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A riddle/joke

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  • 3 weeks later...

How can you know for sure our world famous ISKCON Dallas Deity Kalacandji, though very strong-armed, is often ill?

1st hint: Not his consort ZrImAtI, only He's often ill.

2nd hint: You have to know 2-3 words in "Remember the Alamo" Texas Spanish to solve this riddle.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Nobody figured out why Kalcandji is sometimes ill?

At least take a stab at it.

One more hint. What does 'mal' mean in Spanish?

Okay. here's another riddle.

Why is Huck Finn's author not quite in our paramparA?

IOW, How do we know for sure Samuel Clemens was not self-realized?

(at least not in that lifetime)

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Further Texas & Clemens clues:

1) This riddle solves the crime "Who Poisoned SP?" within a second.

Why does Our Dallas Kalacandji sometimes feel ill?

Because/porque "ahi __ __ ___ KRSNa."

Onlt 3 syllables to be filled in.

2 letters + 2 letters + 3 letters

You're only 7 letters away from solving one of the greatest crimes of last century.

Only 7 letters away.

Any judge and jury can figure this one out blindfolded.

Even his own disciples can easily ascertain, so what's the hold up?

2) Although Samuel was twice blessed by Haley's Comet, because Clemens never met himself, his real self, he was most certainly (within that Comet lifetime) not self-realized.

How do we know?


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God sometimes ill in Dallas?

Yes. Why? Because _____ KRSNa stays there.

In this case the Spanish reveals the Truth.

Porque ahi es _____ KRSNa.

There you go. Only 2 syllables, 5 letters to fill in.

Clemens was definitely not self-realized because of his pen name choice.

"Never the...

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A group of scientist were sitting around discussing which one of them was going to go to God and tell Him that they didn't need Him anymore. Finally, one of the scientists volunteered and went to go tell God He was no longer needed.


The scientist says to God, "God, a bunch of us have been thinking and I've come to tell you that we really don't need You anymore. I mean, we've been coming up with great theories and ideas, we've cloned sheep, and we're on the verge of cloning humans. So as You can see, we really don't need You.


God nods understandingly and says, "I see. Well, no hard feelings. But before you go, let's have a contest."


The scientist says, "Sure, I'm all for it. What kind of contest?"


"A man-making contest."


"Sure! No problem." the scientist says. He bends down,picks up a handful of dirt and says, "Okay, I'm ready!"


And God says: "No, no. You go get your own dirt."

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  • 2 weeks later...

Tarun, no wonder nobody could crack the riddle. Kalacanji cannot get sick. If He is considered to be made of stone (which according to Kapiladev in Srimad Bhagwatam is considered a hellish mentality)then stone cannot get sick. If He is considered the Supreme Brahman, He can only purify whoever meditates on Him without becoming contaminated in any way.


Originally posted by Tarun:

2) Proof Samuel Clemens was not self-realized:

"Never ther Tw___ shall meet" (at least not in that lifetime).

1) Why Zri Kalacandji´s often ill?

Porque ahI estA MAL Krishna.

Porque ahI es TAMAL Krsna.

Because there Tamal Krsna (visits).

Spanish "EstA mal" means "is ill, sick"


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2) Proof Samuel Clemens was not self-realized:

"Never ther Tw___ shall meet" (at least not in that lifetime).

1) Why Zri Kalacandji´s often ill?

Porque ahI estA MAL Krishna.

Porque ahI es TAMAL Krsna.

Because there Tamal Krsna (visits).

Spanish "EstA mal" means "is ill, sick"

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