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Originally posted by beemasane:

i have just noticed that my "junior member" status has been upgraded to "member" status...there must be a glitch in the sisya-stem...i demand my junior rating back again...with all respects, i remain, unsurrendered, bummersane.


don't be attached to designations. Carry on your good work and nice spirit.


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I am surprised. I was jumoing with joy when I became Member. And you want to be senior member again? Posted Image


If there is any designation called "Senior Member", I would like to be that too.


Anyway, it is not any glitch in the system. After certain number of posts, the poster is promoted from "Junior Member" to "Member".

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all glories to the pandavas...actually i have made a mental note to seek you out here in cyberia...without even knowing you personally, i like YOUR spirit based on your writings, even without your co-incidentally same namesake you would reminding me of the undefeatable prowess of the wonderful son of Arjuna who only could be defeated by cheaters of the kshatric code of chivalry. i can just see you defeating not only all of the nirvesesa sunnyavadis with your expert siddhanta but nicely defeating even all Vaisnavas like me, who might not have such a soft heart, with sweet astra arrows of flowers just like Krishna does to the gopis. Prabhupada must be so proud of his fighter so aptly named abhi the great. i have been soundly reminded of an adjustment i have to make even tho' i am junior member to all of the qualified pandits here at Audarya Fellowship. all glories to all Vaisnavas!

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Originally posted by beemasane:

Prabhupada must be so proud of his fighter so aptly named abhi the great.

A vaishnava is always recognised by his humility and not his bragging. So, this name I have chosen is to send a very clear message, and avoid all confusions. I really truly certainly feel I am great. Now you shd realise my true colors as a Vaishnava and servant of Prabhupad.


Bheema is the uncle of Abhimanyu, he knows better. Dandavat mamaji...


Its better to openly declare that I am egoistic and lusty and trying to prove I am very intelligent. And I make a lot of mistakes and do not admit them easily and am hot tempered. But, yes I like Srila Prabhupad. I like this person so much. As far as other devotees are concerned, I don't consider I am their servant except for my Guru and Gurun.


I derive a lot of pleasure in finding faults with the devotees and really hate people finding fault in me. I enjoy glorifications, so you are most welcome to glorify me.


boss boss anu boss.



[This message has been edited by abhi_the_great (edited 03-20-2002).]

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this is a follow up on how i assumed the name of beemasane. this is directed towards Abhithe great if he ever drops by again...i just want him to know i'm not so humble really. this comes from the Bhakti-rasamrita-sindhu-bindu by Srila Visvanatha Chakravarti Thakur: there are four kinds of heroes or Nyakas...the 4th ,Dhiroddhata One who is malicious, proud, decietful,angry,and boastful is known as a dhirodhata. Learned men have accepted Bhimasena as a dhiroddata nayaka...Although these characteristics appear to be faults, they are accepted as qualities of Krishna, because they are appropriate in specific pastimes, in which he chastises the wicked in order to protect his devotees...cool huh?

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Originally posted by beemasane:

this is a follow up on how i assumed the name of beemasane. this is directed towards Abhithe great if he ever drops by again...i just want him to know i'm not so humble really. this comes from the Bhakti-rasamrita-sindhu-bindu by Srila Visvanatha Chakravarti Thakur: there are four kinds of heroes or Nyakas...the 4th ,Dhiroddhata One who is malicious, proud, decietful,angry,and boastful is known as a dhirodhata. Learned men have accepted Bhimasena as a dhiroddata nayaka...Although these characteristics appear to be faults, they are accepted as qualities of Krishna, because they are appropriate in specific pastimes, in which he chastises the wicked in order to protect his devotees...cool huh?


Bheem Mamaji Dandavat,

I like this kshatriya spirit, it makes me thrilled and full of awe.


Once HH Jayadwaitha Maharaj said, as devotees we shd be like kshatriyas, ready to fight the onslaught of Maya. We need to develope the kshatriya spirit.


If we look at it objectively its a passion. But this passion is acceptable, bcos it drives us in the service of Guru & Krishna. This makes us die hard preachers, enthusiastic book distributors and strong in our sadhana and chanting. This idea appealed a lot to me bcos, I am somewhat passionate by nature.


So, lets fight it out in the battle field, challenging the forces of Maya and to get the message of Srila Prabhupad across.





Ps: Wd appreciate if you cd post all the different Nayakas and there specific traits. We are all hero worshippers, and we try to become like our heroes. Let me see who is my kind of Hero. Definately you are one of them Mamaji.

