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new website with audio lectures on Hinduism and Vedic philosophy

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The Bhaktivedanta Ashram has recently launched a new website, "Sudarshana Broadcasting" (www.sudarshana.org), which provides 24 hour nonstop broadcasts of spiritual lectures on Hinduism and Vedic philosophy. You will also find many recordings of bhajans, kirtans, mantras, and stotras in Real Audio format.


You can visit the new website now by clicking on the following link:



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This site looks great, jndas prabhu, but I don't know how to make it work. My computer asks me if I want to save or open the file. `Open` brings up `can't find file` and `save` asks me where. Do I need to place each kirtan, etc. on my hard drive before it can be heard? So many files to remember already! Please give detailed instructions for computer illiterates like me, if possible. Thanks.

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For the kirtans, bhajans, and other audio files, you need to install a free software called "Real Audio Player". If that is installed, then when you click on each link, it will automatically start playing.


To download the Real Audio Player,



I hope that link will work. After downloading the real player, click on "Open". It will install on your computer. Then whenever you click on the audio links they should automatically start playing.




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Actually, there are a lot more things we are working on right now, but we are limited by time. Slowly we hope to get some of our ideas into their final stages. One thing we are working on now are multimedia flash presentations of Vaishnava philosophy and teachings. Also there are a number of websites that are in progress which should be completed sometime soon. At present we have indiadivine.com, sudarshana.org, and dragon-search.com. But there are a lot more coming.


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