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Valmiki Ramayana verses - help

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Can some body kindly transliterate the following verses from Valmiki Ramayana?


Aranya kanda: 7:15-22 & 43:11-18

Kishkinda kanda: 17:36-40

Ayodhya kanda: 51:67-68, 84:10, 103:29-30


Could you kindly also provide a word by word translation? I am having my copy of Gita press Ramayana with me now, so any help is appreciated.



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soaham grihItvA niyamam tapasvijanabhUsaNam

hitakAmah piturbhUyah sItAyA laxmaNasya ca (Ayodhyakand: 51.67)


so = therefore

aham = I

grhItvA = after adopting

niyamam = discipline

tapasvijanabhUsaNam = ornaments fit for sages

hitakAmah = desiring the welfare

pitur = of father

bhUyah = concurrence

sItAyA = of Sita

laxmaNasya = of Laxman

ca = and


jatAh krtvA gamisyAmi nyagrodhaxIramAnaya

tatxIram rAjaputrAya guhah xiprabhupAharat (Ayodhyakand: 51.68)


jatAh = matted hair

krtvA = after making

gamisyAmi = will go

niagra = ahead

udhaxIram = milk like exudation of a tree

Anaya = bring

tat = that

xIram = milk like food

rAjputrAya = for the Prince

guhah = Guha

xipram = milk like exudation

upAharat = brought




[This message has been edited by Avinash (edited 04-17-2002).]

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Translation of 51.67, 51.68:

After adopting the discipline that serves as ornament for sages, for the welfare of My father, with the concurrence of Sita and Laxman, and making matted hair, I will go ahead. Bring the milk like exudation of tree for me. Guha brought that exudation for the Prince.




[This message has been edited by Avinash (edited 04-17-2002).]

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