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What Jamaat wants to do in India...

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Some may say that this is not a specifically 'spiritual' discussion, but it does point out that many see their own Muslim religion as impotent. The only way one would adopt it is if they were brutalized into submission. I hope that all such deviants are completely unsuccessful in all their twisted ungodly plans. What a puny God they have; that He needs them to behave so abominably for Him.


[This message has been edited by gHari (edited 03-08-2002).]

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Originally posted by Avinash:

If somebody wants to force Hindus to accept Islam, then he must be opposed at all costs. Even force can be used if needed.

Thx gHari & Avinash,

Now you realise what made me cranky, and pull the daggers at poor leyh.


Sometimes we feel very peaceful, bcos we think everything is OK. Ignorance is certainly bliss. But when the truth stares one in the face, sometimes we take painful decisions although it might be against our very basic nature of being peace loving. We lose the ability to be just that simple hearted person we always tried to be. We prepare our mind to face any consequences, in the process we end up being rough and tough.


The way leyh is speaking, I also used to. There was a time when I was thinking that all is simple and straight forward. Slowly by associating and reading, I have become little mature at times!! Atleast I aquired an ability of differentiating good, bad and ugly.


Let the intellect start clicking by the mercy of the Vaishnavas.


Govinda Vasudeva



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Caitanya Caritamrta Adi lila 17.128-134:

Ara yadi kIrtana karite lAga pAimu

sarvasva daNDiyA tAra jAti ye la-imu


Ara--again; yadi--if; kIrtana--chanting of the Hare KRSNa mahA-mantra; karite--to do; lAga--contact; pAimu--I shall take; sarva-sva--all possessions; daNDiyA--chastising; tAra--his; jAti--caste; ye--that; la-imu--I shall take.


"The next time I see someone performing such saGkIrtana, I shall certainly chastise him by not only confiscating all his property but also converting him into a Muslim."



To convert a Hindu into a Muslim was an easy affair in those days. If a Muslim simply sprinkled water on the body of a Hindu, it was supposed that the Hindu had already become a Muslim. During the transition of the British in Bangladesh during the last Hindu-Muslim riots, many Hindus were converted into Muslims by having cows' flesh forcibly pushed into their mouths. Hindu society was so rigid at the time of Lord Caitanya that if a Hindu were converted into a Muslim, there was no chance of his being reformed. In this way the Muslim population in India increased. None of the Muslims came from outside; social customs somehow or other forced Hindus to become Muslims, with no chance of returning to Hindu society. Emperor Aurangzeb also inaugurated a tax that Hindus had to pay because of their being Hindus. Thus all the poor Hindus of the lower class voluntarily became Muslims to avoid the tax. In this way the Muslim population in India increased. Chand Kazi threatened to convert the people into Muslims by the simple process of sprinkling water on their bodies.


eta bali' kAjI gela,----nagariyA loka

prabhu-sthAne nivedila pAJA baDa zoka


eta bali'--thus saying; kAjI--the magistrate; gela--returned; nagariyA loka--the citizens in general; prabhu-sthAne--before the Lord; nivedila--submitted; pAJA--getting; baDa--very much; zoka--shock.


After saying this, the Kazi returned home, and the devotees, greatly shocked that they were forbidden to chant Hare KRSNa, submitted their grief to Lord Caitanya MahAprabhu.


prabhu AjJA dila----yAha karaha kIrtana

muJi saMhArimu Aji sakala yavana


prabhu--the Lord; AjJA dila--ordered; yAha--go; karaha--and perform; kIrtana--saGkIrtana, chanting of the Hare KRSNa mahA-mantra; muJi--I; saMhArimu--shall kill; Aji--today; sakala--all; yavana--the Muslims.


Lord Caitanya ordered, "Go perform saGkIrtana! Today I shall kill all the Muslims!"



Gandhi is known for having started the movement of nonviolent civil disobedience in India, but about five hundred years before him, SrI Caitanya MahAprabhu started His movement of nonviolent civil disobedience to the order of Chand Kazi. It is not necessary to commit violence to stop the opposition from hindering a movement, for one can kill their demoniac behavior with reason and argument. Following in the footsteps of Lord Caitanya MahAprabhu, whenever there are obstacles the Hare KRSNa movement should kill the opposition with reason and argument and thus stop their demoniac behavior. If we became violent in every case, it would be difficult for us to manage our affairs. We should therefore follow in the footsteps of Lord Caitanya MahAprabhu, who disobeyed the order of Chand Kazi but subdued him with reason and argument.


ghare giyA saba loka karaye kIrtana

kAjIra bhaye svacchanda nahe, camakita mana


ghare giyA--returning home; saba--all; loka--citizens; karaye--performed; kIrtana--saGkIrtana; kAjIra--of the Kazi; bhaye--from fear; svacchanda--carefree; nahe--not; camakita--always full of anxieties; mana--the mind.


Returning home, all the citizens began performing saGkIrtana, but because of the order of the Kazi, they were not carefree but always full of anxiety.


tA-sabhAra antare bhaya prabhu mane jAni

kahite lAgilA loke zIghra DAki' Ani'


tA-sabhAra--of all of them; antare--in the mind; bhaya--fear; prabhu--the Lord; mane--in the mind; jAni--understanding; kahite--to speak; lAgilA--began; loke--to the people; zIghra--very soon; DAki'--calling; Ani'--bringing them.


Understanding the anxiety within the people's minds, the Lord called them together and spoke to them as follows.


nagare nagare Aji karimu kIrtana

sandhyA-kAle kara sabhe nagara-maNDana


nagare--from town; nagare--to town; Aji--today; karimu--I shall perform; kIrtana--chanting of the Hare KRSNa mahA-mantra; sandhyA-kAle--in the evening; kara--do; sabhe--all; nagara--of the city; maNDana--decoration.


"In the evening I shall perform saGkIrtana in each and every town. Therefore you should all decorate the city in the evening.



At that time, NavadvIpa was composed of nine small cities, so the words nagare nagare are significant. SrI Caitanya MahAprabhu wanted to perform kIrtana in each of these neighboring towns. He ordered the city decorated for the function.


sandhyAte deuTi sabe jvAla ghare ghare

dekha, kona kAjI Asi' more mAnA kare


sandhyAte--in the evening; deuTi--lamps; sabe--everyone; jvAla--light up; ghare ghare--in each and every home; dekha--just wait and see; kona--which kind; kAjI--magistrate; Asi'--coming; more--unto Me; mAnA kare--orders Me to stop.


"In the evening, burn torchlights in every home. I shall give protection to everyone. Let us see what kind of Kazi comes to stop our kIrtana."


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