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Losing weight and Eating Healthy

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Thanks for clearing that up for me.I had wondered about that so, I decided to ask. In the scriptures, does it provide a list of these certain foods, in addition to onions and garlic, that should be avoided, and the ones that are also accepted, either for spiritual reasons or health benefits..Are all the foods listed in the "Bhagavad Gita". I admit I have ate onions, and possibly garlic, but I really did not know that was a bad thing, or at least not beneficial to my health..I am trying so hard to do the things I should do, but I know sometimes I may fall short of doing it exactly right..I have stopped eating meat, which, so far has been no problem, but I am sure there are alot of other things, I still have to improve upon, to get this thing right... Debbie

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Found on google.Turns out shellac is not the bugs but rather a resin that the lac bug produces.Some liken it to bees and honey, this guy calls it bug poop. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif


Also used for this is carnuaba wax, which is from a tree.So that wax on the apples and cucumbers may be of shellac or vegetable origin.They even use petroleum waxs.


The reasons are: Shiny gloss to attract consumers, and to lengthen shelve life by preserving the water content.Also stops weight loss for maximum profit.




Do you Know what Shellac is?

ITS BUG POOP! and 'they' KILL zillions of poor little lac bugs to get it! OH MY!





The following article was written by Paul Ridden, of Animal Action, for the Vegan Village website - date unknown. Unfortunately, Vegan Village appears to be defunct. I couldn't find a Copyright for this article anywhere so I pulled it off Google and reproduced it - verbatim - here.


I'll let the article speak for itself....





It's used as a coating for fruit and vegetables. It's used as glazing on sweets. It's even used in varnish. It's claimed to be a natural product, but what exactly is Shellac? You may not want to know the answer.


Shellac comes from an insect called the lac (Laccifer Lacca). India and Thailand are the dominant producers but the US and Indonesia are the main users. Lac insects thrive on certain kinds of trees, the Palas, Kusum or Ber in India and the rain tree in Thailand. A 'crop' of egg-laying female lac (or brood lac) are tied to the twigs of the host trees. The brood lac can lay up to 100 eggs, which hatch into small red larvae and crawl along the twig and settle in to feed.


Both male and female lac larvae insert their long proboscis into the tree and draw out the sap. While they feed a protective layer is secreted from their bodies, the secretion hardens and completely covers their little bodies, leaving openings only for waste products and for breathing. The larvae mature under the protective coating until, after about 8 weeks, they are sexually mature. Only the male goes through a full metamorphosis, developing antennae, legs, wings and losing its long proboscis. The male has only one job, to fertilise the females, who retains her mouthparts but doesn't develop wings or eyes. After the male has performed his duty, he dies. Once fertilised, the female increases the production of the secretion and increases in size during the next 14 weeks. Once the next brood females are just about ready to lay their eggs, they are 'harvested'. The brood lac and all the secretion are scraped off the branches and left to dry out. The freshly scraped shellac, or sticklac, consists of the secretion, the brood lac, a crimson dye from the ovaries of the brood lac and twigs. A number of live brood lac are collected to form the next crop, the lifespan of the lac allows for 2 harvests per year. Sticklac is then sold for processing.


Manufacturers of shellac crush the sticklac and then remove sand, dust, and impurities such as the shrivelled insect bodies, the crimson dye and twigs. The remaining secretion or resin then undergoes a number of refining processes until commercial shellac results.


The manufacturers then sell it on to food producers, who coat fruit and vegetables and chocolate and coffee beans and some nuts in it, to paint manufacturers, who put it in their paint and varnish and floor polish, to cosmetics manufacturers, to dentists, who use it as a mould for dental plates, and so on.


About 300,000 lac are killed to produce 1Kg of shellac. Nearly 9 million kilos of shellac was exported from India alone in 1995-96 - my calculator won't even work out how many dead lac that makes! The UK imported 226,175 kilos during this period, which makes somewhere in the region of 67,800,000,000 dead female lac for one year's usage.


So be careful when you go to the supermarket or your corner shop to pick up your weekly shopping of fresh fruit and veg, the produce in your basket will most likely be coated in shellac. Don't be tempted by those shiny chocolate brazils in the sweet shop window cos they're probably coated in shellac. If you're a DIY buff then isn't it about time you found out what exactly was in the paint and varnish you so lovingly splash on your walls. And what about your hair lacquer Mrs? And those tablets you're taking, avoiding capsules because they're made from gelatin won't get you away from shellac!?! And those rubber gloves? And the ink for your newspaper? And so on, and so on...


