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Onions, Garlic, Caffiene, etc., ...need some advice

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In Ayurveda "One Man's Food is Another Man's Poison."Once you know your body constitution you can take advantage of selecting the right diet for maintaining balance of Tridosha(three doshas). Many foods you eat could be the cause of your health problems even if they are healthy ones.


All matter is thought to he composed of five basic elements ( panchamahabhutas ) which exhibit the properties of earth (prithvi), water (jala), fire (tejas), wind (vayu) and space (akasha). These elements do not exist in isolated forms, but always in a combination, in which one or more elements dominate. According to Ayurveda, the human body is composed of derivatives of the five basic elements, in the form of doshas, tissues (dhatus) and waste products (malas).


Doshas : The most fundamental and characteristic principle of Ayurveda is called "tridosha" or the Three Humours.Doshas are the physiological factors of the body. They are to be seen as all pervasive, subtle entities, and are categorized into vata, pitta and kapha. Vata regulates movement and is represented by the nervous system. Pitta is the principle of biotransformation and is the cause of all metabolic processes in the body. Kapha is the principle of cohesion and functions through the body fluids. Together, these three doshas determine the physiologic constitution of an individual.


Dhatus : the tissues are classified into seven categories: plasma, blood cells, muscular tissue, adipose tissue, bony tissue, bone marrow and the reproductive tissue.


Malas : three main waste products are urine, faeces and sweat.

For the metabolic processes in the body, there are three main groups of biological factors, probably exhibiting enzymatic functions (agnis). Jatharagni is responsible for the digestion and the absorption of nutritious substances During this process, digestion takes place in three stages: first the digestion of sweet (madhura) and salty (lavana) nutrients, then the digestion of sour (amla) nutrients, and finally the digestion of sharp (tikta), bitter (katu) and astringent (kasaya) nutrients. The respective products of these three stages are sweet, sour and sharp.


Panchabhutagnis : containing five types of biological factors, is responsible for the processing of the five basic elements into a composition useful to the body Dhatvagnis. The third group contains seven types, each for the assimilation of the seven tissues This assimilation takes place successively. From the absorbed nutritious substance, plasma (rasa) is produced first; from plasma, blood (rakta) is formed, then muscular tissue (mamsa), adipose tissue (meda), bony tissue (asthi), bone marrow (majjan) and the reproductive cells (shukra).


Under normal conditions, the doshas, dhatus and malas correspond to certain standards regarding their quantity, quality and function. However, this situation is not static, and due to several endogenous and erogenous factors, the doshas may become unbalanced, resulting in disease. Every disease is related to an imbalance of the doshas. Other coherent factors can be: the disturbance of the biological factors (agnis), the formation and accumulation of undigested nutrients (ama), obstruction of the body channels (shrotorodha), and a disturbed assimilation in the tissues.


Ayurveda gives us a model to look at each individual as a unique makeup of the three doshas (Prakruti) and thereby design treatment protocols that specifically address a persons health challenges. When any of the doshas ( Vata, Pitta or Kapha ) become imbalance, Ayurveda will suggest specific lifestyle and nutritional guidelines to assist the individual in reducing or increasing the doshas that has become imbalance. If toxins in the body are abundant, then a cleansing process known as Pancha Karma is recommended to eliminate these unwanted toxins.


Few Examples:



mainly due to absence of physical activity. Other causes may be

sleeping during the day, intake of Kapha - increasing foods, finally results in the accumulation of fat. These block the channels of nutrition. This blocking causes an increase in hunger because the body does not get nutrition.



Eating foods which are incompatible, lack of physical exercise in general, doing exercise particularly after eating fatty foods , incorrect use of purgatives, causes improper digestion. The half digested food called Ama associates itself with Vata and moves about. It fills the seats of kapha, and blocks the transport channels of the body. This blocking of channels produces weakness of the heart, which is the seat of the disease. This results in loss of strength, feeling of heaviness, stiffness of the body , and small and big joints alike.



Taking excess of water, taking small/large quantities of food at odd times, suppression of the natural functions of the body, loss of sleep at night and sleeping during the daytime, causes gastric fire (Jatharagni) responsible for the digestion and the absorption of nutritious substances weak.


