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Light Boxes

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Has anyone ever used one of these? A friend at work, his wife sells these while working at home. These are the boxes that are to emit the same sort of light as the sun. They say if you aren't getting enough exposure to the sun you can become depressed, and that your body's internal clock can get disturbed. So by sitting in front of one of these light boxes you will feel happier and sleep better. Has anyone ever used one? I think they are a little expensive so wouldn't want to purchase one if they aren't that useful.



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You only need one if you live in an area where there is not a lot of sunlight that you cannot bathe in naturally.


In Seattle a few years ago I had experience with these lights. If you work in an office building 8 - 10 hours daily, the flourescent lights are extremely unhealthy emotionally and physically because of the wavelengths. These lights correct the situation if you can afford them.


Better to work outside in fresh air and light and away from all forms of EMF radiation.

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And if you can't work outside, try to get a break in the morning sun. Turn toward the sun and close your eyes and raise them directly toward the sun. Let the sun get in for a few minutes. This is related to the pineal gland or some melatonin thing, I forget the tech of it but it is a good remedy. The other thing is, you can also get lightbulbs like daylight, artist use them and also people who want the health beenefits use them. Realgoods.com sells them and they also last longer than ordinary bulbs. Not the same as those light boxes but a good alternative. Another thing, that my doctor once told me when I was chronically depressed due to constant illness at the time, to not skimp on lights in the house in the winter but turn a lot on, not just in the area I'm working in. I found that really helped. And if you think you have seasonal affective disorder get out in the elements, the rain, the snow, the whole gamut, embrace it, don't hide from it. this has been shown scientifically to be effective against SAD. take it from one who has been there.

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It has to do with the lack of seratonin, the same thing that Prozac type drugs affect and also the herb St.John's wort. Full-spectrum lights are available in both florescent and incandescent bulbs. Sometimes they're called Gro-lights as plants benefit, too.


There are several ways to neutralize EMF, including a locket called Q-Link which I wear around my neck. It amplifies one's personal electrical fequency, measurably increasing the aura or chi forcefield, to provide a protective bubble for the wearer. The same company makes electrically powered devices which can cover entire rooms or cars. Some natural substances, like tourmaline (I think), achieve a somewhat similar effect by absorbing EMF, but they must be replaced after awhile.

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Are the things this locket screens out specific? I mean does it keep out bad stuff like EMFs but lets in good natural things in the atmosphere. I would not like to be like a bottle of distilled water with nothing in it. These lockets sound good though. I know some woman who wears something that puts out negative ions. But it looks too heavy for my neck. Is this locket heavy?


(edited for semi-serious typo)


[This message has been edited by JRdd (edited 09-15-2001).]

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Originally posted by JRdd:

Are the things this locket screens out specific? I mean does it keep out bad stuff like EMFs but lets in good natural things in the atmosphere. I would not like to be like a bottle of distilled water with nothing in it. These lockets sound good though. I know some woman who wears something that puts out negative ions. But it looks too heavy for my neck. Is this locket heavy?


(edited for semi-serious typo)


[This message has been edited by JRdd (edited 09-15-2001).]



[This message has been edited by amanpeter (edited 09-15-2001).]

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Thanks for the input guys. I work in an office with fluorescent lighting for 8-9 hours each day. I get about 30-45 minutes of sun during lunch outside, not a whole lot in the morning, and then some right before night. How much is considered a good amount? I don't know if I'm not getting enough, just because I feel the way I always feel. I don't feel depressed or anything, but perhaps thats just because I'm so used to feeling this way that I don't know any better. Perhaps with a little more sun light I'd be "bouncing-up-and-down-happy" Posted Image So maybe I'll check it out.



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Thanks Valaya. I checked out the site. I think I will focus on visualising a prtective bubble around me though. It's much cheaper. Posted Image


GC, dunno how much sunlight is recommended and by whom, but I do know you need a lot of something, to counteract that awful lighting. Seems so primitive that in this day of high tech they still subject workers to that. It's cruel. I had to work in that as correspondence secretary for the BBT in England and it really made my system sick.


I think if I were you I would download some info about how mad it is for you and casually sprinkle printouts all around your workplace, so workers, and bosses read it. I do that for doctors, give them printouts on alternative medicine, don't care if it ruffles their feathers or not, something is bound to hit hme, sometime.



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