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Just returned from the WalMart grocery section. I was checking certain veggies to see if they had that "greasy feel" to them, when I saw a sign above the avocados, a fairly large sign, which stated that the following items "have been waxed for your freshness." I don't have the list memorized, but definitely tomatoes and green peppers were there, as were apples and other fruits. Sweet potatoes were waxed, but not the potatoes. Broccoli, cauliflower, and leafy greens were not waxed. Then the sign went on to say how the wax was obtained, along with a note at the bottom: "No animal products were used in the making of this wax." Hmmm... At first I was feeling hopeful that maybe, just maybe, they had discovered a wax or shellac that was not made from insects. The sign said that the wax was obtained from either vegetables, petroleum, honeycomb, and/or lac-resin. I didn't know what the lac-resin was, until I returned home and read Theist Ji's post. That's great, just great. "No animals used for making this wax." I guess this was meant to alleviate concerns from vegetarians and animal-rights groups. However, I guess it's open season for the insects. Interestingly, even though I live in a fairly small (redneckish) city, there was an organic produce section with a sign above the apples and cukes stating that these were *not* waxed. Good news, although the prices were at least double for these organic items.


Just thought it was interesting that WalMart's grocery would have signs alerting the customer as to which items were waxed, which were not. Saved me from having to ask the produce manager. Still, all-in-all, just goes to show that something that is basically advertised as being kosher for vegetarians, may or may not be truthful. Yes, insects are not animals. Still, I would guess that most vegetarians would not consider insects to be compatible with their chosen diet. It always pays to do some additional research. Which Theist Ji has kindly done. Good work.


Mr. Mxyzptlk

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Mr. Mxyzpltk

I just found out there is a federal law requiring such a sign to be posted.I can't remember ever seeing one before.Clever how they make it seem ok for vegetarians.I never heard of insects called lac before two days ago.


And I just ten minutes ago ate two big sweet potatos.They were the really cheap spotted ones so maybe I got lucky.Now I'm nervous about the Yams that just about done.*hit! I can't enjoy nothin', not nothin' man.


Well at least I distill my own water.



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There is a question that has bothering me greatly. I know and understand about what you say about eating meat is a sin, because it causes pain and suffering to animals.I am trying to do everything possible to be vegetarian,and not eat meat or meat products. I am sure there are some things,I have yet to find the hidden meat ingredients, but with the help of Theist,you, and some of the other posters, I am learning more and more.What is bothering me, is that I am doing this on my own, and have not pushed my vegetarian life-style change on my family, because frankly, that has to be a decision on their part, and I can not make that call for them.My husband and son are old enough that they have to make their own decision.But I continue to cook and serve their food(meats)as I have always done. Does that make me a bad person, and am I just as guilty of causing pain and suffering of the animals, as if I had killed and eaten it myself. I am torn, and know not what the answers to the question.. Debbie

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hi debbie according to the vedas those who are cooking meat are also taking part in conspiracy to inflict pain and suffering on helpless creatures.but you know what action itself is unimportant...God sees only your heart and you have lots of love and kindness there so do not worry.good or evil only exists here in duality...actually we all are pure as God.



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debbie you have to cook for your husband and children so you can't avoid that.meat eating is not favourable for spiritual growth because we take all their fear and pain inside us.what does it feel exactly?is it possible you could leave cooking meat?in my home i handle meat when i feed the cat.my mom,dad and sister also eat meat.


I gave u that link www.near-death.com

did u visit?they will help you in your growth.I agree you can't leave meat eating overnight but as you grow mature in spiritual truths you will be able to finally give it away.




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Sorry for the late reply. I hadn't visited the health forum in a couple days.



There is a question that has bothering me greatly. I know and understand about what you say about eating meat is a sin, because it causes pain and suffering to animals.I am trying to do everything possible to be vegetarian,and not eat meat or meat products. I am sure there are some things,I have yet to find the hidden meat ingredients, but with the help of Theist,you, and some of the other posters, I am learning more and more.What is bothering me, is that I am doing this on my own, and have not pushed my vegetarian life-style change on my family, because frankly, that has to be a decision on their part, and I can not make that call for them.My husband and son are old enough that they have to make their own decision.But I continue to cook and serve their food(meats)as I have always done. Does that make me a bad person, and am I just as guilty of causing pain and suffering of the animals, as if I had killed and eaten it myself. I am torn, and know not what the answers to the question..



Ultimately it is not good to take part in any activity based on cruelty to others (such as animals), which includes cooking meat for others. But from the practical perspective, you can't change over night, or expect those around you to change immediately. Continue doing your duty to others and accept the negative reactions that come. Over time you can analyze your situation and decide what is best for you and your family.

