking consideration of the peoples most fallen condition, there is no process of killing, but reclaiming them simply by this chanting process.


That is also mentioned in the Srimad-Bhagavatam, that in the Kali-yuga there are three different incarnations mentioned in the Bhagavatam or any other authentic Vedic literature. One incarnation is Lord Buddha, and another incarnation is Lord Caitanya, and another incarnation, in the last stage of this age, is Kalki, so far we get from the authority of Bhagavatam.


So this position will degrade so much after, say, 400,000s of years, gradually degrading, that at time, Krsna will come in His incarnation as Kalki. At that time the Kalkis business will be simply to kill. Thats all. No more. No more preaching of Krsna consciousness. Simply kill them. That is Kalki avatara. That Kalki avatara is given the fathers name. This is called sastra. This is called scripture. Four hundred thousands after, 400,000s of years after, Kalki will come. Now, His fathers name is given there. Just like Lord Buddhas mothers name is there. So you cannot imitate that "I am Kalki avatara." You have to give evidence, what is your fathers name. Just see. This is called sastra. Any rascal comes, "Oh, I am Kеслa. I am this avatara and that avatara," but where is the evidence from the sastra? We cannot accept.




With out follow Srila Prabhupada so difficult understand sastra.

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In his book Laghu-bhagavatamrta, Srila Rupa Gosvami has enumerated the following twenty-five lila-avataras: Catuh-sana, Narada, Varaha, Matsya, Yajna, Nara-Narayaлa, Kapila, Dattatreya, Hayasirsa, Hamsa, Prsnigarbha, Rsabha, Prthu, Nrsinha, Kurma, Dhanvantari, Mohini, Vamana, Parasurama, Raghavendra, Vyasa, Balarama, Krsna, Buddha and Kalki...



Any genuine seekr should add the following avataras as an addendum:

Shri. Shri Satya Sai Baba Puttappatheeswar

Shri Shri Rasaleelendra Bhagwan Rajnish

Shi Shri Sirdi Sai Baba Siddheswar

Shr Shrimati Mata Amrutanandamayi (Mohini Roopam)

And finally

Shri Shri 1008 Swayambhogi Anveshanji Maharaj (Myself)



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Now the hunches are confirmed.


Granted, he may just be trying to create a disturbance, but I'm really starting to find these offensive posts quite intolerable. Can we ban an avatara - this avatara who is greater than Lord Krsna of Kuruksetra? Or must we just ignore him?

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"Shri Shri 1008 Swayambhogi Anveshanji Maharaj (Myself)"


where you live and work please?

can we see you picture?


what you mean by saying you are a swayam bhogi please?

what makes you think you are an avatar please?


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It seems august members assembled here are at their wits end about the Anveshan avatar. Some sajjan says the avatar is a fool, some says he is a disturbance and to some he is just worth ignoring. Some are asking his where abouts, some about his kulamahima and Anveshan is expecting an imminent injection for an immediate vanavas from the administrators here.


So for the knowledge of Anveshana bhaktas here, a concise Anveshana Puranam:


Divine Origins


Sri Vishnu Narayana Namboodiri and Shrimati Aryadevi Antharjanam were issueless and prayed ardently to the Lord of Guruvayoor for a santhanabhagyam. After incessant prayers, and after passing many Guruvayoor Ekadashies, Aryadevi consumed the divine 'paal' payasam, nivedyam of the Lord. The payasam worked wonders and Anveshan was born.


Anveshan follows Lord Jesus, the Saviour and resigns


At the age of 21, anveshan got baptized (asked and received)and received the 'holy communion' and studied the Old and New Books. At the age of 25 took voluntary retirement from the service of Joseph Jesus Christ.


Buddham Saranam Gachhami


Anveshan followed the Enliightened One for some time, read all that he has(purportedly)said or attributed to him.


And the Anveshanam continues...


