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Big bang was not the beginning of time

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primate: Sure this is public internet. The extent to which one chooses to be public, however, is discretionary. I am looking for ("need to know") a good complementarity in interest as well as in mathematical skills. I chose to enter an honors physics program at an IIT following selection in their JEE... way back in the 60s. Left India over 40 yrs ago, drifting into chemistry- biochemistry-biology, recently becoming emeritus prof. of biochem. But my underlying interest in physics remained constant, a lurking vocation marking time as an avocation. Now, I intend to give it my undivided attention. Right circumstances would be substantial & sufficient support to carry out all the required experimentation in India under a very legal but perforce covert program. but I know little of India other than the hype of an emerging giant, having left home barely past my teens.


Regarding "ground breaking....." etc., yes, but the other way around, really; and as for "publish... peer reviewed journals..." I have done enough of that in my regular research endevours, so it does not really interest me as an incentive, as I look upon it more as the tail that would wag my dog. The transient recognition, accolades, attaboys etc. do not interest me in the least. I believe India, specifically Hindus & our philosophies, theologies & attendant world - even universe- views have much that they need to reclaim, develop, and pursue until Hinduism gets its rightful place among the foundations of human civilizations, that any personal recognition that might accrue to me would be utterly inconsequental (rambling, but not malignant, I assure you). In face of ever increasing venality of almost every western philosophical construct, it is essential that the only remaining alternative paradigms rooted in Indic intellectual evolution be strengthened to withstand the onslaught upon them. The human experiment would be left in an incredibly bankrupt intellectual state were it to descend into a bland, uniform Hellenistic Judeo rational monotheism.


yes, we can discuss much, and I am sure both would gain by it, but I am not sure I want to indulge in it all on the public internet. Information, like time, goes in only one direction :) Perhaps I will spend a little more time on these forums, taking in the discussions, and contributing my bits as I learn from these discourses. We dont have to speculate on the feasibility of constructing some 5kT reset of deliberately breached exclusionary rules.



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Okay PassingThru. I can tell you that personally I’ve learned quite a bit from these forums. My interest is mainly philosophical and some (more or less religious) discussions made me adjust and/or better understand my own (more or less formal) theory of reality. In terms of hard physics, I wouldn’t expect too much input here, although personally I may be able to link your data with a particularly elegant, non-linear mathematical model of material reality. :)


I have a PhD in neuro-sciences, mainly from doing computer-simulation studies of the brain, using various neural-network formalisms, genetic algorithms, and other computational search - and optimization algorithms. But I came to the conclusion, that (apart from low level perceptual processing), the working of the (mammalian) brain cannot be understood in terms of a computer program (or Turing-machine). This is especially evident when it comes to higher cognitive processes, like reasoning, understanding and consciousness.


So, currently I’m working as a software engineer, solving complex scheduling problems and other interesting tasks, which are difficult for humans, but relatively easy for a computer, because the latter can do arithmetic calculations really much faster than our human brain. :)


Good luck!

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  • 6 months later...

Nothing is time less even time is time bound that it is quantifiable thing and the time before creation of universe is just like a life before our this life. We have a reality(apparent ) and that is a big bang a time and a life...Please think what happens to time when there is no mass and no space and no light and nothing.

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Space is the force that created universe........space has universe not the other way round!!!!!! space again separated mass from light in it by big bang. Space created time simultaneously and lead to this creation. Time can not exist alone. Space needs nothing it is absence of all we know and the presence of the most powerfull force the GOD.. and HE is time less do You agree

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  • 5 months later...


Nothing is time less even time is time bound that it is quantifiable thing and the time before creation of universe is just like a life before our this life. We have a reality(apparent ) and that is a big bang a time and a life...Please think what happens to time when there is no mass and no space and no light and nothing.


......still passing thru, and glad, as always, to stop by. I am so pleasently surprised to see the forums still up @ running. Every little thought counts. But to respond to your question "Please think what happens to time when there is no mass and no space and no light and nothing."....


The answer- as I see it - is that nothing happens to Time - it is a vast, homogenous (consisting of the substance "Time") and infinite ocean. When space does not exist, it is absorbed into the ocean of Time, in the form of Time. Matter cannot "not exist" - in the absence Space to occupy, so all Matter reverts to a singularity (point mass) in the ocean of Time. And alligorically, in that ocean of Time- ( which I call "kaal maha sagar") - reposes Lord Brahma the Creator, on Shesh Naag (the "shesha" or "leftover" or "remainder" of all that has gone before). When Lord Brahma awakens, He brings forth Maya which, following the wishes and memories in His mind, brings forth the Universe from the substance of His being.

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  • 8 months later...

Absent the occurance of events, time becomes indeterminate- there being no before, during and after; thus the "passage" of time requires events to occur. Events require that matter (matter and/or energy) undergo a change in state. Thus, absent matter/energy

(mass), "Time" is indeterminate. Yet Time exists as a Potential, which is infinite. Indeed, it is this infinite temporal potential which constitutes an essential component of unchanging Reality.Time is being consumed continously by the illusiory domain of Maya, which is constituted of Matter-mass, and Space-the three dimensional domain in which Matter undergoes transformations and transmutations. And yet, being infinite and an essential component of true, immutable Reality, Time is not decreased by its consumstion ["from the (w)hole, we may remove the (w)hole, yet the (w)hole still remains"]. Thus, of the cosmic trinity of Matter, Space and Time, the first two are components of illusiory Maya, and the the third a component of Absolute Reality.

Om tat Sat.

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