Skin problems:

Are often due to imbalances in Pitta dosha & rakta(blood) dhatu. This is caused by excessive exposure to sunlight, taking foods which are pungent, hot and alkaline



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Kapha Dosha


The Kapha Energy is made up Water and Earth. It regulates water-based functions in the body and governs strength and mass. It lubricates and maintains the body's immune system. Kapha-dominant people tend to over-weight; they gain weight easily and find it difficult to shed it. They are inclined to be slow and ponderous. It is not unusual for those who begin life as Vata-dominant types to become more Kapha-dominant types and as they get older, they accumulate material wealth and eat more than their bodies can comfortably accommodate. They often have thick, oil skin and thick, lustrous hair. They have big eyes and strong nails. They can tend to laziness and getting other people to do things for them; but they can cope with hard physical work. They sleep well and have to guard against sleeping too much. Temperamentally, Kapha types can seem dull. Slow and resistant to change and the unfamiliar. They are inclined to conserve (energy, strength and money} rather than spend. They are tolerant, forgiving, calm and slow to anger, are often good in business and wealthy, but are slow to absorb information. They tend to be clinging and greedy in their personal relationships. They have a low sex drive and find fidelity easy. They are not prone to depression. They are more materialistic than spiritual. The Kapha pulse is known as 'the Swan'. Its beats are is 60 - 70 per minute. It is slow, steady, soft, broad, regular and warm.


The Five types of Kapha are


Kledaka kapha (The Stomach)


It resides in the stomach. I helps to moisten food. It protects the mucous membranes in the mouth, oesophagus, stomach and intestines. Its imbalance results in indigestion and abdominal cramps.


Avalambaka kapha (The Heart)


It resides in the thorax. It supports the heart and the other four Kaphas in the performance of their functions by secreting minute quantities of fluid. An imbalance results in heartburn, and weakness in the heart and lungs.


Bodhaka kapha (The Tongue)


The Bodhaka Kapha resides in the tongue and governs the ability to taste.


Tarpaka kapha (The Head)


This resides in the brain, and maintains its strength. An imbalance results in headaches, nausea, insomnia, vertigo, diarrhoea and mental disturbance.


Sleshaka kapha (The Joints)


It resides in the joints and keeps them well lubricated. An imbalance results in conditions such as arthritis.


Some symptoms of a kapha imbalance


An imbalance of kapha energy may also cause the following symptoms: a thin , flabby appearance due to poor nutrition, loose joints, a weak and over-soft body, impotence, slow digestion, excess mucus and overriding feelings of jealousy, insecurity and intolerance.




Characteristics of a Kapha Individual


A body prone to fat Unprominent veins and muscles Unimaginative attitude to Sex

Thick, oily hair and skin Heavy Bones Tendency to oversleep

Clear whites of the eyes Strong smelling body odour Medium Intelligence

Thick heavy eyelids Slowness, ponderousness, inactive




Pitta Dosha


The Pitta Energy is composed of Fire and Water. It governs the generation and conservation of body heat, digestion and metabolism, and intelligence. The main seat of Pitta energy is the stomach. Pitta-dominant people tend to be medium both physically and psychologically. They have a generally smooth skin and they tend to go gray early, and men go bald prematurely. Pitta types have a strong metabolism and good appetite, favoring bitter, astringent, sweet flavors and cold drinks. They perspire freely and tend to a warm body temperature. They are fairly active, but baulk at hard work. They are sharp, ambitious, display leadership qualities, tend to be moderately affluent and enjoy fine things. They are both creative and stable. The Pitta pulse is known as 'the Frog'. Its rate is 70-80 per minute. It is erratic.


There are five types of Pitta


Paachaka Pitta (The Stomach)


It resides in the stomach and is the most important Pitta energy as it helps the other four to function properly. It influences the activities of the digestive juices, bile and the other enzymes which aid digestion). An imbalance leads to a malfunctioning of all five Pittas.



Ranjana Pitta (The Liver)


It resides in the spleen and stomach, but mainly in the liver whose functions it influences. A healthily functioning liver is vital for the effective elimination of toxic wastes; it is the principal organ of elimination and detoxification and tends to accumulate chemical medications. An imbalance results in a poor liver function.