Then were the real years of anveshanam. From His Holiness Shri Chandrashekhara Saraswati of Kanchi to the modern Shri Shri Ravishankar. From the Rig to the Charvakas, Dailectical Materialism to Sanghi Hindutva...anveshanma and the anveshanam continues...




In Indraprastha (New Delhi), Bharat. Currently writing from

Rishikesh, Dev Bhoomi Uttaranchal.


Swayambhogi Maharaj


Man is an animal, may be the superior, as far as we know.

Animals have only one interest, the self-interest, the egotic sense. Even we loves or serves out of ego(with rare exceptions). Anveshan belongs to the commons, the Swayambhogi lot.


Anveshan Believes..


In the essence of 'Sanatana' Dharma, the Reality Ultimate,

The Primordial Matter, the Increate and Perennial Energy that is the Source of all. You may worship IT or realize IT or seek to reach IT through forms or in formless 'form'. Anveshan do not believe in a Lord, who chooses and selects,

whogets enraged and appeased, who continues to fail after sending a long line of avataras, prophets, only sons and all that. Religions has created hatred, oppression, subjugation and conservation of vested interests.


But Anveshan respects and adores Knowledge in any form, religious, philosophical or material.


Anveshanapuranam iti...

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One of the prophesies is at the end of the Golden Age there will be no more human consciousness only divine consciousness.


We can look at it on one level as "Oh good man will become divine in cosnciousness. On another of many levels there may be no more humans. It's said that it's up to man.





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are you not the same Vaisnava_das108 who was talking about vaisnava-apraada some time ago?


"This SSB whom you mention is a homosexual child-molesting paedophile"


Whether a person is good or bad, Gaudiya Vaisnavas are taught that all are born as Vaisnavas. Some merely forget this. But whether you forget or not, it is not sanctioned anywhere that you can talk this way about anyone. It is vaisnava-apraada - the worst sin.


Be worthy of your name, vaishnavadas!

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I happen to have been a devotee of this very same Sathya Sai Baba for over 10 years. This should qualify me to make authoritative statements about SSB.


I was brainwashed by his declarations of avatarhood and worshipped him as God.


I have since found that he is guilty of murders, homosexual paedophilia, financial scandals, organ theft, etc etc. You name it, he's done it.


I am now directly involved in the international effort of ex-devotees to publicise this case. Our most recent success as of three days ago was getting the University of Adelaide to cancell the Sai National Conference that was planned to be held there in April 2003. Very soon, his name will be dirt in Australia, we hope. How practical is your suggestion, that we should not talk this way about anyone, viz., telling people the facts?


I find it an insult to avatars in general that SSB was included in the list of "updated avatars" by Anveshan.


Vaishnava aparadha does not even come into the issue. Srila Prabhupada also condemned SSB in the 1970s, I suppose by your standards he is also guilty of Vaishnava-aparadha...


If you are seriously suggesting that I should regard him as being born as a Vaishnava, then perhaps I should leave Vaishnavism.


I want no contact whatsoever with that murderous paedophile.

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"...Gaudiya Vaisnavas are taught that all are born as Vaisnavas.."


Its true that every soul has this dormant nature but that is different from the statement that you made. Perhaps its what you meant.


If someone has been cheated by someone like this naturally he will want to warn others.


What do you have if you dress a pedophile up as an avatar or sannyasin? A pedophile. Actually they are more dangerous, like the proverbial snake with a jeweled hood.

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What do you have if you dress a pedophile up as an avatar or sannyasin? A pedophile. Actually they are more dangerous, like the proverbial snake with a jeweled hood.





Thank you Theist! /images/graemlins/grin.gif


And the proverbial jewel on SSB's snakelike head was probably stolen from a jewellery store in Bangalore! /images/graemlins/smirk.gif

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Myself and the Anveshan Institute receives a lot of hate mails, from Muslims and Hindus alike.