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1 dhirodatta: grave humble forgiving fixed in vow UNBOASTFUL extremely powerful thwarts pride of other heroes example Sri Rama 2 Dhira lalita expert in 64 arts also in amorous arts always fresh youth expert joker NO FEAR and controlled by preme of his beloveds examples are Krishna and kandarpa 3 dhira santa peaceful and tolerant of miseries JUDICIOUS AND HUMBLE example "my brother" your best of uncles, our dear expert javellin master, heroic YUDDISTHIRA KEEEE JAYA! and you have the 4th(dhirodDHata) already and remember prabhu if you are stronger than someone you dont fight them so hard...EVER..and be so kind and gentle to those people less than you and your guru will see this and give you all facility to be glorious for Krishna! all glories to the Hero Vaisnavas! Uncle beemaSANE here. Good Luck to you!

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aaaaaaand heeeeere we go...you're real pistol. your honesty is a breath of fresh air, nothing worse than a phony huh? i am especially taken with your fierce loyalty to guru and gurun, an admirable quality. if within this forum i become overwhelmed by a superior opponent, may i call upon your obviously considerable talents? what i am about to say now is NOT to be misconstrued as a criticism, for as you have emphatically stated you cannot easily handle this. as a weary battle scarred veteran of many campaigns i offer this as a consideration: did you ever stop to think that when i praised you that i was naive enough to consider you anything more or less than you described yourself as...i didn't get the name beemasane for nothing...you as my nephew should should know this about me...right up front. lets fight the good fight, i think you will become invincible as you learn more about the art of war. all respects to all the Vaisnavas, even those we defeat.

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Originally posted by beemasane:

1 dhirodatta: grave humble forgiving fixed in vow UNBOASTFUL extremely powerful thwarts pride of other heroes example Sri Rama 2 Dhira lalita expert in 64 arts also in amorous arts always fresh youth expert joker NO FEAR and controlled by preme of his beloveds examples are Krishna and kandarpa 3 dhira santa peaceful and tolerant of miseries JUDICIOUS AND HUMBLE example "my brother" your best of uncles, our dear expert javellin master, heroic YUDDISTHIRA KEEEE JAYA! and you have the 4th(dhirodDHata) already and remember prabhu if you are stronger than someone you dont fight them so hard...EVER..and be so kind and gentle to those people less than you and your guru will see this and give you all facility to be glorious for Krishna! all glories to the Hero Vaisnavas! Uncle beemaSANE here. Good Luck to you!

Hmm. wow wow wow. Dheera Lalitha seems to be the most interesting charectar. You won't miss out on any fronts!!! Posted Image


Hari Hari!!


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Dear Abhi the great, i am sorry i have taken so long to respond to you, please forgive me, family life sometimes is very time consuming, i have two boys 12 and 14...need i say more. any ways, i told you i had a good Prabhupada story...the first time i ever saw Srila Prabhupada in person was at the 1974 Rathayata. when Prabhupada enetered the airport from walking across the tarmack after disembarking with Sudama. all the devotees inside the airport just went beserk with joy! I mean dangerously beserk...it was like some kind of a uncontrollable fever and Prabhupada,at least to the group of senior godbrothers immediately surrounding him, seemed to be in enough of a danger of being crushed that they formed a "lotus "phalanx" around him with interlocking arms...well it seemed they were a man short and guess who got picked by the big guys to fill in the spot directly to Prabhupada's right...mmm-hmmm...yours truly really lucked out. by now we had been funneled into a hallway with no room even on the sides for the karmis to get out of the way..it was completely crazy!...they too got swept into the the transcendental storm of devotees. yet here in the middle of the crowd that had now gotten even more intense, was Srila Prabhupada waking serenely within the safety of the lotus phalanx like there was simply no problem at all. i took hits, and lost one shoe, but it was really, really worth it to serve Prabhupada in person for the first time in such an intensely physical way, my youthful fancy was that NO ONE and i mean NO ONE was going to get thru and crushing MY Guru. i didn't elbow or hurt anybody, but i figuered that if one person would break thru it would keep going, so NO WAY was some body going to get past me. it was complete ecstasy, no indecision, just immediate and intense physical protection. Guru seva, ki-jaya! haribol Prabhu.

