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Meeting devotees

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I have been on my own here for so long, and wondering how or when I would next see a devotee. Saturday I ended up in an ambulance, and after the crew did their thing this bright faced young man bent before me and said "You're a devotee, aren't you?" I thought it was my neckbeads but realised I had never put them back on since xrays two days earlier. He said it was my house, he just knew. I said wait till you see the temple room. But anyway it turns out that he and his wife and child just moved up here for a few months while he starts studying to be a paramedic, and he jsut happneed to be there that day following a real paramedic around for his studies. I told him it was worth all the pain to have been able to meet him. He was as happy as I was for the contact so that is something I look forward to.


It is so strange how we get to meet devotees, and this incident increased my faith in Krsna and that He does provide, when it is in our best interests.


ys, Jayaradhe

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Yes JRdd, "bhramayan sarva-bhutani.." Gita 18.61

He aka Supersoul's directing all such meetings.

Just imagine how we felt meeting PrabhupAd's very first Western disciple just 3 days ago!

One thing.

Each meeting is completer is we chant & honor prasAd together.

btw - Pourquoi dedans l'ambulance? Etes-vous malade?


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Originally posted by JRdd:

I have been on my own here for so long, and wondering how or when I would next see a devotee. Saturday I ended up in an ambulance, and after the crew did their thing this bright faced young man bent before me and said "You're a devotee, aren't you?" I thought it was my neckbeads but realised I had never put them back on since xrays two days earlier. He said it was my house, he just knew. I said wait till you see the temple room. But anyway it turns out that he and his wife and child just moved up here for a few months while he starts studying to be a paramedic, and he jsut happneed to be there that day following a real paramedic around for his studies. I told him it was worth all the pain to have been able to meet him. He was as happy as I was for the contact so that is something I look forward to.


It is so strange how we get to meet devotees, and this incident increased my faith in Krsna and that He does provide, when it is in our best interests.


ys, Jayaradhe

Jayaradhe Mataji:


I hope you will get well soon.I'm sure that your meeting with a devotee under such unexpected circumstances was simply a message from the wonderful cowherd boy of Vrindavana.


He will never forget you! Posted Image


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We should have non-sectarian traveling vaiSNav cars or van teams that can do sankIrtan fulltime or part-time or during their vacation which also take time to visit disabled devotees who can't quite get around like they used to.

We can split up 12 months like time-sharing in different regions.

Plus those who r going cross-country anyway...

vaiSNav-sanga & HarinAm: don't leave home without it.

Or if u absolutely must leave home, take'em both with u.

Slightly tangential though equally transcendental advice:

Better to revive/rebuild an old temple than create a new one.

Generally, creation is rajasik, maintenance is sattvik.

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Dear Jayaradhe,


I hope that you're better. I really think that you need more association and better care of yourself. Do you consider sometimes to move to a place were will be easier to meet devotees?

Nothing like a bhajan or kirtana to make me feel better when I'm down. Just before to go to work a quick darshan of their Lorships and guru puja to start the day in the right way. Coming back from work, the temple doors are just opening for the evening darshan. Devotees everywhere, prasadam all over the place. Even at work I see devotees all the time, sometimes I take it for granted but reading about your and Leyh's experiences how happy you become meeting devotees is giving me a second chance of appreciate them more.

Lord Krsna is so sweet that he put that devotee there in your moment of need.

Please take care of yourself.

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Dear prabhus,


I am too speechless to reply at this time to the many wellwishes and reminders of Krsna here. I was so touched and surprised to see this. Also Audarylila wrote a wonderful email which I am also too speechless to answer now.


This is the real medicine, and I cannot express my thanks enough.


Nice meeting you all here!


your servant, Jayaradhe



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Originally posted by zeytindali:

Hare Krishna!


Please accept my humble obeisances.



Such nice topic, thank you leyh and all.


I will be grateful to know if i can find a devotee living in Turkey.


Thank you

Dear Zeytindali, I'm afraid i won't be of much help. I tried looking for a contact for you at www.iskcon.org as there is a section there that has addreses and phone numbers in over 90 countries, but i did not see anything for Turkey. Maybe if you check there every so often, you will find one. There are many online books there that you will like tho. Good luck.

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