Saadhaka Pitta (The Heart)


The Pitta resides in the heart and governs intelligence, intellect, creativity, memory, self-esteem, the ability to achieve goals, and romantic attachments. It is not yet known whether this Pitta, which governs mental rather than physical functions, is in the heart itself or works throughout the body. An imbalance undermines the functions listed.


Aalochaka Pitta (The Eyes)


The Aalochaka Pitta resides in the pupils of the eyes and influences the ability to see external objects. An imbalance results in visual disturbance.


Bhraajaka Pitta (The Skin)


This resides in the skin. It regulates body temperature, sweating and the secretion of sebum (which keeps the skin soft and moist). It also influences the complexion and skin colour. An imbalance results in a range of skin complaints, from psoriasis to vitiligo.


Some symptoms of Pitta imbalance


A pitta imbalance may lead to the following disorders : poor digestion, an irregular body temperature, excessive perspiration. poor eyesight, blotchy skin and other skin complaints, a tendency to heartburn, dyspepsia, irritable bowel and diarrhoea, anxiety and irritability. Most Ayurvedic practitioners consider that disorders caused by disturbed Pitta are less serious than those due to Vata disturbance.




Characteristics of a Pitta Individual


Free often excessive perspiration

Medium veins, muscles and bones

Decisiveness and leadership qualities


Smooth skin, possibly with moles and freckles

Thin hair which fall out easily(males prone to baldness)

Good appetite but not prone to rapid weight gain


Small eyes, often green, brown or grey

Medium body, neither too light nor too heavy

High intelligence, but a tendency to anger and being judgmental


Openness to new ideas

Moderate sex drive





Vata Dosha

The Vata energy is composed of Air and Space. It corresponds approximately to the body's nervous system and, in modern terms, Vata's functions could be said to be equivalent to the actions of neuro-transmitters in the brain. Vata controls respiration and elimination, and is characterised as dry, light, rough and quick. Vata is considered to be the most influential of the Doshas as it guides all bodily functions and is the main principle of movement in the body. It is connected with activity and vitality, controls the 'empty' spaces within the body (the sinuses, the abdominal cavity, the tracts of the lungs and the inner ear) and the nervous system. Vata also controls cell division, the formation of cell layers, and the actions of the heart, lungs, stomach and intestines. It guides the activities of the brain and the motor organs, and it is responsible for the elimination of waste matter. An excess of Vata energy may result in dehydration and associated problems, premature ageing, dry skin and other skin complaints and the slow healing of wounds. An insufficiency of Vata can result in a feeling of heaviness and sluggishness, and poor circulation. Vata-dominant types tend to be light in weight, insubstantial, ethereal and creative, they can also be unreliable and changeable. When young, they are usually very thin and athletic, and often display originality of thought. The pure Vata types is either very tall or very short, tending to one extreme or the other - boney and energetic. Other features of Vata types include thin hair and eyelashes, and small eyes. They are not very muscled and the voice may have a high, thin, cracked tone. Skin tends to be dry. They do not eliminate copiously, have rapid metabolism, enjoy their food) and do not gain weight readily. These are quick, active people, always on the go. Vata people are quick to learn, but often do not retain their recently acquired knowledge. They may be found working in the media where there is a rapid turnover of information. They are prone to anxiety, tension, fear and depression. They tend towards asceticism and often have a well-developed spiritual side which leads them to study and an interest in esoteric subjects. Some may even have clairvoyant or psychic abilities. The Vata are seated (in a loose rather than literal sense) in the body:


There are five types of Vata


Praana vata (The Head)


It resides in the mouth, head, ear, tongue, nose and chest. Its purpose is to regulate functions such as breathing, sneezing and spitting. An imbalance causes hiccups, hoarseness, coughing and breathing difficulties.


Udana vata (The Chest)


It resides in the chest, larynx and throat. It governs speech, mental attitudes such as enthusiasm and positiveness. physical and mental strength, and the body's colouring. Imbalance causes ear, nose and throat complaints, speech difficulties, and heart problems.


Samaana vata (The Stomach)


The Vata resides in the stomach and duodenum. It controls digestion and the conversion of food into waste products, and carries away indigestion, diarrhoea, gastric ulcers and inflammations.


Vyaana vata (The Heart)


Vyana Vata is present every where, but its main seat is in the area of the heart. It is the most powerful vata in the body and controls the circulation of the blood. It also governs the formation of sweat and lymph (a colourless fluid), and motor functions. An imbalance causes fever, spasms, high blood pressure, blood disease, and circulatory problems.


