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Bestiality because of religious belief

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From Times of India (Bangalore edition, 2 May): -


In Sahibganj district of Jharkhand, a 16 year old school girl was sacrificed to propitiate local goddess. She was also raped by worshippers as part of ritual.


Manju was sacrificed by her neighbour Khudu Karmakar, a blacksmith, with the help of his disciple when she was going to watch a fair. An FIR has been lodged.


Feku Shah, the girl's father, said that his daughter did not reach home even on the following day. Then he complained to police.


On April 22, Manju's body with head shaven and carrying wounds were recovered from neighbouring village. After getting vermillion, red threads, and packets of incense sticks, police started investigation and conducted raids. The sorcerer and his disciple were arrested. They have confessed to the crime.

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I have read about such incidents earlier also. Because of religious beliefs people do many nice things. But some people also do such inhumane acts that words fail to condemn them. There is only one way to prevent such crimes. Those who do such things should be killed. They should not be given easy death. The death should be preceded by so much torture that even the most cruel person gets terrified. This will act as lesson to others.


It is said that human life is the best. But, when I read such news, I feel that humans are the worst creatures on Earth. All other creatures are far better. I really feel ahsamed that I belong to this species. We talk to world peace. So long homo sapiens are present, forget about peace.

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Sentimental whitewash aside,The laws of Karma are always at work on the material plane.

People are suffering much worse then simply being killed.


This is Karma.

To rant and rave,is useless,and ignorant.

Do you know, what that person, who is suffering now,done in a previous time and place?

Are you able to be judge,jury,and exacutioner,with your limited knowledge,of all things,past present,and future?

When all is said and done,God remains in absolute control of each and everyones destiny.

This vision is needed,vengefull thinking,is done in ignorance.


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I think it is ridiculous to ignore crime and violence simply because you believe everything is predestined according to karma. If that is the best practical application of our philosophy and teachings, then there really is no use for religion.


The teachings of Manu call for capital punishment for a number of crimes. It is not because Manu did not understand the laws of karma, but because he understood them perfectly.


Again, I would stress, if the best answer we have when someone is violently killed and raped is, "Oh that was their karma, we need inner spiritual vision to be able to ignore these things..." then it is certainly a sign that we have no spiritual realization beyond what we read in books.


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Srila Prabhupada: "A Vaisnava is described as para-duhkha-duhkhi because although he is never distressed in any condition of life, he is distressed to see others in a distressed condition." (Srimad Bhagavatam 4.6.47 Purport)


The Christian church banned the belief in reincarnation and the law of karma. Why? Could part of the reason be that it could lead to a merciless, cold-hearted way of thinking among the people in general?


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Originally posted by Pratyatosa Dasa:

The Christian church banned the belief in reincarnation and the law of karma. Why? Could part of the reason be that it could lead to a merciless, cold-hearted way of thinking among the people in general?

This is a common objection that people put up to discredit belief in karmic law.They contend it leads to apathy.

We must remember that inaction is action.There are sinful reactions to neglecting our duty.



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Do you know, what that person, who is suffering now,done in a previous time and place?


Going by this logic, if I find somebody suffering, then even if I can help him, I should not; I should think that it is his karma.


If I find somebody suffering, then why should I not think that I will be doing some good karma by helping that person? If something bad happens to a person because of his bad karma, then something good happens because of his good karma. Rather than thinking that the person who is suffering must have done some bad karma, why should we not think that we should do good karma?

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You need to understand,if you see someone suffering due to karma,if you can help that person,it is your Duty-Dharma,to help them,if not you are subject to a karmic reaction.

What should be done,what should not be done?

That is Dharma.

That which is proper,in proper vision,with proper knowledge.


Not activities done vengefully,that is Adharma.

Not activities done in ignorance,that to is Adharma.

The necessity of becoming educated,in Dharmic Philosophy,is to keep the actions and reactions of karma,in perspective.

Dharma is that, which is done, in cooperation with the guidance of the revealed truth.

Be it Guru,sastra,or sadhu.

Activities bereft of this knowledge,are Karmic,and can bring about suffering.

Why are we here?

To become a benefit to ourselves and God.

This is the situation we find ourselves in.

To act in accordance with the proscribed knowledge,according to time,place and circumstance,will bring about the desired result.

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There's no $reward for interfering, stopping, saving anyone.

If u r a cop, u get your salary regardless, so y risk it?

I feel so good having voluntarily broken up a serious fight at a small library sans security guard.

Blood was all over the floor, chairs were flying, ceiling panels were damaged.

Everyone else ran for cover &/or to phone 911. 911. What a joke.

Almost as pathetically funny as 9/11.

If the local cops had offered me a reward for doing what they were supposed to do, but showed up too late to do, I would've laughed in their faces.

"U think u can purchase courage?"

ZP: "They simply appear after the crime & take notes, that's all."

"What fools these mortals be!" Macbeth

Pathetic Amerika: sick to the core!


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Originally posted by jndas:

I think it is ridiculous to ignore crime and violence simply because you believe everything is predestined according to karma. If that is the best practical application of our philosophy and teachings, then there really is no use for religion.


The teachings of Manu call for capital punishment for a number of crimes. It is not because Manu did not understand the laws of karma, but because he understood them perfectly.


Again, I would stress, if the best answer we have when someone is violently killed and raped is, "Oh that was their karma, we need inner spiritual vision to be able to ignore these things..." then it is certainly a sign that we have no spiritual realization beyond what we read in books.

I agree with this statement. If all sufferring can be shrugged off as karma then no-one should mind when fanatical Hindus and Muslims kill each other, and 'compassion for sufferring humanity' has no meaning. During the reign of King Kamsa pious men like Ugrasena were imprisioned and persecuted, Devaki's children were taken away from her and murdered. Was this their karma? Haridas Thakhur beat in numerous market places; was he just getting his karmic reaction? Evil deeds are often inflicted on the innocent; to not care or try to prevent unleashed evil is to silently condone it.



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