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Miss America Told to Stop Advocating Abstinence

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Jahnava Nitai Das

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Miss America Told to Stop Advocating Abstinence


WASHINGTON D.C., UNITED STATES, October 9, 2002: Miss America 2003, Erika Harold, Phi Beta Kappa graduate of the University of Illinois, yesterday said pageant officials have ordered her not to talk publicly about sexual abstinence, a cause she has advocated to teenage girls in Illinois. "Quite frankly, and I'm not going to be specific, there are pressures from some sides to not promote [abstinence]," the 22-year-old woman from Urbana, Ill., told The Washington Times. In her first visit to Washington since winning the crown Sept. 21, Miss Harold resisted efforts by Miss America officials to silence her pro-chastity opinions. "I will not be bullied," Miss Harold said yesterday at the National Press Club. The pageant has tried for years to improve the image of Miss America to include brains as well as beauty, and now that they've succeeded, may be having trouble handling the results. Miss Harold has for years advocated premarital chastity, an ethical code equally valued by Hindus, in Illinois. After winning the Miss America crown, Miss Harold said a young girl from an inner-city Chicago school sent her an e-mail asking her to continue the abstinence campaign. "She said, 'You changed my life because of what you said, and now I made the decision to be abstinent.....I really hope that as Miss America you continue to share that because it changed my life and I think it can change lots of others.' "


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People should be celebrating celibacy along with our Miss Amerika. Instead...

Now when this Miss Amerika says it, "I won't be bullied" takes on a whole new meaning.

We, id est, all Vedik persons should support her stance.

After all, as everyone knows, "Abstinence make the Heart grow Fonder".

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I fail to understand why the officials are stopping her from her campaign. Even if we, just for the sake of argument, ignore the scriptures, then also her campaign is for a very good cause.


In India, the consequences of pre-marital affairs are far more severe than in US. In India, it is far more difficult for anybody to publicly accept the parenthood of a child born before marriage than in US.


It is really pathetic that many people in India have now started considering abstinence before marriage as foolishness and sex before marriage as a sign of modernity.

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Hopefully the American example that India and half the world are so enamoured by will change it's values and swing the consciousness back to where it should be. Keep planting those seeds folks every sprout helps, but there sure is a jungle to grow through.

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Avinashji: it's just like when former President Carter dared to plan a vegetarian luncheon at the White House.

yad yad Acarati zreSThas tad tad evetaro janaH...

Carter RECEIVED threats from Meat-packer magnates (or is it spelled maggots?), clearly a clean-cut bunch.

Seeing sex for what it is will spoil everything. Amerikan Capitalism is based on illusion, the old 'in&out'.


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