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Shivambu from the Damar Tantra

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Below are 30 verses from the Damar Tantra, an ancient sanskrit text on Shivambu practice (urine therapy). The Damar Tantra contains a total of 107 verses. It is a conversation between Shiva and Parvati. Later I will post some known people's experiences with this practice.



O Parvati! I shall expound to you the recommended actions and rituals of Shivambu Kalpa that confers numerous benefits. Those well versed in the scriptures have carefully specified certain vessels for the purpose. (1)


Utensils made from the following materials are recommended: Gold, Silver, Copper, Bronze, Brass, Iron, Clay, Ivory, Glass, Wood from sacred trees, Bones, Leather and Leaves. (2, 3)


The Shivambu (one's own urine) should be collected in a utensil made of any of these materials. Among them, clay utensils are better, copper are by far the best. (4)


The intending practitioner of the therapy should abjure salty or bitter foods, should not over-exert himself, should take a light meal in the evening, should sleep on the ground, and should control and master his senses. (5)


The sagacious practitioner should get up when three quarters of the night have elapsed, and should pass urine while facing the east. (6)


The wise one should leave out the first and the last portions of the urine, and collect only the middle portion. This is considered the best procedure. (7)


Just as there is poison in the mouth and the tail of the serpent, O Parvati, it is even so in the case of the flow of Shivambu. (8)


Shivambu (auto- urine) is heavenly nectar, which is capable of destroying senility and diseases. The practitioner of Yoga should take it before proceeding with his other rituals. (9)


After cleansing the mouth, and performing the other essential morning functions, one should drink one's own clear urine, which is the annihilator of senility and diseases. (10)


One who drinks Shivambu for the duration of a month will be purified internally. Drinking it for two months stimulates and energizes the senses. (11)


Drinking it for three months destroys all diseases and frees one from all troubles. By drinking it for five months, one acquires divine vision and freedom from all diseases. (12)


Continuation of the practice for six months makes the practitioner highly intelligent and proficient in the scriptures, and if the duration is seven months, the practitioner acquires extraordinary strength. (13)


If the practice is continued for eight months, one acquires a permanent glow like that of gold, and if it is continued for nine months, one is freed from tuberculosis and leprosy. (14)


Ten months of this practice makes one a veritable treasury of luster. Eleven months of it would purify all the organs of the body. (15)


A man who has continued the practice for a year becomes the equal of the sun in radiance. He who has continued for two years conquers the element Earth. (16)


If the practice is continued for three years, one conquers the element of Water, and if it is continued for four years, the element Light is also conquered. (17)


He who continues the practice for five years conquers the element Air, and he who continues it for seven years conquers pride. (18)


Continuation of the practice for eight years enables one to conquer all the important elements of Nature, and continuation of it for nine years frees one from the cycle of birth and death. (19)


One who has continued the practice for ten years can fly through the air without effort. One who has continued it for eleven years is able to hear the voice of his sour (inner self). (20)


He who has continued the practice for twelve years will live so long as the moon and the stars last. He is not troubled by dangerous animals such as snakes, and no poisons can kill him. He cannot be consumed by fire, and can float on water just like wood. (21)


O Goddess! I shall tell you now about other variants of the therapy. Please listen attentively. He who takes powdered amrita (gaduchi, Tinospora Condifolia) mixed with Auto-Urine habitually for six months, is freed from all disorders, and acquires happiness. (22, 23 cont...)