From the Muslims because we are a band of kafirs and from the Hindus, because they consider that I have questioned the authority and infallibility of the Vedas, and hence a Nastika.


A letter received a month back was strange. It told me that Muslims were the ‘real’ Hindus, and Kalki has already ‘avatarised’ amongst them, and Shrimad Bagavatam itself have proved it beyond doubt, that five

Brahmin ‘sastra visharads’ have certified to the effect that Kalki is Mohammad or Mohammed is Kalki!



It seems that some mullah had read this verses:


“azvam Azu-gam Aruhya

devadattaM jagat-patiH



vicarann AzunA kSauNyAM


nRpa-liGga-cchado dasyUn

koTizo nihaniSyati “

and concluded that since Mohammad trode on an excellent Arabian Horse, and since he had a khadgam in his hand, Mohammad is Kalki!


I wrote the writer/writers the following reply:




<asadsaf@hotmail.com>; <matheen5@hotmail.com>; <maximax@vsnl.net>; <Mazwood@qvc.com.qa>; <mijameel@emirates.net.ae>; <mjalaludeen@hotmail.com>; <sardhaar@hotmail.com>

Tuesday, January 07, 2003 11:42 AM

FW: Prophet Muhammad in Hindu Religion Books


To the Original Writer

The subject letter has reached this writer,and feels a reply is intended. Hence this letter.


First of all, after going through the philosophies and so-called scriptures and sciences material and abstract, this writer is a bit confused whether Allah or his ‘prophet last’ created religion or religion created Allah and his ‘prophet last’.

And ignorance, sometimes, is bliss: it enables one to react without fear or favour.

This writer takes the liberty of the Original Writer or writers, first of all, to ask certain questions that are purely philosophical:


1. Concept 1. God created humans ( and all others)

An omniscient, omnipotent and omnipresent It, without Form but cause to all forms, created humans. Why? To worship him, to be obedient to him, to look upward to him and to finally REACH him or attain him? So is IT is as selfish as humans and enjoys flattery, obedience and obeissance? If man has to undergo the pain and pleasures of life under ambigous directions from IT, why this creation at all? Is it that It created for it's own enjoyment? This Allah of yours got furious, happy, pleased and pained, feelings said to be human.


2. Concept 2: God guides man( through a paraphernalia of scriptures, prophets, avtars and saints)

The purpose of creation, according to your religion, is not clear; whether God created man for ITself or for the man. But It used to(as is said) guide him for on what is good and what is not (for man or It, it is not clear). But it is a little bit tough to believe an Omnipotent, Omni-scient god., who created everything-at-will, could not control man at will, and had to go thru the via-media of prophets, avtars and revelations! Why It could not control-at-will? No logical answers. Had he chosen to guide us at-will, the bloodshed thru ages could have been avoided.

Adam to Abrahm to Moses to Jesus Joseph Christ to Mohammed : yet till man remains as barbaric and uncivilized as he was or he is within. No prophet or avtars so-called, no scriptures divine could refine him.

A God, who is Alpha and Omega, Cause and Effect, Increate but created matters abstract and concrete, living and non-living at-will, could not control things at will. You are just belittling the Fathomless IT to suit your vested interests.

A snake bites only when provoked. A tiger mauls or kills only when it is hungry or provoked. But the crown of all creatures, Man, spews venom and hatred and kills each other in the name of a Super Natural; each one claims, his is the right IT, the only Son or the last Prophet. And kills unashamedly in their name. For my IT is true, thine is not.

The 'chosen' tribes of It razed cities, set ablaze civilizations in North-East Africa, Babylonia, Assyria and Sumeria, persecuted and massacred millions in the name of IT; The temples of Egyptians, Babylonians, Assyrians and Sumerians were replaced by the new Concept of the Moses. Then came Jesus Joseph Christ, and his followers replaced It by churches of God. And Churches were replaced mosques and bloody wars of the Cross and the Crescent were fought. The river of Jordan was filled with human blood; blood became lighter than water.


