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Lord of the Rings...

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This movie is absolutely fantastic. I have never read the Lord of the Rings trilogy, though I have read its prequel - The Hobbit (which sets up the trilogy). The film was 3 hours long but went by very quickly. The acting was fantastic. The music was sublime. The special effects blended in seemlessly and never overtook the story. The director really just created whole worlds on the screen. It was just sweeping and epic filmaking at its best. I can't think of anything wrong with the film. It was just that good. The only bad part was that when it ended I wanted more, but will have to wait another year for part 2, and a year after that for part 3.


They have all 3 parts filmed already, which is good because now we can expect a consistent quality for the other 2. It is just really really good filmmaking. Usually sci-fi and fantasy films are just cheap B-movies. So its great when they come out with a top quality film. I hope to see it up for a bunch of Oscars.


Also, they had a great trailer for next years Spiderman movie. That looks ubercool Posted Image



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I agree with you in this. We loved the film, the 20 of us that went to the movie at the same time without even knowing that the others would be there. I thought that the devotees were coming in for kirtan or something, so many of them at the same time. It was really cool, the film and the association. I got to see some ladies from Vrindavan that I used to associate over there.


We are waiting for part 2 and 3, what a disapointment when the movie finished. We wanted more. My only advice, especially for guys is not to drink too many sodas, because the hall was packed with a mayority of males and the movie is 3 hours long the guys were taking trips to the restroom a lot.


I saw on TV that the 9 guys got tattoes with the number 9 in different parts of their bodies, they got to be real good friends.


Spiderman looks really cool Posted Image

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During the film, I was thinking a lot about a Maha Bharata and Ramayan movie. If someone can put a lot of money and make something really good it would be wonderful. All the stories from the Bhagavatam, the wars between the demigods and the asuras, all the Krsna book.....the different celestial beings, rishis, brahmarishis with all their powers, gandharvas, apsaras, all the ghosts, goblins and associates of Lord Siva. The powerful rakshasas. They can make a few movies out of it with all the stories from the books. Just think of Kurukshetra and the 600 million that were there, it is endless.

The powerful women, Kunti, Draupadi, Subhadra, Gandhari, Mandodari, Sita,etc. The pastimes of Krsna in Vrindavan, Mathura and Dwaraka....Maybe one day it will happen.

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If I were to make Ramayana, I would hire some of the demons to play Raksasas, and the guy who played legolas would be my number one pick for the role of Laxmana. If he were of darker skin, he would be a great Arjuna as well.


Other than that, the movie did not do to much for me, the best looking girls were all guys. But the actress named Liv Tyler was good as well, and much better role than Bruce Willis daughter in Armegeddon.


If one makes a movie of druids, dwarfs and other things British, the sound track should have had Loreena McKennett, woulda been much more dramatic.


later, mad mahax

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I wouldn't pay to watch any Hollywood movie, specially this one.

'Bhav' quoted Tolkien in 1985, just before he was dethroned.

You all know the quote.

I joined ISKCON in Wash DC with a Swedish boy.

DAmodar allowed us to move in, chant & do service.

This Swede was busy reading Tolkien's Trilogy;

I was busy reading KRSNa book which later became a Trilogy.

I recall his face. I never saw him again. Others may recollect.

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