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Spiritual Lessons?

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I am a westerner, 40 years old, enmeshed in doing my "dharma" as I see it, that is, responsibilities, job, kids, ect., and do not perceice any likelihood of retreating from the world to seek enlightenment, but I do try to read, grow, serve and understand, albeit in my limited way. I am wondering if some of you would list 4 "PRACTICAL" suggestions for daily spiritual growth which are realizable in this rat race society I live in. Thank you.

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Here is something from our past Q & A newsletter:





> What type of general habits should

> one follow in normal life?


Here are a few principles one should adopt:


Try to rise early, around 4 am daily. This time is the brahma muhurta,

a period extremely favourable for spiritual practices. During this

period from 4 am to 7 am spiritual practices give quick and maximum



Sit peacefully in padmasana and recite the Hare Krishna maha-mantra

during this early morning time period.


Take sattvik food (pure food which does not increase one's passions).

Give up chillies, onion, garlic, and excessively sour or spiced foods.

Observe moderation in diet. Do not overload the stomach.


Systematically study the scriptures such as Bhagavad Gita, Ramayana,

Srimad Bhagavatam, the Upanishads, etc., from half an hour to one hour



Memorize some powerful prayers and recite them before you begin

meditation to elevate your mind.


Do charity every month according to one's means. Never fail in this.

If necessary forego some personal wants but keep up this charity



Give up bad association, smoking and liquor entirely. Try to associate

with like minded spiritual people. Do not develop evil habits. Try

always to develop positive virtuous qualities.


Fast on certain days of the year by eating only milk and fruit (such

as ekadashi day twice a month).


Keep a japa mala and wear it around your neck or keep it in your

pocket. This will remind you of God. Twirl the beads in your leisure

hours and just before going to sleep. Chant your mantra on each bead.


Observe silence for a couple of hours each day.


Practice to speak truth. Always utter encouraging words.


Reduce your wants. If you have four shirts, reduce it to three. Lead a

happy contented life. Avoid unnecessary worry. Be mentally detached.

Live simply and develop high thinking. Think of those who do not even

have one tenth of what you have. Share with others.


Practice Love. Never hurt anybody. Be compassionate and forgiving.


Have self-analysis. In the evening just before sleeping reflect over

the mistakes you made during the course of the day. Keep a daily

spiritual diary and self-correction register. Draw up a routine of

daily activities and follow it.


Never fail to fulfil your duty.


Think of God as soon as you wake up and just before you go to sleep,

and at all other times. Repeat His name always, it should ring in the

mind continuously.


Develop the following qualities:


Serenity, Regularity, Absence of Vanity, Sincerity, Simplicity,

Veracity, Equanimity, Fixity, Non-irritability, Adaptability,

Humility, Tenacity, Integrity, Nobility, Magnanimity, Charity,

Generosity, Purity,


>What are the prayers one should recite

> from the time one wakes from bed to

> before going to sleep at night?


The Hare Krishna maha-mantra is the most important mantra in this age

of Kali. Try to recite it in all circumstances. When you wake up, the

first thing you should say is this mantra, before sleeping, the last

thing you should say is this mantra. While going to work, chant this

mantra as you walk or drive. With out fail try to always remember this



hare krishna, hare krishna, krishna krishna, hare hare,

hare rama, hare rama, rama rama, hare hare


> What types of sacrifices can one

> perform for the Lord? Please explain

> the procedures elaborately. Also

> explain whether the meaning of

> sacrifice is doing daanam to the poor

> people, or does it refer only to

> offerings made to God such as

> archanas, pujas, etc.?


There are various types of sacrifice (yajna or yagam) mentioned in the

Bhagavad Gita:


dravya-yajnas tapo-yajna

yoga-yajnas tathapare

svadhyaya-jnana-yajnas ca

yatayah samsita-vratah


"Having accepted strict vows, some become enlightened by sacrificing

their possessions (dravya-yajna), and others by performing severe

austerities (tapo-yajna), by practicing the yoga of eightfold

mysticism (yoga-yajna), or by studying the Vedas to advance in

transcendental knowledge (svadhyaya-yajna and jnana-yajna)."


Dravya-yajna is sacrificing one's possessions for a spiritual goal. In

this sacrifice one must always take into account the proper

circumstances for charity. As described in the Gita, charity falls

within three modes of nature. If one gives charity to an unworthy

person, such charity is in the mode of ignorance, and it will create

negative effects. For example, I may give 5 rupees to a beggar in

front of a temple, and he will use the money to buy cigarettes. This

is charity in the mode of ignorance. By assisting him in his sinful

activity I am receiving a share of the sinful reactions. We must only

perform charity in the mode of goodness, otherwise it will just

increase our bondage. To feed the poor with spiritual sanctified food

is in the mode of goodness. But to feed the poor with ordinary food is

generally in the mode of passion (rajo-guna). The best charity is the

distribution of the sacred book Bhagavad Gita. In this also one must

find a suitable recipient, someone who will respect and utilize the

spiritual teachings.


Tapo-yajna is the sacrifice of austerity.


Yoga-yajna is the sacrifice of meditation. The best form of this

meditation is the peaceful chanting of the Hare Krishna mantra. By

meditating on the sound of Sri Hari's name one will attain the state

of samadhi.


Svadhyaya-yajna is the sacrifice of personally studying the Vedic

scriptures such as Bhagavad Gita. While studying we must try to apply

the acquired knowledge in our daily life. Otherwise such study is not

a sacrifice.