Oh, the letter was about Kalki Mohammed.

I think all you have heard is about a Kalki, riding on an ’Arabian’ Devadatta, with an unsheathed sword in his hand, slaughtering humans left and right, then I do agree Kalki Mohammed P.U.B.H., K.C.I.E(Knight Commander of the order of the Islamic Empire) is the Kalki. The P.U.B.H. also should be called ‘ purandara’, the destroyer of cities and civilizations. Otherwise, what explanation can you, the followers of Kalki Mohammed, give for the total annihilation and ethnic cleansing of the empire of the great Xerxes and Cyrus? Those who fought for their beliefs, your Parsi brethren here, had to leave their fatherland, ran helter-skelter, and seek refuge elsewhere. Your Kalki’s sword slaughtered, tortured and subjugated the ethnic Africans, and oldest of the languages were replaced by your ‘devanagari’, the language of Allah, the Merciful and Most Compassinate One. The Kalkies made a ‘Hindu Kush’, Mount of the Hindu Slaughter, in the ancient land of Gandhara, famous for its art and architecture. And Kalki Mohammed P.U.B.H. continues to live….


And my Sanatana Dharma is not based on Kalki and Kafirs. IT is firmly footed on Increate and Eternal Truth, the essence of which are :

1. Iso-vasyamidam Sarvam

2. Loka samasta sukhino bhavantu and

3. Viswaika kutumbakam


I am glad that the terrific Kalki( as the Kalki is described ) has come and gone, and the last of the Avtar has happened, but gloomy and sad that he has left behind followers like you.


Best Regards




I am yet to receive a reply from them.


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i still disagree. Whether he is a paedophile or not, it is not for you to expose him thus - leave that to Krsna. Unless Krsna Himself told you to do so?


And don't even try to compare yourself with Srila Prabhupada. He was an elevated soul the likes of which are unequalled. If he decides to condemn someone, so be it. Follow his teaching. BUT Great people can do things that us ordinary folk strictly cannot - don't try to imitate Prabhupada.


That is all.

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i still disagree. Whether he is a paedophile or not, it is not for you to expose him thus - leave that to Krsna. Unless Krsna Himself told you to do so?



Sorry, but it is my moral duty to expose false teachers. Srila Prabhupada himself said to do this. I was also asked to contribute my efforts by other ex-devotees. I have already written one paper that is online, and have been asked to write more.



And don't even try to compare yourself with Srila Prabhupada. He was an elevated soul the likes of which are unequalled. If he decides to condemn someone, so be it. Follow his teaching. BUT Great people can do things that us ordinary folk strictly cannot - don't try to imitate Prabhupada.



I fail to see where I tried to compare myself with Srila Prabhupada? I simply applied your own arguments to yourself; If I criticise SSB, that is Vaishnava-aparadha (despite the fact that ssb is NOT a Vaishnava) but if Srila Prabhupada does criticises SSB then it is considered "bad" to follow in his footsteps?
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***One of the prophesies is at the end of the Golden Age there will be no more human consciousness only divine consciousness.


Golden age 10 000 years, Lord Kalki go in end kali yuga, 400 000 years.



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"Sorry, but it is my moral duty to expose false teachers."


Prabhupada was qualified to do this. Fine. But again, who gave you this moral duty? Just because you are a disgruntled (or whatever) ex-devotee of SSB, that doesn't give you the right to destroy other peoples faith etc. by spreading all that stuff - even if it's true. Suddenly I feel you've become the USA of this forum.


"I fail to see where I tried to compare myself with Srila Prabhupada? I simply applied your own arguments to yourself"


Where and what arguments have been applied to me? You said you were just doing as Prabhupada did. I said don't do what he does (well, not EVERYTHING) because he's infinately greater than you.


