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What should we eat??

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Greetings to everyone,


My very first post here and thanks to all the good souls here that I have learnt a few things about the lord. Just a question which has been bothering me for sometime.


“If one offers Me with love and devotion a leaf, a flower, fruit or water, I will accept it.” (Bg. 9.26)


If we have to eat everything as krsna prasadam, then here the lord doesn't mention that we could offer milk to him.


Is it specified anywhere that we could drink milk.


Forgive my ignorance. I am a just a lowly soul. I have read a lot of post here and you are all very learned souls here. Please be kind enough to answer.

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Though it is not explicitly stated in that verse, we find in the scriptures so many accounts of Lord Krishna's fondness for milk and butter. He was brought up in a village of milkmen, and would daily steal the butter prepared by the gopis.


In temples throughout India milk preparations are offered to Lord Krishna and Narayana in the form of payasam or kheer. Also milk is used in panchamrita and panca-gavya for bathing the deity of the Lord (abhisheka).


Thus devotees of Krishna can offer milk and milk products to the Lord.

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"O almighty Lord, how greatly fortunate are the cows and ladies of Vrindavana, the nectar of whose breast-milk You have happily drunk to Your full satisfaction, taking the form of their calves and children! All the Vedic sacrifices performed from time immemorial up to the present day have not given You as much satisfaction."


-- Srimad Bhagavatam, 10.14.31


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Thanks very much jndas prabhuji. The lord was very fond of milk but can we offer it to him because he doesn't state so. I am asking this question because I read it somewhere in archive that just because shivji used to enjoy bhang, we as humans should not consume it or offer it.


Just the same way can't we say that the lord enjoys milk but we are not to offer that to our lord.


I am full of ignorance prabhuji , please forgive me but I really want to know about this because the kind of torture that us humans are doing on cows just for milk that the lord might never forgive us.


I just feel by drinking this milk I am doing a grave sin.


Thanks prabhuji for clarifing my doubts.


may the lord always bless everybody

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I am asking this question because I read it somewhere in archive that just because shivji used to enjoy bhang, we as humans should not consume it or offer it.



There are no scriptural references to Lord Shiva using ganja or other drugs. Lord Shiva drank the poison that came from churning the ocean of milk. Some Shaivites try to imitate this by taking "poison" in the form of drugs such as ganja.



Just the same way can't we say that the lord enjoys milk but we are not to offer that to our lord.



The agamas that establish procedures for worshipping deities specify that milk must be offered to the deity for abhisheka, and that it may be offered for naivedyam as well. Thus Lord Krishna wants us to worship him with milk.



...the kind of torture that us humans are doing on cows just for milk that the lord might never forgive us.


I just feel by drinking this milk I am doing a grave sin.



That is another topic altogether. Just because Krishna accepts milk offered to Him doesn't necessarily mean He accepts all milk offered to Him. Does He accept the milk taken from cows that are murdered for meat? Do we incure sin for drinking that milk? Are we forgiven for all our sins just because we are devotees of Lord Krishna?


These are question you have to ask yourself.

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