Apaana vata (The Pelvis)


The Apaana Vata resides in the colon, rectum, bladder and genitals. It governs urination, defecation, menstruation and the delivery causes colorectal, urinogenital and intestinal disorders.


Some symptoms of a Vata imbalance


An excess of Vata influence may also cause the following symptoms : a darker than usual complexion, furrowed tongue and dry lips, dry eyes, a hacking cough, dark yellow urine and hard, dry, dark faeces. In short, Vata excess leads to the whole body being dehydrated. There is too much Air and not enough Water.




Characteristics of a Vata Individual


A thin body & little weight gain


Difficulty in sustaining relationships


Rough dry skin which cracks easily


Ability to earn & spend money easily


Teeth prone to decay

Nail biting

Dreams about flying, jumping, climbing, running and tall trees


Small, dull looking eyes



Erratic memory

High Sex drive




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It, used extensively in Ayurveda and increasingly in the West, is effective in treating indigestion and relieving chest pain and toothache. Garlic in the reduced cholesterol levels. It also has anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties.


Thanks to Ayurveda and the revival of ancient practises, a lot of awareness and acceptance of age-old customs has been created.

Result: a renewed interest in Garlic.


Garlic, the legend goes was discovered in some 3000 BC in China. Originating from Asia, it was popularised by the Chinese, who used it in everything from medicines to food. It later travelled to Africa and beyond through India.

It is grown all over the world, predominantly in the Mediterranean region, India, Philippines, China, Ethiopia, Kenya, Brazil and Mexico. Garlic is the most widely used of the cultivated alluviums after onions.


In India Garlic became very popular. It became an integral part of the staple diet and herbal medicines. It is widely used in the preparation of all kinds of soups, sauces and pickles. The Egyptians also took to Garlic in a big way, it is said that in 4500 B.C when Khnoon Khoufouf was building of one of the oldest pyramids in Egypt, he insisted that all his workers consumed Garlic everyday to maintain their health and strength. He could have been the first preacher of the powers of Garlic!


In India, traditionally Garlic has been used in a lot of medicines and cures. Ayurveda emphasises on the healing powers of Garlic and the benefits of Garlic juice on the entire system. It has been used in herbal medicine for asthma, deafness, leprosy, bronchial congestion, hardening of arteries, fevers, worms and liver & gall bladder trouble. Juice of garlic has a most beneficial effect on the entire system and the ethers in garlic juice are so potent and penetrating that they help dissolve accumulation of mucus in the sinus cavities, bronchial tubes and the lunges. They also help in the expulsion of poisons from the body through the pores of the skin. Garlic's unpleasant odour is due to its sulphur content. This mineral is contained to a greater degree in its volatile oil, which has remarkable medicinal virtues.


Garlic has been considered a good healing medicine especially for the heart. It is also an appetite stimulant and a strength-giving tonic. The goodness of garlic has been confirmed by recent clinical experiments, its extracts and juice has also been used in research for medicines, treating human and animal cancer.



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Healing Herbs and Spices


Diet and herbal medicines are key remedies in auryvedic practice. Foods, spices, and herbs are each assigned to a dosha.


One example involves garlic and onion. Garlic and its cousin are a strong pitta foods, fiery and pungent, to be used by people who need to boost passion and energy, and not recommended for hot-tempered individuals. Garlic especially is too intense for them, and may throw their energies out of balance, leading to anger, and disease.


But auryveda considers garlic as a valued herb with a number of applications. As a diuretic, it moves out accumulated vata, and as an decongestant, it stimulates mucus (kapha) to be expelled from the body. Externally, garlic oils are applied to bruises and sprains, and ear infections.


The herb boswellia serrata is thought to counteract excess vata. It is anti-inflammatory, to reduce pain and stiffness from arthritis and sports injuries. It is native to hilly regions of India and is a botanical relative of the Biblical plant frankincense.