"if Srila Prabhupada does criticises SSB then it is considered "bad" to follow in his footsteps? "


Absolutely. Just think how far you would get in your spiritual life if you spent all that time reading, studying, listening and talking about the Krsna's Glory instead of spending hours and hours convincing others about the faults of SSB.

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Prabhupada was qualified to do this. Fine. But again, who gave you this moral duty?



I have already stated that in my last post; I have a moral duty to inform people of false teachers. Srila Prabhupada himself stated that we should do this. I have also been requested to do so by fellow ex-devotees due to my position in the SB Organisation when I was his devotee, as I apparently have much to contribute.



Just because you are a disgruntled (or whatever) ex-devotee of SSB, that doesn't give you the right to destroy other peoples faith etc. by spreading all that stuff - even if it's true. Suddenly I feel you've become the USA of this forum.



What is the use of having "faith" in a false teacher? Can you imagine the hurt and the anguish that will erupt when SB finally goes down, just like I myself suffered so much hurt and anguish?


As a matter of fact, I think I was one of the lucky ones. I can see now that Krishna had a plan by slowly easing me out of there by introducing me to Gaudiya Vaishnava philosophy, so that the transition was made easily with a minimum of fuss and anguish. Others have not been so lucky, tragically enough. Some have been screwed up for life, others are in mental hospitals, and some have even lost their faith in God as a result of their traumatic experiences with SB.


Sorry, but we are an international community of ex-devotees who have united to form a movement against SB. Certain elements of ISKCON are also willing to helps us, and I myself have written an online paper that exposes one of SB's major declarations. I also intend to publish more (online?) papers that will surely expose more of his fallacious declarations/teachings from the Gaudiya Vaishnava viewpoint? Apart from that, all the major law enforcement agencies of the world, viz., FBI, CIA, German Police force, Surete, Interpol, Scotland Yard, etc, have been apprised of the SB situation and they are helping us as well as conducting their own investigations. In fact, just a couple of days ago we received an email that suggested we may be on the receiving end of legal action. We are looking forward to this as this will be our greatest opportunity to expose SB in recognised courts of law.


What does all this have to do with Vaishnavism? Well, before you start going on about my supposed "vaishnava aparadha," you should consider what SB says about Krishna. In fact, he says that he IS Krishna. There are many instances of his nonsensical comments about Krishna that are too numerous to state here, but I will give you one:


SB's excuse for homosexual behaviour with the students of his college is that he is Krishna and his sexual victims are re-incarnated Gopis.


Did your blood boil just now? I certainly hope so.



Where and what arguments have been applied to me? You said you were just doing as Prabhupada did. I said don't do what he does (well, not EVERYTHING) because he's infinately greater than you.



Well, all I know is that Srila Prabhupada did encourage us to criticise/expose false teachers. I am trying my best to follow his instruction.



Absolutely. Just think how far you would get in your spiritual life if you spent all that time reading, studying, listening and talking about the Krsna's Glory instead of spending hours and hours convincing others about the faults of SSB.



Well, unlike you, I cannot sit back and watch a homosexual paedophile masquerade as "God" while sexually abusing anyone he can get. After all, I was in the same situation as them, being an ex-devotee, thus I consider it my moral duty to warn people and also help his victims. We have also made considerable progress in exposing this guy and there is certainly more to come.


And thanks for your concern, I truly appreciate it. I do my best to chant my rounds, attend the temple, eat prasada and read books, etc. As far as I can see, my spiritual life is not suffering due to my involvement with the SB affair. As a matter of fact, my personal role in the SB affair is of a minimum even though I am confidentially apprised of any major international developments. My involvement with ISKCON (mental, physical, emotional, etc) is far more than with SB.

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If hes a paedophile surely hes the worst kind of teacher or in fact person because the child is left in many cases severely emotional disturbed- this cant be good for Karma and so paedophilia is surely a direct attack on good karma.... to simplify in Christian terminology, paedophilia is the inherently evil and is the devils work.

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