Powdered haritaki (harade, Terminalia Chebula) should be assiduously taken with Shivambu. This combination destroys senile degeneration and all diseases. If this practice is continued for a year, it makes one exceptionally strong. (...23, 24)


One masha (about one gramme) of sulpher be taken along with Shivambu every morning. He who continues the practice for three years will live as long as the moon and the stars last. His urine and feces will whiten gold. (25)


The powder of the Koshtha fruit should be mixed properly with Shivambu and taken in the prescribed manner. If this practice is continued for twelve years, one's body will be free from the ravages of old age such as wrinkles on the skin, and whitening of the hair. One acquires the strength of a thousand elephants, and lives as long as the moon and the stars continue to exist. (26)


If powdered pepper and Triphala Choorna (mixed powder of Terminalia Belavica, Terminalia Chebul and Phylonthus Embica) mixed with Shivambu are taken regularly, one acquired a radiance like that of the gods. (27)


The essence (bhasma) of mica and sulpher should be taken with Shivambu along with a little water. This cures al disorders caused by malfunctioning of the digestive system and all disorders caused by the Vata humour. He who takes such a mixture regularly become strong, acquires a divine radiance, and can cheat time (escape the ravages of time). (28, 29)


He who takes Shivambu daily and excluded salty, sour and bitter food from his diet acquires divine accomplishments quickly. Freed from all ailments, and possessing a body comparable to that of Shiva Himself, he disports himself like the gods in the Universe for an eternity. (30).



[This message has been edited by jndas (edited 05-29-2001).]

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  • 1 month later...
  • 1 year later...
Guest guest

I have bben practising this UT for the past 6 years and can state with cofidence that it really works! It depends on the age when you start it - the countdown or rather the youthfulness is frezed from teh age you start, viz., you begin practising UT from the age of 35, then even after 10 years or 20 years you would be young and have the appearance that of a 35 year old! No joking!

UT is to be taken in moderation- teh first morning urine is recommended for ingestion as it contain all teh necessary ingredients, minerals, hormones of your body and helps in rejuvenation of your body's system, metabolism ,etc. There are many sites on UT. You may visit the site Shirley's Wellness Cafe.com site which is very exhaustive and gives all the required information and testimonials.


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  • 3 weeks later...
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Thanks for your message on UT. I have been experimenting with massage with fresh urine. I have found it to be beneficial. Yet the damar tantra specifies that shivambu be boiled down to 1/4 of it's quantity....what are your thoughts or ideas on massage...Is fresh OK?


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More tahnthefresh urine, urine stored for atleast a week would be more beneficial for external massage - as it contains more of teh urea concentartion(and taht's why the offensive smell which can be countered by camphor)Alternatively, as stated in the Damar Tantra you can boil the urine to 1/4 th of it's contents - this is to enhance teh urea concentarion - as one knows scientificaly it has been proved that urea is teh best for teh skin. In fact all beauty creams contain this- and helps to nourish the skin, removes all wrinkles, skin ailmenmts, etc.

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More than the fresh urine, urine stored for atleast a week would be more beneficial for external massage - as it contains more of the urea concentration(and that's why the offensive smell which can be countered by camphor)Alternatively, as stated in the Damar Tantra, you can boil the urine to 1/4 th of it's contents - this is to enhance the urea concentarion - as one knows scientificaly it has been proved that urea is the best for the skin. In fact all beauty creams contain this- and helps to nourish the skin, removes all wrinkles, skin ailmenmts, etc.



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  • 3 months later...

This is from the book entitled "Perfect Questions, Perfect Answers". From this, it can be concluded that Shivambu is not to be practiced by the devotee of Krishna. Haribol!


Srila Prabhupada:


You are not Jesus Christ; you cannot imitate him. He has sacrificed his life for God. Can you do that? So why shall you imitate Jesus Christ? You are imitating Jesus Christ by eating meat. Why not imitate Jesus Christ and sacrifice your life for spreading God consciousness? What do you think? Yes, when you preach you can say what you think. They are so-called Christians--but what are they doing for God? Just consider the sun. The sun is absorbing urine. Can you drink urine? If you want to imitate the sun--"Oh, here is the sun absorbing urine. Let me drink urine"--can you? Jesus Christ is powerful; he can do everything. But we cannot imitate; we have to simply abide by his order. That is real Christianity. We cannot imitate a powerful man. That is wrong. In our Vedic literature, there was a poison ocean, so people could not find out what to do with it. Then Lord Siva said, "All right, I'll drink it." So he drank the whole poison ocean and kept it in his throat. Can you drink poison? Not the ocean--just one cup? So how can we imitate Lord Siva? Lord Siva never advised that we drink poison. So you have to abide by the advice, not imitate. These LSD and marijuana people say that Lord Siva used to smoke ganja. But Lord Siva drank the whole poisoned ocean. Can you do that? Lord Siva's instructions should be taken. He says that the best worship is worship of Visnu. Visnor aradhanam param. When he was asked by Parvati what method of worship is best, then he said, "The best worship is worship of Lord Visnu [Krsna]." There are many demigods, but he recommended Visnu worship as the best. And better than Visnu worship is worship of a Vaisnava. Tadiyanam--His servants, or those who are in relation to Him. For instance, we are worshiping this plant, tulasi. We are not worshiping all plants, but because this tulasi has a very intimate connection with Krsna, Visnu, we are therefore worshiping her. Similarly, if anything is intimately related with Krsna, worship of that thing is better than worship of Visnu.

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  • 10 months later...


my age is 54, i'm vegan and since a month i tried amaroli. Wonderful, my sight is improving dramatically, idon't use glasses, my "reumatisms" are gone, my colon is cleansing day by day, my mind is alert and I feel self confident. My body is rejouvinating, I will go one for all life. It's easy, unexpensive and really work. I can see a difference between me amd my body. I bring alwaise with me a little bottle so I can drink everywhere. Escuse my english, greeting from Italy.

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  • 2 months later...

been a few months of very regular administration of shivambhu,with miraculous results but as warned by the Lord Shiva, in moderation for specifics of dis-eases

Helps with Hep C and Liver cancer, kidneys etc.

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Blessings everyone, Recently over the past few weeks I discovered a mass on my left breast. My GP doctor (general practicioner) sent me to have a mammogram. With the results of a 'irregular mass' my GP sent me to see a surgeon at a women's center in Montreal. He performed a ultrasound and to my surprise, a biopsy which was oh so painful! and left a good bruise from moving the needle around. He advised that I should have the results of the biopsy in a few days. During the time in between, I contacted a friend, who is a naturopath and reflexologist who told me about Shivambu. That was 3 days ago. Since then I have been doing a morning massage and leaving a compress on during the morning. This morning I added some to my orange juice.


I must admit, I feel better and the pain in my breast has subsided tremendously. God works in mysterious ways I must say because yesterday I was scheduled to see the surgeon to discuss the results of my biopsy but when we got there, I was advised my results were not in and my appointment has been rescheduled for Friday, 3 days away! That gives me more time to do my UT.


*** If anyone knows more about the actual methods or regimen to be followed using UT for breast cancer, I encourage you to share your information. Thank you!


In His Light & Love,

Jan M. - Montreal, Canada







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  • 1 month later...

i'm sorry for being so direct, but i think you don't have a point refering to this text as a reason for not drinking ones own urine!

in my opinion, you have to try it in order to be able to talk about it, being in a negative way or a positive way.

on the other hand, just refering to texts on books:

shiva is very clear in all what he tells parvati in the DAMAR TANTRA, which is a book i would trust and refer with more confidence than the book you mention... and all what shiva says about urine therapy is really true!!! i tell that because i have done my own experience and eventhough i thought it sounded very incredible to believe at the begining, it REALLY works!!!!! ....you just have to try it and make your own experience in order to talk about it. i have been drinking my urine for the past 6 years, and i can tell with a lot of enthusiasm that this is really the greatest thing that i have tried in life!! it is capable to cure any ailment and gives so much energy and happiness!! really!!! i am so greatful to have started so young with the therapy! now i am over 30 and people think i am 18 years old, and most important, I DO FEEL SO ENERGETIC AND YOUNG AS AN 18 YEAR OLD PERSON! ...moreover, i think even when i was 18 i didnt had such a great state of mind, such an amount of energy and strenght and my body was not in such an incredibly great shape like it is now, ALL THANKS TO THE URINE THERAPY!! therefore, i can only encourage you and everyone to try it and benefit from this great gift of god that we all have access anytime and for free in our bodies!! this is for me a reconfirmation that we are perfect creations of the divine!! :-D


monica, from switzerland


(...feel free to contact me for any questions, i am very happy to share my experiences with this great therapy!!)