Turmeric is a bright yellow spice that is a botanical relative of ginger. Turmeric is the auryvedic equivalent of an antacid to address excess pitta, for relief from stomach upset and ulcers. It is also used topically for sunburns, insect bites, and skin rashes. Turmeric contains a pigment called curcumin, which is widely used in the food and spice industry as a coloring for curries and mustards, as well as a food preservative. Western science has confirmed turmeric's therapeutic potential. Curcumin exhibits a variety of pharmacological effects including anti-tumor, anti-inflammatory, and anti-infectious activities. It has been studied by organizations such as the National Cancer Institute, and is currently in clinical trials with AIDS patients.


Other auryvedic herbs include gotu kola for clear thought, mental and emotional well being; guggul, to lower blood cholesterol; and triphala to enhance digestion. Products containing these plants are found in most health food stores.


Along with healthful herbs, modern auryvedic thinking also encompasses practices such as drugs, surgery, steam therapy, and even acupuncture. But the emphasis is balancing food and lifestyle. This includes a diet of whole, natural foods, meditation, rest, regular exercise, massage, and yoga. Most of all, the goal is to teach preventative health practices so we can minimize our encounters with illness, and enjoy longer, happier lives.





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I guess that in every country they have some kind of remedy to increase milk to breastfeed the babies. In my country they said that beer increase the milk supply, I read here that ayurveda recommends garlic. From my experience porridge (mama bear?) did the trick. I never had a problem with the quantity. I had so much milk that very often the milk just came out and made my blouse and sari wet and you saw drops of milk in the temple floor. Everybody told me that was auspicious, kind of embarrasing though. I craved porridge like crazy and I ate it every day.

I know that garlic is very good for many other things but is the first time that I hear that is good to increase the milk.

One thing I did during my pregnancies was to eat gold around my 6 or 7th month. Somewhere in the Vedas said that gold was good to have intelligent children, don't recall the exact words but I'm very sure was in the ayurveda.

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Originally posted by jndas:

No, the point remains. If Ayurveda says garlic is beneficial for lactation, and a western educated doctor laughs at it, it is because they are ignorant of the effects of certain categories of food on the human body according to Ayurveda.


I used the word "medicine" previously, because I dont consider garlic a food.



[This message has been edited by jndas (edited 06-02-2002).]

okay. but does ayurveda really prescribe garlic as a medicine for lactation or is it patti (grandma) medicine ?

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I don't know if Ayurveda prescribes garlic for lactation.


Side Effects:


Most people enjoy garlic; however, some individuals who are sensitive to it may experience heartburn and flatulence. Because of garlic’s anti-clotting properties, persons taking anticoagulant drugs should check with their doctor before taking garlic. 21 Those scheduled for surgery should inform their surgeon if they are taking garlic supplements. Garlic is not contraindicated during pregnancy and lactation. In fact, two studies have shown that babies like breast milk better from mothers who eat garlic. 22



During pregnancy and lactation, excessive garlic intake must be avoided as it may cause heart-burn and affect the taste of mother’s milk.


Pregnant women should use in small amounts as garlic is a mild emmenagogue (encourages menstrual flow); also therapeutic doses during pregnancy and lactation can cause indigestion problems such as heart-burn, and nursing babies may dislike the taste of breast milk.


The essential oil extracted from the bulbs is extremely concentrated and can be irritating. Eating 10 or more raw garlic cloves per day can be toxic and in some cases can trigger an allergic reaction.




Garlic is a perennial plant; the bulb is compound, consisting of individual bulbs, or cloves, enclosed together in a white skin. The stem is simple, smooth, and round and is surrounded at the bottom by tubular leaf sheaths from which grow the long, flat linear leaves. The leafless stem is topped by a rounded umbel of small, white, usually sterile flowers, among which grow 20-30 small bulbils. The entire umbel is at first enclosed in a teardrop-shaped leaf (pointing upward) which eventually falls off.


Other varieties: Bear's garlic (Allium ursinum) used much like regular garlic; Serpent garlic (A. sativum var. ophioscorodon) cloves are milder flavored; Elephant garlic (A. ampeloprasum) also called wild leek, great-headed garlic, and Levant garlic; Round-headed garlic (A. sphaerocephalicon) has large rounded heads; the Shoshone name, "Padzimo" is given to a garlic plant (A. falcifolium) that grows in the high mountains on dry rocky plains as a dwarf pink garlic. It has blue-green sickle-shaped leaves, flat, and a pretty flower. The bulb is also a deep pink color and is very strong in taste.

