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Dharma Mela

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Nothing has vanished. No one posts much because we await the new format. Granted, we expected that several months back, but we can post all we want now in the old format. Don't write them off until they say so - they both have a lot of integrity, and respect for their fellow vaisnavas. Eventually one of them will inspect the deserted Mela and find our renewed or new interest.


Why not post something uplifting for Janmastami? You can be the first to get it rolling again.

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Jahnava Devi Dasi hss visited the Mela, kicked some butt and revealed that the awaited changes are nearing their final stages. Until then, no new registrations will be accepted. Old members will be notified by e-mail when things go up (a matter of days was implied).


Has the new site been put up yet? Anybody know? thanks.

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Haribol, this site is one of the best ever, but dharma mela also had a unique flavor. I am of the opinion that each site represents a different temple, and dm is such a place.


This is quite a temple as well, and special thanks to JNdas for provision and expert management, hare krsna, ys, mahaksadasa

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"Who needs it?" Well, not everybody participates in every devotee forum on the web. Some people feel more comfortable in some than in others and I know that there were some people who only seemed to participate in the Dharma Mela and I have not seen some of them since it closed down. So it will be very nice to have the Mela back so we can associate with those devotees again.

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What are you guys talking about? The Mela IS dead. I don't see anybody here posting there. You're all associating here. The place is still up....has been since I read this original thread months ago.


Why isn't anybody posting there?


It's because it's too restricted. Any deviation from what the administrators believe is considered heresy in their minds. It's far too over-policed and it's lack of web traffic is proof of that.


I'm thankful for this forum. I'd rather be in an accepting and open-minded temple anyday than be in the opposite.

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Haribol, guest, you are incorrect in your assessment of Dharma mela. There has never been over censorship there, even when one goes way over the line, correction by discourse has always been the first choice of the melaites. The moderators are quite hands off, unless someone comes there with desire to cause trouble, and these types get banned from all channels, not just the mela.


I am a moderator of another site, and I vote for banning for reasons that many do not get, but it is my responsibility, and is very difficult duty. You sound like you are very happy that the mela is dead, so I perhaps know who you are as well. You dont sign your name so I cannot confirm.


haribol, mad mahax

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I don't want to argue with you mad mahax. I can assume that you are in very tight with the people that run the dharma mela and if you are, in fact, the person I'm thinking of, you never failed to show your allegience to them when it was active and always took their side when there was a problem. You were certainly a yes man. So I respect your opinion of the dharma mela. Please respect mine.

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Haribol, I fully respect the rights of those who take the time and energy to create a website. I am no ones "yes man", nor have I ever personally met the hosts of Dharma Mela.

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satisfy everyone. If there is some problem or even just a perceived problem on a forum, the participants will always have some disagreement on how the situation should be handled.


That's why there are moderators and the guidlines are usually posted and made clear.


Sometimes I thought they were too tolerant at the Mela. Others disagreed. So what. When you are a guest in a place that someone else took the time energy and expense to put up and maintain, perhaps its best to just go along with their program. If one doesn't like it then leave and go somewhere else. Or put up your own site. Complainers though generally won't do that. Maybe one reason is they become attached to the mode of complaining and victimhood.As an organizer of their own site they would lose that "matyred feelin'."


I for one look forward to the Dharma-mela coming back and I wish them well with it.



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