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great that you are doing the urine therapy!!! you can be sure it is going to heal you, even in a very extended cancer state!! i've read about many cases of breast cancer that had a complete cure with the urine therapy, but more convincing may be the case i have whitnessed myself! a friend of mine, who was diagnosed with breast cancer and had to undergo surgery and radiotherapy, fortunately before she went through all of this, i could tell her about the urine therapy and i encouraged her to do a complete urine fasting, which is the best way, the most rapid and powerful way to heal any dissease! even cancer, of course!

well, the result is that now after 3 months of doing different intervals of 5 days of fasting and eating very little in between (only light and healthy food) she has a complete recovery and even more! she feels much stronger and energetic, and she looks at least 10 years younger!! the doctor could not believe when she went for another examination, he thought the lady had died, because she didnt show up for her appointment of surgery!

i would advice you to read the book "WATER OF LIFE" where you will find many cases of breast cancer and other types of cancer and many many so called "incurable" disseases! the author is john w. armstrong and you will find the book on the internet to order.. amazon, google.. you will find a lot about urine therapy in a google search as well!


:-D monica


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  • 1 month later...



you say that SP did not approve of UT. as per PER Q Per A. and that therefore a devotee of Krsna should not do UT, but in view of so many devotees dying of from life threatening diseases, one should not be so quick to dismiss naturopathic cures, coming from a mahajana like Siva.


is He a mahajana or not?

Will he cheat us or not?

Is his words only valid when in SB or elsewhere too?


do note that so many devotees are practically investing $10000000 of dollars on cancer treatments yet in many cases to no avail.


Siva is a Mahjana, you can't say that Siva in SB is gold and Siva quoted in Damar Tantra is to be rejected. it is not ardha kukuti nyaya. half a hen philosophy. Markendeya rsi prayed to Lord Siva in sb 12th canto. "to have faith in the SP o F G KRsna and his devotees headed by YOU'.


just because Prabhupada didn't like something personally, does not invalidate the treatment. SP liked sandal paste But TKG hated it. that is individual, and health therapies are always taken at an individuals own descretion.


If one has some life threatening (or even for maintainance of the bodY) as long as one takes his urine after doing puja, there will be no harm. it is free. if the cancer goes away, and one can live to preach SP mission. what's the harm? "do the needful" SP said,


SP said no "tulasi tea" but Kartikeya Mahadevia gave it to SP in 1977 and He drank it. so for health one can do these things.

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No offence please...just asking....is Lord Siva's instructions in dis quotes on UT for those in the mode of ignorance?.....As Ashutosh He gives shelter to the tamasic entities....now i am asking cos ....urine is contaminating....like i read in the Stories from Mahabharata ...one king forgot to wash himself after passing urine and this prooved bad for him....so as aspiring Vaisnava's and followers of brahminical culture this UT seems very tamasic

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  • 1 year later...

Yeah.. True.Am completing 45 years within a couple of months.I have been drinking my own urine since 1995.Urine is a gift of the Nature.Drink and Use the Urine and then you could understand it. Cheers !

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Does drinking urine cure all the diseases ? Yes. It is true. You better try and understand the effectiveness of the Urine. I have never visited any doctors for any of my health problems since I have started to drink urine in 1995.I have used to drink the urine,always.


