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Wonderful Vrindaban video

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I highly recommend the 90-minute video Guide to the Spiritual World: VRINDAVANA INDIA. It is simply packed with nectar, film footage of intimate forests and Deities and other holy places, as well as very exquisite paintings and other temple decor. It is narrated beautifully, with explanations, stories including Krsna Book quotes, and is put together so artistically that it is a visual delight at every moment. Paramaradhya devi dasi put this together, and plans to do more. I am impressed with the quality and sublimeness of this presentation!


ys, JR

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This one all the funding goes to help build an ashrama for Indian widows and orphan girls. One is advised on the sleeve, therefore, to please not copy it but buy more to give to friends and relatives as a spiritual gift.

What is the name of the video you are talking about, do you remember? I would be interested.



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Originally posted by JRdd:

I highly recommend the 90-minute video Guide to the Spiritual World: VRINDAVANA INDIA. It is simply packed with nectar, film footage of intimate forests and Deities and other holy places, as well as very exquisite paintings and other temple decor. It is narrated beautifully, with explanations, stories including Krsna Book quotes, and is put together so artistically that it is a visual delight at every moment. Paramaradhya devi dasi put this together, and plans to do more. I am impressed with the quality and sublimeness of this presentation!


ys, JR


We met when she was here in Toronto and I got the CD, but something has to be downloaded to make it play.

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Originally posted by Gauracandra:



I'm thinking you might need a decompressor that extracts the files as it plays them. Its probably an MP71 file extractor (I'm not positive about the name). Try running the CD, and tell me what the error (if any) is. If it is the decompressor I'll look for one on the internet.




Thanks, prabhu. Nothing happens when the CD is inserted.



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Then open up My Computer (I am not going to get into right or left click instructions as I am mostly left-handed and have the added quirk that I can't tell left from right and end up giving opposite instructions sometimes), and click on C drive, and open it that way. Now see what happens.

(Is that correct, GC?)


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Originally posted by Gauracandra:

Its probably not the C: drive you want to click on (thats always the harddrive). It will probably be called the D: drive or such I'm thinking. Some CDs open up as soon as you put them in. Others have to be executed so to speak.



Installed Mediaplayer 7.1 and it still won't work. Opened CD file and several are listed. Something is sure gonna get executed soon cuz' I am livid!



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I have the cd and will go over step by step later how to do it. I have to do it again myself to remember! }:^)


This is truly a wonderful service and a must see so I will do what I can to help you see it.


Originally posted by amanpeter:

We met when she was here in Toronto and I got the CD, but something has to be downloaded to make it play.


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Originally posted by livingentity:

Here is the link to Paramaradhya devi dasi's website which includes info on the video.


<A HREF=http://paramaradhya.netfirms.com/index.htm>A Guide to the Spiritual World</a>

Thanks prabhu! Met a devotee at the temple tonight who says he'll Email what I need. Apparently Mediaplayer is not enough without additional software. Will let you all know tomorrow.



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Originally posted by amanpeter:

Thanks prabhu! Met a devotee at the temple tonight who says he'll Email what I need. Apparently Mediaplayer is not enough without additional software. Will let you all know tomorrow.



Well, he sent me an attachment which I unzipped into as a file on C drive, now what? Maybe Radharani won't even let me visit Vrndavan by video CD...woe is I!


p.s. he says he can't help me by Email any further. Dumb is me!



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I just checked in before signing off for the evening. I will get back to you tomorrow evening on this problem and try to help you out. By the way, which windows program are you using?


Originally posted by amanpeter:

Well, he sent me an attachment which I unzipped into as a file on C drive, now what? Maybe Radharani won't even let me visit Vrndavan by video CD...woe is I!


p.s. he says he can't help me by Email any further. Dumb is me!




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Originally posted by livingentity:

I just checked in before signing off for the evening. I will get back to you tomorrow evening on this problem and try to help you out. By the way, which windows program are you using?


Winzip with windows 98SE? I can't even understand the questions, let alone answer them! Arghh!!!



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I have just been able to open this disk in my computer dvd player and also my windows media player. Do you have either one? I also got into it through realplayer. Let me know what you have and I will try to help.


Originally posted by amanpeter:

Winzip with windows 98SE? I can't even understand the questions, let alone answer them! Arghh!!!




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Originally posted by JRdd:

This Vrindaban video is on ebay for $16.00 starting bid. The auction ends in six hours. The seller does not keep any profit; I know this because I know the seller from previous transactions (selling and buying from each other). This is the url:




This same video is being sold a little further down the list, also ends in six hours. You can buy it now for a little more money (more donation for the widows and orphaned girls in India), or bid at the last moment and get it for $16.00.


Happy bidding!

Param told me she was `licensing` others to copy and distribute, possibly through ISKCON temples. She would provide a master copy, I think. valaya



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Funny you call her "Param" after you got upset with someone for leaving the devi dasi off someone else's name! Posted Image


You never did let me know if you were able to see the disk. I would love for you to see this. Posted Image


Originally posted by amanpeter:

Param told me she was `licensing` others to copy and distribute, possibly through ISKCON temples. She would provide a master copy, I think. valaya




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