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Where Found

Widely cultivated as one of the most common kitchen herbs. Occasionally found growing wild. Found along roadsides and fields from New York to Tennessee, Kentucky, Missouri.

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Medicinal Properties

Alterative, anthelmintic, antispasmodic, carminative, cholagogue, digestive, expectorant, febrifuge, antibiotic, antiseptic, stimulant

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Biochemical Information

Unsaturated aldehydes, allicin, allyl disulfides, calcium, copper, germanium, iron, magnesium, manganese, volatile oils, phosphorus, phytoncides, potassium, selenium, sulfur, vitamins A, B1, B2, and C, and zinc.

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Legends, Myths and Stories

In ancient times, the Chinese, Romans, Egyptians, Hindus, and Babylonians all believed that garlic cured intestinal orders, infections of the respiratory system, relieved flatulence, treated skin diseases, wounds, worms and delayed the signs of aging.


Garlic is even mentioned in the Calendar of the Hsia, a book of 2,000 years before Christ. It is called Hsiao-suan to distinguish it from Allium scorodoprasum which is called Ta-suan.


The odor of garlic is so powerful and penetrating that if applied to the feet, its scent is in the breath and when garlic is eaten, it is communicated through the pores of the skin, even to the fingers. It may be detected in the flesh of animals that have eaten garlic; or even in the eggs of fowls that have eaten it.


In Egypt several thousand years before Christ, garlic was given to laborers. The Bible records that the Israelites who lived in Egypt at the time of Moses also ate garlic before their exodus out of that country. The Romans gave garlic to their laborers; and their soldiers ate it in the belief that it inspired courage. Thus it was dedicated to Mars, the Roman god of war.


"When Satan stepped out from the Garden of Eden after the fall of man, Garlick sprang up from the spot where he placed his left foot, and Onion from that where his right foot touched". Such is the legend some herbalists attributed to the Mohammedans.


Since the ancients believed that many diseases were the result of evil spells, garlic with its effective medicinal qualities was thought to possess magical power against evil; thus it was used in many charms and countercharms. In Greek legend, Odysseus used moly, a mild garlic, as a charm to keep the sorceress Circe from turning him into a pig. In the Middle Ages, garlic was considered strong against the evil eye, witches, and demons. Another tradition still held in rural New Mexico is the use of garlic as a charm to help a young girl rid herself of an unwanted boyfriend. She first puts a piece of garlic and two crossed pins in a spot where two roads intersect, and then she must get the boy to walk over the charm without noticing it. If the task is accomplished successfully, the boy will miraculously lose all interest in her.


During the time of the Pharoahs, when Egypt was at its peak of power, garlic was given to the laborers and slaves. The common people had garlic included in the diet to help protect them from disease. The Ebers Papyrus, an Egyptian medical papyrus dated sometime around 1500 BC, mentions garlic 22 times as a remedy for a variety of diseases. Hippocrates, the father of modern medicine, used garlic as a laxative, a diuretic, for tumors of the uterus, leprosy, epilepsy, chest pains, toothaches, and for wounds incurred during battle. Aristotle also mentions the value of garlic and Aristophanes used garlic as a treatment for impotence.


The yogis used garlic as a medicine, but did not recommend it as a food or spice because of its irritating properties.


The juice of garlic is said by the old-timers to be the best and strongest cement that can be adopted for broken glass and china, leaving little or no mark, if used with care.


In the 1950's, Dr. Albert Schweitzer used garlic to treat cholera, typhus, and amebic dysentery while he was working in Africa as a missionary. The Soviet army relied heavily on garlic during World Wars I and II, it earned the name "Russian penicillin."


During the Great Plague epidemic, some herbalists avoided the deadly disease by eating large amounts of garlic and wearing garlic strands around their necks. To date, it has not been determined whether the garlic's antibiotic properties protected these people against the plague, or whether the foul stench of the herb discouraged others from getting close enough to spread their infection.


Since 1979, Gilroy, California, known as the "Garlic Capital of the World," has hosted the Annual Garlic Festival in celebration of the annual garlic harvest. Held the last weekend of July each year, the event is a 3 day gourmet food and wine tasting party drawing more than 140,000 garlic fans. 90% of the United States garlic crop is grown in Gilroy and its environs. American humorist Will Rogers once said of Gilroy "the only town in America where you can marinate a steak by hanging it on the clothesline."

