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CC is supercow is gross needs to go

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I make an appeal to have ChaitanyaChandra aka Supercow removed. He has now exceeded his own extensions by posting the link to a lewd photo (which he got on Random Axis' website) and to which he (CC) affixes my name. I've had it up to here with the gross remarks that go on from some of the men on these forums (you know who you are), but this takes the cake.


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Originally posted by Maitreya:

The pic should stay.It is hilarious as was Gauracandras inital post.


His[CC] bringing your name into it was rude however.Maybe you should jpg or img him back.


[This message has been edited by Maitreya (edited 09-26-2001).]

Why should I? I don't want to play on that low level of exchange. The name should go, it's aa simple as that.



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Well well well. Very interesting, the feedback to my little experiment here, to see what responses would come. Very very immature, over all, what to speak of other revealing things. Valaya shines though. Also Jahnava Nitai, who must have seen it for himself and pulled it, and who has the natural sense of a gentleman.


Lame web page? I speak not for myself as it is not my art and writings; I only did the donkey work; I speak on behalf of the gurus represented there, as well as the Supreme Personalilty of Godhead Himself and His consort and devotees. What is lame about beautiful images of the Lord, and the writings of His devotees?


Supercow, once again you seem to be going off the deep end. Please get hold of yourself. Chant like crazy and pray to become freed from your strange mentality. I see some blissful association peeking out from your being. It needs to shine out more.


wishing you the best,


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