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Lennon rant fails to sell

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Lennon rant fails to sell

October 4, 2001 Posted: 1:56 PM EDT (1756 GMT)

It is not known if Lennon's letter to McCartney was ever sent


LONDON, England -- An angry letter written by John Lennon to Paul McCartney at the time The Beatles broke up has failed to sell at auction.


The hand-written letter, which sheds light on the split, failed to attract its reserve price at a pop memorabilia sale at Christie's in London.


Bids for the letter, which revealed the depth of animosity Lennon felt towards McCartney when the Fab Four split, fell £13,000 ($19,000) short of the £65,000 ($96,000) asking price


Christie's pop memorabilia expert Sarah Hodson said: "We are disappointed. However the Lennon letter was very, very special. Obviously we would expect it to sell again."


The draft six-page letter to Paul and Linda McCartney, littered with spelling mistakes, deletions and expletives, reveals Lennon's views on several issues.


It expresses anger and hurt at the other Beatles' treatment of him and Yoko Ono, disdain for Linda, frustration and exasperation with numerous issues, to a palpable affection for Paul McCartney.


Though not dated, the letter is believed to have been written around 1970-71 although it is not known if it was ever sent.


Written at Lennon's Berkshire mansion, Tittenhurst Park, the letter apparently responds to one sent by Linda in which she castigated Lennon for derogatory remarks made to the press about Paul and The Beatles.


Lennon airs his disenchantment with some of the trappings of The Beatles' fame, including the Fab Four's acceptance of MBE awards in 1965.


He accuses McCartney of letting their success go to his head and for believing that they alone sparked the youth revolution.


"Of course we changed the world -- but try and follow it through -- get off your gold disc and fly," Lennon writes.


But he signs off on a tender note saying " ... inspite (sic) of it all, love to you both, from us two."


The relationship between McCartney and Lennon, who was shot dead in New York in 1980 by a deranged fan, was known to have been strained during and after the break-up of The Beatles.


Lennon's notorious song "How Do You Sleep?" in which he snarled, "The only thing you did was yesterday, And since your gone you're just another day," reflects his feelings at the time.

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Who really murdered John Lennon?

Who programmed this fellow for months to do what he did?

Why he timed it halfway between Reagan's election & inauguration?

Who really broke up the Beatles?

Who's the Fool on the Hill?

Who's the Walrus?

Why "Help" was filmed in India?

Why a "Hard Day's Night" was NOT filmed in India?

Which songs did they record AFTER meeting ZrIla PrabhupAd?

Why Lennon did not surrender to ZrI Guru?

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Their plan was to change U.S. Politics bigtime.

Supply-side economics. Trickle down Theory. Doggy bags to go.

Wall Street film: "Greed is Good!"

1) Bush was sent to Tehran to delay release of U.S. hostages till after Nov1980 election.

2) Carter's attempt to rescue hostages 'mysteriously' failed.

3) Lennon was shot dead 8Dec1980.

4) They feared his future protest songs would damage their plans.

5) Lennon's murderer was psychologically programmed to shoot him.

6) Bush waited for Reagan's inauguration before having U.S. hostages released.

7) In turn, Bush promised Iran arms.

Oldest profession? Pr_________

Dirtiest profession? Po______

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  • 2 months later...
  • 9 months later...

Fact is, after we experiance death, only Krsna remembers who we were. Arjuna does not remember his role as Nara, and Ramananda Raya has no knowledge of his position as both.


So, Its not lennons fault that he cant remember, hell even reagan cant do that, and he aint even dead yet.


Haribol, ys, mahaksadasa


ps, I dont worship lennon, and most of his songs were bad, but a few were the best ever.

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Sadly it appears he stopped seeing the good in Krsna consciousness and lost faith in his brother, if this is not curbed it can lead to a downward spiral, that's better to exit and start again than continue perpetuating the bitter direction of the poisoned mind. He should have kept chanting with George. But isn't it a pity.

It's a great tradgity that we come so close to the sadhus and fail to capitalize completely on their merciful company.

Soloman's dilemna, "All is vanity under the sun'

For all Johns vaisnava seva I'm sure he'll be in a better place now.

Chant and be happy.

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And nothingto get hung about. This was a very talented man whohad great faith in himself (read: big false ego). In his wanderings through the brahmanda, he fortunately got the opportunity to associate with a mahabhagavat. he was very fortunate. Others were/are evenmore fortunate, bu life is like that. Were have confidence in Krishna's promise that nothing is eve lost in such an endeavor.

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John's murderer was denied Parole exactly on Lennon's birthday last Wednesday.

Yoko found that very mystical, somewhat satisfying.

Many believe this fellow was very gullible thus, easily programmable.

Papa Bush gave it his best shot. It worked. Apart from 6th Canto's 12 witnesses, Bushwinkle got away with it.

Yoko came out Wednesday night to personally distribute vegetarian pastry in honor of John's birthday.

She chose to use fancy paper plates. Certainly savvy souvenirs for some.

One Scottish University just discovered 300 Beatle photos never before seen, totally forgotten about, soon to be displayed, perhaps shot circa their HELP filming.

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