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A natural antibiotic. Protects from infection, detoxifies the body, promotes sweating, strengthens blood vessels, lowers blood pressure. Aids in treatment of arteriosclerosis, hemorrhoids, impotence, hysteria, edema, asthma, arthritis, good against all venom, spider bites, and poisons, tuberculosis, circulatory problems, colds, bronchitis, fever, flu, toothache, headache, earache, digestive problems, constipation, genito-urinary diseases, heart disorders, reduces cholesterol if eaten raw, insomnia, liver disease, jaundice, sinusitis, dysentery, diarrhea, diabetes, gastritis, rheumatism, ulcers, and yeast infections. Good for all diseases, infections, fungus, earache, some cancers, and bacteria. Taken internally it will destroy worms (used as an enema or made into a paste with olive oil inserted into the rectum), and used externally, blended with a little sesame or olive oil, it will rid the skin of parasites. However, its strong odor may repel humans as well as parasites. Doesn't do much for halitosis though, unless the odorless tablets are used. Externally, helps old sores, bruises, falling hair, wounds.


Garlic's strong aromatic compounds are excreted via the lungs and the skin; eating fresh parsley may eliminate odor on the breath. According to one reference, by eating baked beet-root the offensive smell is entirely taken away.


It is an effective antibiotic for staphylococcus, streptococcus and salmonella bacteria and it is effective against bacteria that are resistant to standard antibiotic drugs.


Plant cloves of garlic near fruit trees, cabbages, beans, berry canes or any other susceptible crop to keep away aphids or Japanese beetles. (Might taint underground crops).





[This message has been edited by bhaktajoy (edited 06-02-2002).]

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Jeera - Cumin (Jiraka)


An important spice used by Indians to season curries, pickles and breads. It is beneficial in digestion, gastric troubles, dysentery and diarrhoea when roasted and consumed. It is also used to make gripe water for infants and is also beneficial for pregnant women and nursing mothers (it increases lactation). It forms an important ingredient in food preparations which are cooling, appetising, protect against indigestion and a lot of water borne diseases.



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Originally posted by bhaktajoy:

Jeera - Cumin (Jiraka)


An important spice used by Indians to season curries, pickles and breads. It is beneficial in digestion, gastric troubles, dysentery and diarrhoea when roasted and consumed. It is also used to make gripe water for infants and is also beneficial for pregnant women and nursing mothers (it increases lactation). It forms an important ingredient in food preparations which are cooling, appetising, protect against indigestion and a lot of water borne diseases.


To increase lactation, mix 1 tsp of cumin with 1 tsp sugar and drink with warm milk each evening.


Those devoted to spiritual growth usually avoid garlic for general consumption, as it is considered Räjasic/Tämasic.



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originally posted by Ram:

She lauged at it.

The same doctors also laughed at acupunture till a couple of decades ago. They ridiculed yoga till a decade ago. Never mind. I think J N Das summed up nicely. If ayurveda prescribes garlic under certain conditions, then it is as a medicine. Garlic is an impediment in the spritual path and hence is not recommended as general food. But, if ayurveda prescribes it for certain conditions, I think high blood pressure too, then it has to be treated as medicine.

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Italians love their garlic, as everyone well knows. However, they end the meal with a shot of anise liqueur to remove the foul garlic breath.


Better keep a few cloves handy, in case Dracula moves into your neighborhood. Heck, even HE can't stand the smell of the stuff.

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We sometimes sprinkle it in powdered form in the garden to keep the rabbits from eating the flowers, but never considered ingesting the stuff. After all, you are not supposed to offer it to the Deities.





[This message has been edited by Rati (edited 06-03-2002).]

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This thread belongs on Health & Well-being Forum.

Garlic, onions, coffee can be used medicinally.

1 cup Coffee added to 5 gallons hotwater makes great colonic.

U'll b... thrusting in no time. BTW: How'd u do on your boards? No, not college boards, COLONIC boards!?

Garlic, onions not favorable for up-close or close-up preaching.

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All the benefits of garlic medicinally,are also gained from other herbs.


Garlic alone creates a serious funk,if you are intimate with others, i would strongly recommend that you do not use it,even if a product says its not going to smell,it still will.