Even the animals(dogs, monkeys and other similar type ) also drink urine. You can observe it and understand all about the urine. Whether you are having faith in God or not , urine does work with all the human and animal species.


Moreover, it is better to avoid the smoking and reduce the tea , coffee and non vegetarian food. But it does not matter !Yes.Truth is Truth! I strongly believe all the prophets , saints , munis and so on must have practised the urine. Drinking urine makes a person so stronger in everything. Yes. True. Please let me to stop here. Drink Urine and Enjoy Your Life. Good Luck to Everyone !

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I don't disclose my identity here in this web site /images/graemlins/smile.gif:)For,your kind information,I belong to Tamil Nadu,South India and have been teaching in a university institution, New Delhi and I have drinking my own urine since 1995.One can try Urine Theraphy as a last resort. Sure.It will save you,from everything !But it is not so easy to drink urine. Just be peaseful, have faith in it and try it and you are a winner. /images/graemlins/smile.gif

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  • 4 months later...
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can see UT is gaining popularity.my self,probably the strongest beleiver of DAMAR TANTRA on earth .what problem in this world this para science cannot solve.curing diseases is its earliest after effects.there is a whole of universe i see in this most purest liquid found on earth.i beleive every word written in damar tantra.it makes u super natural if sticked to whatever written in damar tantra.WARNING.......HAVE U READ THAT TOO?yes there are also some strict cautions written there and bliv it those are the hardest words in world and the toughest to follow...but then they are mandatory,no escape.LORD SHIVA SAYS,not to eat salty,spicy food,just tasteless food one has to take and follow brahmcharya without cheating!!One has to wake up 2.30am in summers and around 3.30 in winters without delays and drink the middle part of ur urine(avoid the strat & end flow).THAT i found logically true as jain texts say, around an hour earlier, the PRANA stays IN kidneys! and an hour later is the BRAHMA MUHURT,WHEN UNIVERSE STARTED! WHAT a timing!As written by MONICA too,i bliv,this is my life's biggest discovery.i am practising it from last five years,but pretty irregularly,thats a big mistake.But i know tommorow or later i have to..have to achive every every word written there,in DAMAR TANTRA.

Alok Nahar,26


email: sachkehtahu@

any hesitations,plz write

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  • 6 years later...


can see UT is gaining popularity.my self,probably the strongest beleiver of DAMAR TANTRA on earth .what problem in this world this para science cannot solve.curing diseases is its earliest after effects.there is a whole of universe i see in this most purest liquid found on earth.i beleive every word written in damar tantra.it makes u super natural if sticked to whatever written in damar tantra.WARNING.......HAVE U READ THAT TOO?yes there are also some strict cautions written there and bliv it those are the hardest words in world and the toughest to follow...but then they are mandatory,no escape.LORD SHIVA SAYS,not to eat salty,spicy food,just tasteless food one has to take and follow brahmcharya without cheating!!One has to wake up 2.30am in summers and around 3.30 in winters without delays and drink the middle part of ur urine(avoid the strat & end flow).THAT i found logically true as jain texts say, around an hour earlier, the PRANA stays IN kidneys! and an hour later is the BRAHMA MUHURT,WHEN UNIVERSE STARTED! WHAT a timing!As written by MONICA too,i bliv,this is my life's biggest discovery.i am practising it from last five years,but pretty irregularly,thats a big mistake.But i know tommorow or later i have to..have to achive every every word written there,in DAMAR TANTRA.

Alok Nahar,26


email: sachkehtahu@

any hesitations,plz write



Hey, I have a doubt. I am considering urine massaging as stated in the Damar Tantra.I have collected it in an earthen pot. However, it says when the liquid becomes 1/4th, then only we should apply it. So, I have closed the pot with a lid and kept it outside where sunrays can fall on it. My doubt is this. I read somewhere that we should boil it till becomes 1/4th and then use it. Which is the right one? Should I keep it outside or should I throw it away and start from fresh so that I can boil it?

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