Jnana-yajna is the sacrifice of cultivating spiritual knowledge of the

self. We must try to understand that we are not the external body, but

are in reality the eternal spirit soul within. One day our bodies will

die, but we will live on. We must prepare ourselves for this



We should try to engage in these various types of sacrifice to the

best of our ability. In one's home, one should offer one's food to the

Lord. One should also perform personal puja to the Lord. The pujas in

the temples are secondary. If one is not personally worshipping the

Lord, the archanas in the temples will not have any effect on one's

consciousness. It is just a ritual where one pays 10 rupees, and a

hired man recites mantras. There must be personal devotion and

sacrifice. Only then the Lord will take notice. All types of sacrifice

should ultimately culminate in devotion to the Lord.


> What do you actually mean by the

> word "Sadhana"?


Sadhana is a daily spiritual practice or vow. It does not refer to

whimsical religious activity, but to very dedicated and focussed

spiritual activity. One's entire life should become sadhana. By

offering the results of our activities to God our work becomes

sadhana. By offering our food to God, our eating becomes sadhana. And

by always trying to chant the names of Krishna, our every step should

become sadhana. Within sadhana there is a regulated aspect that one

follows as a vow. For example, our guruji has instructed us to daily

recite the Hare Krishna Maha Mantra 1728 times (or 16 times around a

japa mala of 108 beads). This is a vow we accept at the time of

initiation. A serious sadhana is essential for making spiritual



In this present age of Kali the scriptures advise us to chant the Hare

Krishna Maha Mantra. The process of hari-nama sankirtana, or the

chanting of Sri Hari's names, is the yuga-dharma for this age. No

other method for self-realization will be effective in this age of



By the process of bhakti-yoga all the seeds of karma are burnt to

ashes just as dry grass is quickly burnt by fire. There are many

stages of karmic reactions. When we perform an activity, the reaction

first exists in a seed stage. We do not immediately receive the

results to our activities. The nature plants the seed of karma, and

creates a suitable situation for you to receive your results. As the

seed sprouts and grows, eventually a fruit will develop (karma-phala).

It is at this point that the reaction is actually experienced.

Sometimes many lives may pass before we recieve the results of our

past activities. Thus it is advised that we take to the process of

bhakti-yoga and burn up the karma-bijas (seeds of reaction) before

they sprout and develop fruit which we will be forced to taste.


This process of spiritual advancement is described as a cleansing



ceto darpana marjanam


"Sadhana is the cleansing of the mirror of the mind."


Our heart has much dust piled on it from many countless lives. The

chanting of Krishna's names will remove the dust from the mirror of

our consciousness, so we can see clearly who we actually are. But when

you begin the process of cleaning, the first thing that will happen is

the dust will become unsettled. If there is a house that has been

abandoned for many years, there will be piles of dirt and dust, and

even large stones and branches scattered here and there. The first

step is to remove the large objects, such as branches and stones. In

spiritual life this is like stopping the external sinful habits such

as meat eating, intoxication, illicit sex and gambling. Once the large

objects are removed, we must then begin the process of removing the

finer dirt by sweeping. This is like the internal cleansing of the

heart of all bad qualities such as kama (lust), krodha (anger), lobha

(greed), etc. When one first starts to sweep this dust, it will become

unsettled and fill the air. It will almost appear that the house has

become dirtier! Actually the dust was always there, but it had not ben

disturbed. As you go on cleaning, the dust will eventually be

collected and removed and the house will be spotless. The same is the

case while performing sadhana. At first one's mind may not be strong

or focussed, but as one continues the process, one will begin to

purify oneself and the pollution in the heart will be permanently



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The question was made by someone with: “responsibilities, job, kids, ect.”, asking for 4 "PRACTICAL" suggestions for daily spiritual growth which are realizable in this rat race.”


From someone in a similar situation, the following 4 spiritual suggestions:


1. Take good care of your responsibilities. Never be lazy or irresponsible.


2. Do your job well. Encourage your colleages to do their job well, and praise them when they do things properly.


3. Meditate on your children every day, which means spend a fixed amount of time with them, or at least be there for them (in the case of teenagers), and give them 100% of your attention during that time. Read books on how to increase your child’s self esteem. Children also like it when mother and father treat eachother with love and respect. Never fight in their presence. Be kind to your wife.


4. Never waste time. Whether waiting for the bus, travelling, or standing in line in a shop, always utilize the time you have. You may chant a mantra, learn a sloka that you wrote down in your agenda that morning, or listen to a lecture or devotional music on your walkman (personally I have heard the English translation of Caitanya Caritamrta on audio cassettes three to six times, an abridged version of Ramayana at least 10 times and the Bhagavad-gita (sanskrit, different tapes from India) a few hundred times. Go to an ISKCON temple and ask for the tapes of Amala-Bhakta dasa. Some of his readings are terrible, but his Ramayana and Caitanya-caritamrta readings are quite nice). When you have taken care of your responsibilities, come home from work and your wife and children have had enough of you, don’t waste time watching TV, having sex, etc. If you need rest, go to sleep, otherwise calm your mind through meditation or yoga-asanas, chant a mantra, sing praise to Sri Murti or a picture of your object of worship and read inspiring literature. Things that may create a spiritual atmosphere are burning of incense and a candle, taking a cool shower and putting on clean clothes. Pray to God for service, NOT for less responsibilities, a better job or obedient children!


“It’s not the world that one should renounce, but the selfish desires within it that need to be conquered.”


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Thanks for posting the answer to "What type of general habits should one follow in normal life."I found this post, to be very informative and helpful..

As I had told you in my email, I had recieved the chanting beads. Thanks..I had read "Chant and Be Happy: The Power of Mantra Meditation" on I think www.iskcon.org/. Do you think this will answer the questions I asked you? Next step,when my finances permit, I want to buy a copy of the Gita. For now, I am reading it online. Debbie

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