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Does spiritualism help?

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I got a question to ask you all. How do you react to disrespect? For instance, when talking on the phone with someone like a sales representative or in a store, and he/she starts treating you rudely, what would you do? I feel that human society for the most part runs on human dignity, and without it there would be chaos. So, when people disrespect you directly or indirectly, what's your reaction? For instance, you could be very wealthy, and not knowing who you are, they treat you like dirt for no apparent reason.


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souljas_1 said: "I was just saying how should one react when one is getting disrespected by people."



We should be tolerant and grateful that Krsna is arranging a situation that is teaching us humility, and thus bringing us closer to that point where we will be able to chant His name incessantly.


But don't try it on me yet, 'cause I ain't ready. Posted Image




[This message has been edited by theist (edited 05-19-2002).]

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Prabhu, please distribute Bhagavad Gita and other transcendental books. Or request people to give donation for prasadam distribution, construction of temple etc. Or go to the temple on Sundays and clean up the floor after devotees have taken prasadam. And personally take the responsibility of washing/throwing away the plates.



As you keep doing that service, remember the instruction of Caitanya Mahaprabhu.


amaaninaa maana dhena kirtanIya sadA hari. That by giving respect to other people and not expecting respect for yourself, you will be able to relish the holy names always.


However, when people ill treat you deal with that firmly. There is a long way to go before we can tolerate any thing and become equanimous. Or try humor.


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Originally posted by souljas_1:

I got a question to ask you all. How do you react to disrespect? For instance, when talking on the phone with someone like a sales representative or in a store, and he/she starts treating you rudely, what would you do? I feel that human society for the most part runs on human dignity, and without it there would be chaos. So, when people disrespect you directly or indirectly, what's your reaction? For instance, you could be very wealthy, and not knowing who you are, they treat you like dirt for no apparent reason.

What has your post got to do with the title? I am a little weak in de-encrypting Posted Image


Why should anyone be respected just because he is rich or powerful? Kuchela was neither rich nor powerful, yet Krishna treated him as his dearest friend. When Srila Prabhupad came to the USA, he treated even hippies with utmost respect if they showed the slightest inclination to become Krishna conscious. On the other hand, he turned away quite a few rich and influential persons, though respectfully, if they didn't display that inclination.


We can also see this from the examples of saints from other schools. The Paramacarya of Kanchi mutt once turned away Indira Gandhi refusing to see her as she had sinned.


Realized souls treat everyone as equal - so says Krishna in Bhagavad Gita. They don't accord respect to someone just because of his social status. The only status that matters to them is one's spiritual status.

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Why should anyone be respected just because he is rich or powerful?


I'm sorry if I meant that, but that wasn't my intention. I was just saying how should one react when one is getting disrespected by people. What I was TRYING to say which I think you didn't grasp was how would spirituality help in these types of problems.

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Originally posted by souljas_1:

I'm sorry if I meant that, but that wasn't my intention. I was just saying how should one react when one is getting disrespected by people. What I was TRYING to say which I think you didn't grasp was how would spirituality help in these types of problems.

The very essense of the teaching of BG is that you are not this body but the eternal spirit soul. BG also teaches that a realized devotee treates everyone as equals. Much of the inequality is due to material contamination and is directly linked to economic aggrandizement. When you even attempt becoming spiritual, you start looking at the other person as a devotee and not as a rich or poor fellow. So, spiritualism is a great leveller.


How do you react when someone disrespects you? That depends on your level and the situation. Most of us are materially contaminated and not spiritual. So, our reactions will be material too. Most of us who would flex our muscles at a poor devotee like J N Das who is toiling in Orissa, would eat the humble pie if a boss at work insults us. This will continue till we become spiritually realized.


You should draw your lines as to what you will consider as an insult you can't put up with. Then react in such a way that will prevent recurrence of such insults. As another person said, read BG as that will help form a clear conception. You may even become detached from material problems as I have Posted Image



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Here's one thing you can do to respond to rude behavior:

Tell them there is a spot on their shirt, and when they look down to see, quickly swing your index finger up and catch them under their nose and say, "Gotcha!" (Of course wash your hand afterwards).


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[This message has been edited by Rati (edited 05-20-2002).]

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Originally posted by souljas_1:

I got a question to ask you all. How do you react to disrespect? For instance, when talking on the phone with someone like a sales representative or in a store, and he/she starts treating you rudely, what would you do? I feel that human society for the most part runs on human dignity, and without it there would be chaos. So, when people disrespect you directly or indirectly, what's your reaction? For instance, you could be very wealthy, and not knowing who you are, they treat you like dirt for no apparent reason.


I think it is best to be humble only with people who respect this attitude, otherwise it can be seen as a weekness.


By the way about your question about lust,in the "closed tread" you are only 18, in that age the senses run amok and if you never had any formal training in celibacy, then it is very unlikely that you will be able to restrain yourself.


No reason to feel guilty so, because as you progress spiritually, many helpful realisations will come in that respect. Put it this way, it is not impartant how you are when you start, it is important how you finish.


Meanwhile the cold spoon technique might help. Keep a few desert spoons in your freezer and when you feel arousal, get the spoon out and put it in your trausers for a while, that will definetely do the trick.

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Originally posted by souljas_1:

I got a question to ask you all. How do you react to disrespect? For instance, when talking on the phone with someone like a sales representative or in a store, and he/she starts treating you rudely, what would you do? I feel that human society for the most part runs on human dignity, and without it there would be chaos. So, when people disrespect you directly or indirectly, what's your reaction? For instance, you could be very wealthy, and not knowing who you are, they treat you like dirt for no apparent reason.

Both I and my colleagues are physicians in a major county hospital. Supposedly medicine is a "prestigious" and "well respected" field. Yet my experience has been that we are often treated rudely. We are treated rudely by patients who want to be put on disability assistance even though they do not qualify for it. We are treated rudely by nurses who like to play "armchair doctor." We are treated rudely by consultants who have poor work ethics and don't want additional work to do. We are even treated rudely by janitors who don't want to share an elevator with us, parking attendants who are just bitter, and laundry personnel who want to be treated as the "kings" of their respective "hills."


When I am able to stay calm, I try to see all of this as evidence of the underlying dissatisfaction these people have with their jobs and their material lifestyles. I am reminded about how different such karmi interactions are from devotee interactions, in which care is taken not to offend me, while at the same time not offering me undue respect simply because of some material position I have.


It reminds me again and again why I like to have the association of devotees, even in spite of my lack of interest in pure devotional service.




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