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Originally posted by beemasane:

Dear Abhi the great, i am sorry i have taken so long to respond to you, please forgive me, family life sometimes is very time consuming, i have two boys 12 and 14...need i say more. any ways, i told you i had a good Prabhupada story...the first time i ever saw Srila Prabhupada in person was at the 1974 Rathayata. when Prabhupada enetered the airport from walking across the tarmack after disembarking with Sudama. all the devotees inside the airport just went beserk with joy! I mean dangerously beserk...it was like some kind of a uncontrollable fever and Prabhupada,at least to the group of senior godbrothers immediately surrounding him, seemed to be in enough of a danger of being crushed that they formed a "lotus "phalanx" around him with interlocking arms...well it seemed they were a man short and guess who got picked by the big guys to fill in the spot directly to Prabhupada's right...mmm-hmmm...yours truly really lucked out. by now we had been funneled into a hallway with no room even on the sides for the karmis to get out of the way..it was completely crazy!...they too got swept into the the transcendental storm of devotees. yet here in the middle of the crowd that had now gotten even more intense, was Srila Prabhupada waking serenely within the safety of the lotus phalanx like there was simply no problem at all. i took hits, and lost one shoe, but it was really, really worth it to serve Prabhupada in person for the first time in such an intensely physical way, my youthful fancy was that NO ONE and i mean NO ONE was going to get thru and crushing MY Guru. i didn't elbow or hurt anybody, but i figuered that if one person would break thru it would keep going, so NO WAY was some body going to get past me. it was complete ecstasy, no indecision, just immediate and intense physical protection. Guru seva, ki-jaya! haribol Prabhu.

Jai!! That was a wonderful seva. One worth treasuring for millions of births.


Some more thoughts on the hero categories:

dhirodatta & dhira santa, seem to be more similar. I can imagine the exquisite features of Lord Rama, staight forward and sharp. Self content and confident. This kind of confidence is more serene. The pretenders pride will certainly be shattered by just a sharp glance of this hero. Wowwwww!! Those piercing eyes, red with anger, the arrows pointing at all the 10 heads of the asura ravana. I am telling you Ravana has already realised that he is never going to be victorious by just a half glance on Sri Ramachandra, the moon of the raghu dynasty.



dhirodDHata & Dhira lalita also seem to have a few common attributes. Sri Krishna is the Supreme Manipulator, some say he is the best politician. The young girls of Vraja are totally sold out to him. He is jovial and humorous. His confidence is very bubbly and sometimes seems as if he is not in control of himself. Not that goody-goody picture we really expect of a well mannered hero. Sometimes he steals the clothes and somtimes dances on Kaliyas hoods. But he is most trustworthy guy around for his devotees/fans. He is different from any other image of God portrayed, so he is special.



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a quick response as i have to do the kid school stuff this A.M...."Gaura 108" is just about ready to log in, he's got his name and is ready to party. this kid is definitely from the "kumara school" of devotees..any way more shortly, i do have a few little smatterings of smaranam to smite your worthy head...en garde mon dieu, and until then, all glories to ypu!

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Abhi, your keen discrimination of the divisions of heros is a very worthwhile meditation, i appreciate its fruit...very tasty. it may not surprise you at all that beemasane is not my real name...i selected this name on behalf of one of my siksas(of which there are a number) who requested of me to take the strength of beema inward...it is also interesting to note that this siksa knew who my hero was without my saying...he has even forbidden me for the time being to read Mahabharata...if you knew me as my friends do , you would know what an incredible impact this had on my existing outlook on my material and spiritual life with regards to the mandate of devotee protector i had been operating on for many years. so, ha-ha on me, it seems i have been put out of a job for a while. thats ok. i have seen all the results of us all over the years trying to be more bona fide than the other person and fighting with each other...how are we going to defeat maya's forces like that, huh? i am sick of it and so sad in my heart for a long time...i will not fight Vaisnavas any more...weeeeeeeell, i can't REALLY say that about the karmis! ha-ha... BUT, i do know one thing, if you are a devotee, go ahead and stomp on my face...or try to if you can catch me...now i am Ranchor sp.? i want only to stop making offences and am begging anyone Vaisnava friend or old enemy to help me with this. but you know isnt it funny that i will still be victorious as a warrior in the battle using love to glorify Vaisnavas so hahaa in the end i will still be able "to fight: AND WIN OVER YOU ALL ! HAHA i will fight at your side any day Abhi, i think you MUST be a great love in your heart person...i have discovered your secret..oh lets go fight! watch out Vaisnavsas i have AHBI THE GREAT ON MY SIDE NOW...too bad for you! His guru will be so proud of him !


[This message has been edited by beemasane (edited 03-25-2002).]

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