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why did god create man?

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Pita das

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i know that this would seem a sily question.but i ahve always wanted an answer for this.


i think i should rephrase it.

what was god's purpose/necesity for creation

of this world,of man,of the other creatures.why does he need to do all this?


[This message has been edited by bharath (edited 06-06-2002).]

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Why ask only about man? God has created many other species? So, why not ask about them also? If we ask, then we are asking why God created living beings.


Anyway, my answer to your question: -


God created man so that man could wonder why God created him. Posted Image

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Originally posted by Avinash:

Why ask only about man? God has created many other species? So, why not ask about them also? If we ask, then we are asking why God created living beings.


Anyway, my answer to your question: -


God created man so that man could wonder why God created him. Posted Image

nice answer avinash,did really give me a smile,but i seriously want an answer for it.dont u think that to understand god,nature,etc,that u need to know why we were created?



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I think God created man and other living and non-living things for the same reason that man created tools, instruments, and thinking machines like computers etc. Tools, machines etc., ease and aid man's creations and similarly man and other things in this world aid God's objectives. Just like a spanner can not imagine the objective of its creation man also can not understand the purpose of his creation. He is too small to comprend God's plans.




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God being the first being before anything exsited was compelete and happy with and in Himself being the sum bonum Srila Prabhupada has explained to us He is Bhagavan processing all quailties in full all beautiful full of all knowegde all famous full of all strength and fully renounced of everything all blissful and ever enceasing in all of these quailities.

This is the criteria of the Supreme Absolute Truth know by us as Sri Krishna Bhagavan.

At one point in the Lords mood and blissful enjoyment He desires relationship

out of His own sweet will and personifies He internal emotions His pleasure potenty in Srimate Radharani and then there are two

Out of His sweet will He latter again expands into a compelte dupicate of Himself and this is Lord Balarama found this point all His expansions appear of 3 varities Vishnu tatvas Shiva tatva and jiva tatva.

At the same time the oringal Superme Abouslute truth never becomes less as all of these expansion imanate from Him.


The 3 varitey Jiva tatava are different from the others .

This Tatva is of a marinal quailty being haveing a nature of which in rare cases is defective due to the freedom which the realtionship they were created for demains

and some jivas become at once indepentant of thier source like a screw which has fallen from a machine in a factory.


because the form of jiva decides to indepentantly search for its enjoyment away from its source Krishna then glanecs at His material engery known as Durga and She goes about makeing a place in which this jiva may live in the illison of indepenance.

so that engery which the jiva decides to enjoy and controll milking out enjoyment in a separate way becomes its jail .

The Good new is that only afew screws fall to the floor of the factory most are eternally willing to enjoy with Thier Source Shri Shri Radha Krishna and enjoy with them.

The bad new is we are the fallen screws

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I once read an analysis of this question "Why did God create anything?" such as man etc.... It was by a very famous Catholic theologian, but I'm blanking out on his name at the moment. Anyways, I don't recall the details. But it was very interesting in that he said something to the effect that God would seek to create something as closely perfect as himself. And that creation would seek to create something as closely perfect as it etc.... on down the line. Thus everything was some form of an expansion of an expansion of God. Not that it was God, but that the creative nature of God would seek to create something perfect. And so we would get various gradations of creations.


I'm not doing it justice, but it was very interesting.

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As im a Muslim, the answer for your question as mentioned in the Holy Quran is "God has created us only to worship him". Much as we long for a perfect world, we are compelled to live in an imperfect one. Our happiness is always short-lived and our every succes is, in some way, eventually a failure. The aspirations that we cherish in the early days of our lives are shattered as we begin to age. Just as we begin to take root on earth, disaster, old age and death overtake us. How enchanting the flowers are, but they blossom only to wither. Miraculous though man's existence is, no miracle can save him from death. Everything in this world shall perish. This world must be inconclusive. Another world must follow to compensate for the inadequacies fo the present one. Paradise is that eternal world of God in which his attributes will appear in all their perfection.


[This message has been edited by fayarus (edited 06-09-2002).]

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