For causing lactation there are other herbs.

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"When Satan stepped out from the Garden of Eden after the fall of man, Garlick sprang up from the spot where he placed his left foot, and Onion from that where his right foot touched". Such is the legend some herbalists attributed to the Mohammedans.


Is there a Puranic counterpart to this myth?



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Originally posted by nachiketa2:

How do you give a rational explanation to non-devotees or even vegetarians why you abstain from onions, garlic, caffiene, etc. By rational I mean not quoting from SB or Gita, saying Krishna says so, or that it increases the mode of passion and ignorance. Especially when talking to non-Indians and westerners who have never heard of Krishna, most of them just get turned off.


Why can't you just tell them you don't care for them? (In fact, I've never liked coffee, so I never had to give it up.) That's what I've done for 33 years. People don't often ask us to explain taste. Same with meat, fish, and eggs, as well as drink. I just tell people who ask that I've been a lacto-vegetarian since 1969, and that I stopped drinking about the same time. Most people won't raise a fuss about not drinking (maybe I'm a recovering alcoholic), and your taste for other things can be easily dealt with.

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There is a good news for those living in the USA, with nobody to cook for them, too busy to cook themselves and wanting to follow a Krishna Conscious diet. Next time you go to the Indian grocery store, look for MTR Instant daal, mutter paneer, channa masala etc.. They also come with Jain versions and they don't contain onion and garlic. They cost $2.50 per packet and it will be sufficient for 1 person per mealtime. All you need to do is cut it open, either microwave or soak the packet in hot water for 5 minutes and the dish is ready. You can buy chapatti or cook rice to go with that.


This doesn't require refrigeration till you open it. We used them last week when we went to Lake Tahoe. It is nice. It is also a lot cheaper than eating at a restaurant and what is more, it is from a very reputed south India based company and you get the flavours without onion and garlic as well.


Of course, nothing like cooking, offering and eating fresh. But, this is better than starving or eating outside. I am sure, this is available in India, Singapore, Dubai etc.. as well. Even American devotees may want to try this, in case they don't know how to make Indian recipes.

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Originally posted by stonehearted:

Why can't you just tell them you don't care for them?

because, before I used to eat meat, onions, garlic, drink coffee and tea, etc. It's just that most of my friends and relatives can't understand why I did a complete 180.

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Originally posted by nachiketa2:

because, before I used to eat meat, onions, garlic, drink coffee and tea, etc. It's just that most of my friends and relatives can't understand why I did a complete 180.

Tell them you are looking for peace of mind, and you find that these substances disturb your peace of mind as well as the peace of your body.


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Originally posted by nachiketa2:

because, before I used to eat meat, onions, garlic, drink coffee and tea, etc. It's just that most of my friends and relatives can't understand why I did a complete 180.

My sugestion is don't be rebellious with your friends and family. That is a big mistake a lot of neophyte devotees commit. Srila Prabhupad never told anyone to rebel against their families.


No, I am not suggesting that you take meat, garlic etc., to appease them. Far from that. Stick to your stance, explain very patiently as to why you are avoiding those and above all make sure that you are expressing your concern for them. After all, your parents and siblings love you and they are your well wishers. If they don't see your point right away, it is due to their ignorance - not malevalence. If you are understanding and concerned towards them, they will sure reciprocate as time goes by.


On the other hand, if you turn rebellious, they will harbour all kinds of hate towards Krishna consciousness. Did you know something? Srila Prabhupad once ordered the devotees to eat onion so as not to offend the host? No, he was not advocating eating onion, but he was subtly driving home the need to not hurt others unduly.


I presume you are from India. Indian mothers are downright sentimental. There is nothing they will not do for their children if you strike the right chord. Instead of letting this issue turn into a debate, just talk to her in private and tell her how you want your prasadam to be made. In all probability, she will cook 2 different recipes for the family, if the others don't want to change right away. And above all, she will fight your battle and neutralize any opposition.

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Garlic does have certain medicinal properties. Any thoughts on its use in pill form? I think this is available in which the active ingredients are condensed in pill form. As for the product itself, just a few days ago I was standing in line behind a person who reaked of garlic. Its just one of those substancest that oozes out of the pours. It really is bad smelling.

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