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Srila Prabhupad Folio - question

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Hari Bol!



I am planning to buy Srila Prabhupad's Folio CD-ROM, as that is a lot more portable than so many heavy books. I have questions for those already using it:


Does it contain the complete text of Srimad Bhagavatam [all cantos] and Caitanya Caritamruta?


Does it contain the verses in Sanskrit [Devanagari] as well as transliteration and word by word translation for both CC and SB?


How good is the search option?


Thank you in advance for the information.

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Originally posted by Tarun:

Where r u? USA? R u selling your books?



I am in the USA, but I am not selling my books. Also, most of my books are in India and I don't have CC. I am very hesitant to add more books to my already bulging collection. So, I want to add this CD to my list. Have you ever used it?


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Pradyumnaji wants ____ sata-dUSanI 100 Faults books/essay.

Maybe *&^%$# Sata-dUSAnI is available on line?

I need something more down to Earth like Manu-smRti.

Will u be going to MunshirAm or Motilal in Delhi or elsewhere?

From Gita Press, how's about original MahAbharata? 100k worth?

Vraj has so many stalls selling Gorakhpur originals.

Otherwise I'm overloaded with devotee's books who owe me laxmi & then some.

Collateral Damage? Nah. More like Collateral Divinity.

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Originally posted by Tarun:

Pradyumnaji wants ____ sata-dUSanI 100 Faults books/essay.

Maybe *&^%$# Sata-dUSAnI is available on line?

I need something more down to Earth like Manu-smRti.

Will u be going to MunshirAm or Motilal in Delhi or elsewhere?

From Gita Press, how's about original MahAbharata? 100k worth?

Vraj has so many stalls selling Gorakhpur originals.

Otherwise I'm overloaded with devotee's books who owe me laxmi & then some.

Collateral Damage? Nah. More like Collateral Divinity.

There is a Moti Lal Banarasidass in every city in India. When my friends are coming here next, I can ask them to get the books, one at a time. Is there a Mahabharat from gita press? I must have missed it. I do have their Valmiki Ramayan which my friend borrowed. But, I have seen another Mahabharat with original Sanskrit verses and translations, in 4 parts. I think it costs Rs. 4000 [uS $ 90]. Can you please check out the following 2 sites and let me know which books are priority for you?





You can also email me at karthik_v@

I will check when my friends are visiting next and request them to carry some.


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Nobody seems to want to answer your question. Guess they are not reading your letter!


Yes, go ahead, get the Folio. It has everything Prabhupad did and more (other books translated by other people, including of course Hridayananda's version of the last few cantos of Bhagavata). The search option is good indeed. I have the old DOS version, which is somewhat troublesome for cutting and pasting, but the new version is much improved and easier to use.


I say go for it.



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Before you pay out 600 bucks for folio,check out this deal @ http://krishna.org .


They are offering mp3 disks[21]that have all of Prabhupada's audio recordings,1300 hrs.Morning walks conversations bhajan's etc.They are selling the set for $75 and they give you a FREE cd-rom that containsall the books.



[This message has been edited by theist (edited 04-10-2002).]

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Yes, the Folio and MP3 CDs are absolutely incredible. There are no words that fully describe the wonderful service that has been done by the people at the Bhaktivedanta Archives on these two devotional tools. I only bought three MP3 CDs and now after having heard each lecture at least three times, I am scheming to scrape up some cash for the $5 price to get some more. Each is like ten hours of pure pleasure. If I ever get working again, I will definitely buy all of them and any bhajans I can find. Why I didn't buy 'em all when I was rolling in it is just beyond me. But Krsna is using this attachment to overpower some lesser not so heavenly attachments, so maybe all is working out as it should. He's so clever, my Krsna.


If you can afford it, it will better karma to support the efforts that produced it and continue to keep Prabhupada's legacy alive by buying from the Archives. You get what you pay for, and I have to think that cheating ISKCON has to be bad karma. Of course, if you're impoverished like I am right now, your scruples will be less noticeable. When I get affluent I try to buy Prabhupada - it always pays off. That's all we want anyway. We end up growing out of the other toys in due course. I paid the $500-600 for Folio and after two weeks I was convinced that it was the best investment I ever made.


Folio has all of Prabhupada's books, and a lot of his lectures and letters. It also has old writings prior to ISKCON, and some books by other devotees, including Sadaputa dasa's Astronomy book. The search is good. To run it does require an included gizmo that fits into the parallel port that protects against pirating, but the gizmo is transparent so you can still utilize the port for printers and stuff.


I have written a C program that translates the Folio characters into Harvard-kyoto script for pUbliSiM in newsgroups and forums where not all readers will have the Balarama font installed on their systems. I will post the URL for that software if anyone could use it.


You will not be disappointed with either the Folio Vedabase or the MP3 CDs. That is a promise.

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Hari Bol gHari Prabhuji,



A quick question. I know that Vedabase costs a little under $600. But Folio costs only $ 30 [for books alone] and $ 75 [for books + MP3 lectures]. Here are the links to both:





How is this Folio different from Vedabase? Any idea?

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I don't know what the difference is. I had assumed that they were just a rip-off bootleg. We saw those recent articles on VNN about how nasty it is to cut the Archives out, and then the subsequent apology by two devotee pirates. Maybe they are a cut-down version. I really don't know, but I'm sure both parties know.

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This article suggests that at least the content was stolen from the Archives. However, the $30 price would likely not cover Folio's deluxe search software, unless they are guilty there too. I doubt if Folio would be as merciful towards them as were the Archives. Apparently they have agreed to pay the Archives a certainly fee for the pirated sale. Hence the apology. But it is deeper than that since incredible efforts were required to create these Prabhupada aids. However, after examining the table of contents on the website it looks like they lifted the whole CD.

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Circa 1994 Motilal &/or Munshiram came out with 4 volume black, soft cover with case, SanskRtless MahAbharat.

This new edition u speak of with SanskRt zlokas I've not seen.

Avinashji: 1000rs for 100K SanskRt zlokas only? 2-3-4 Volume Set?

Karthikji: 4000rs pour quoi precisement?

I'm also asking for exact distinction entre Folio & Vedabase.

Folio was available before internet, as early as 1991?

Vedabase is Folio's updated version, n'est-ce pas?

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Okay - the one from http://krishna.org and from http://folio.bhaktivedanta.org/ is actually the old DOS version. It is distributed by the Prabhupada Sankirtana Society (PSS) - and whilst it works, it unfortunately only covers books Srila Prabhupada actually wrote (hence it stops at SB 10.13). I have a copy here, and it looks, feels (and is?) a bootleg.



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