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I know for now, I will have to continue to cook meat for my son and my husband, and for that matter the rest of my family.They are all adults, and the only way out of it is to refuse to do it.For now, they all refuse to follow me, in this life-style change,and as I said, this a choice, they have to make for themselves.It still does not change the fact,that if killing and eating animals is a sin,I am just as guilty, by cooking and serving it,even if I do not eat it.Do you think it be wise to simply refuse to cook meat,and I cook everything else, and they cook the meat?Any suggestions? I know He knows what is my heart, but will He forgive me for this? Debbie

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It all depends what kind of relationship you have with your family. If its going to create too much tension just give some time and maybe through information and knowledge about the conditions of the slaughtering of animals they may have a change of heart. PETA has lots of information.


I was never in your situation because I was kind of young when I became vegetarian but my mother put as condition that I have to sit when them for meal time. One of my brothers bugged me throwing pieces of his meat on my plate or rubbing his fork with meat on my lips. After that I didn't have to seat with them, actually my father gave me the legal permission to move to the temple to my mother's dismay. With time they become more tolerant and last time I visited them in my country, the same brother who used to harrased me, cooked vegetarians meals for all the family for the 6 weeks that I was with them. He was the nicer.


Don't alienate your family or force them into anything. With lots of prayers and sincerity things may change for you.



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Thanks.I guess time is the best answer for now.I am sure that I am at fought,mainly, because I was never raised to be a vegetarian.Being so, I had raised them,pretty much the way I had been brought up.As a child, my father worked at one of these places,that you and the others talk about.I knew no difference then.If I had known,and had not been blinded,maybe things would have been different, and I might have been vegetarian a long time ago.Then in turn,would have taught my children this way.So I can not put the whole burden on them,for continuing to eat meat.But, as you say, maybe, through information and knowledge,they may sometime have a change of heart, and follow into a new vegetarian life-style.I just have to pray and hope that they do.

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Hi debbie,


I see you have gotten good advice so far.It is a difficult situation I know. This world has us trapped in so many of them. Someone may have a job working for a company that exploits people or pollutes the enviroment in some way. A soldier may join the military with a heart bent on serving a just cause but then a couple years later he gets shipped off to a conflict that he may feel he is morally opposed to. Does he choose to resist? What then of his family that depends on him?


Hard choices everywhere because the momentum that is built up in the larger society and even our own past has been away from a godly life for the most part.



joy: God sees only your heart and you have lots of love and kindness there so do not worry.



I consider this the most important.We will never be able to achieve perfect piety in our outer life.Something as simple an innocent taking of a walk means I will step on so many ants as I go.


Fortunately the Supreme is a person who is infinetly merciful and understands our predicaments more than we.If we desire he will guide us to Him without fail is we try to become His devotee.


By praying and chanting His names we will becomes such a devotee.


"But those who always worship Me with exclusive devotion,meditating on My transcendental form- to them I carry what they lack,and I preserve what they have. Bhagavad-gita 9.22


debbie please look up the purport to this verse.If we always seek the shelter of the Lord in all circumstances He promises to protect us regardless of our lacking in so many ways.


Hare Krsna


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Thanks,as always for your most helpful comments..I will check out the verse you have suggested.I guess I really know in my heart, that if I pray hard enough, that God really knows what I feel in my heart, and will guide me,if I just let Him.I also believe that he is merciful,and He understands different things that we go through in life..I know we are not all perfect. But even though we are not, I feel that the Lord will protect us regardless, if we just trust and believe in Him. Debbie

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  • 5 months later...
Guest guest

Sorry to say, but you folks have all got it wrong. Our species is omnivorous (as are most apes), and over the last several hundred thousand years has evolved specifically to include a large amount of animal protien in our diets. We would never have evolved to our current form without such a diet; our brains simply would not have grown large enough. There are virtually no intelligent species on the planet which are not carnivorous or omnivorous.


Look at it logicaly. What was available for us to eat as recently as only 5,000 years ago? Meat, vegetables, fruits, nuts and roots. There was no sugar or processed grains.


The diets I've seen described on this page are horrifying. I suggest you look into the Atkins lifestyle, and learn how sugar and processed grains affect the human body. At the very least, learn about the effect of these foods on indigenous cultures around the world.


Good luck, and good health.

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  • 1 year later...
Guest guest

You vegetarian people are stupid as it gets. God put animals on the face of the earth for a reason. God have us molars in our mouths for a reason. Yea I guess slaughtering animals is bad or whatnot, but i mean look at the food chain. What animal doesnt slaughter another to fest on it?

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Yes, animals slaughter other animals to feast on them. Thats the point. We hope to be something better than just an animal. We hope to become refined individuals, and this starts with our behaviors and what we eat. Hopefully if we are refined, we can elevate our thoughts to something higher than just the base animal needs of eating, sleeping, mating, and defending.

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