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Five Planets To Align

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LONDON (Reuters) -- Supermarket lines will be shorter, road rage will ease and everyone will be getting on better over the next few weeks thanks to a rare planetary grouping, British astrologers believe.


Absolute nonsense, say astronomers.


From now until early June the five planets that can be seen with the naked eye -- Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn -- will move into a rough grouping on the same, visible, side of the sun, something that happens only once a century.


"People will be able to see the planets with the naked eye lining up about 45 minutes after sunset," Robert Warren at the Royal Observatory in Greenwich, London told Reuters on Friday.


He said stargazers should watch the planets rising from the western horizon where the five should be grouped within a span of 10 degrees of sky, or about the width of a fist held at arm's length.


While astronomers are busy swinging their telescopes westwards, astrologers are reaching for their charts and predicting great changes.


"The coming together of the five naked eye planets in conjunction with other cosmic influences will greatly affect the collective human unconscious," astrologer Walter Berg told Reuters.


Berg said a chart for April 30 predicted greater human harmony and increased teamwork.


"That will manifest itself in shorter supermarket queues, quieter roads and people getting on better," he said.


"It will be like an army marching in step."


Joyce Hopewell of the Astrological Psychology Institute agreed. "The focus is on Gemini which is all about communication," she said.


Berg said the movement of planets through space affects the solar magnetic field which in turn affects the geo magnetic field influencing people's central nervous system.


This in turn means people will be more in tune with each other and better equipped to avoid the petty hassles and confrontations of everyday life.


But not everyone is convinced.


"Complete rubbish," said Robert Massey, an astronomer at the Royal Observatory.


"It is bizarre to say planets have that sort of an impact. It would be really impressive if the planets suddenly produced world peace -- but I doubt it will happen," he said.




[This message has been edited by dasa (edited 04-22-2002).]

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I did a chart for April 30th and Venus, Mercury,Mars, Saturn and Rahu will be together in Taurus. Jupiter is in Gemini and Sun is in Aries. By May 15th Sun will move in Taurus and Venus will go to Gemini with Jupiter and the Moon.

How do you see that in the sky? We'll have 4 planets plus Rahu in Taurus and Jupiter, Venus and Moon in Gemini.

I don't know but 4 malefics in one sign it's kind of scary, the saving grace is that they'll be in Rohini and Mrigasira naksatras.

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Rare planetary show snapped

View from south-west London on 21 April


Star gazers have been enjoying a once in a life time sight of five planets lined up in the sky - all visible to the naked eye.

The rare grouping of Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn will not be seen again in a similar alignment for a century.


The next 30 nights or so will herald an astronomical feast with the planets remaining visible as their patterns change each night and they continue to move around the Sun.


The photograph above was taken on 21 April by amateur astronomer Maurice Gavin from south-west London. It has been enhanced graphically to show the positions of the planets.


A view of the skies without binoculars will currently show five clear dots of light, seemingly the appearance of bright stars.


How to see it

Choose a place away from lights with a clear view

Look west in the sky just after sunset

Look at the 11'o'clock position and you should see the planets together in the same patch of sky

In a few days' time Mercury, which is faint, will disappear from view - below the horizon.


Venus is the brightest of the planets, followed by Jupiter. Mars, which is reddish in hue, may be faint but Saturn should be clearly visible.


By 4 May, Saturn will be "overtaking" Mars to form a triangular pattern with Venus.


The Moon will often be in the same part of the sky as the planets, appearing to jump about between them from night to night.


Over the next two or three weeks, the planets will move closer together and become more bunched.


Similar groupings will occur in September 2040 and July 2060 but the planets will not be as close together or as visible to the naked eye.


Tony Sizer, planetarium lecturer at the Royal Observatory in Greenwich, London, UK, said Venus and Mars were currently moving towards Jupiter.


Taking photographs


He watched the skies from Croydon, south London, and said enthusiasts should keep an eye on the planets throughout the next month to see the sequence in motion.


"It is best described as a line-up of dots and is a spectacular sight from the point that it is pretty unusual," he said.


"It is important for astronomers because they can see all the planets with the naked eye, but I do not think it will lead to the end of the Earth as was historically feared.


"The planets can currently be seen across the world though they are most visible in areas not covered with bright light, in the Northern Hemisphere.




[This message has been edited by dasa (edited 04-24-2002).]

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