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I can "see" the aura of the trees, but I can't "see" the aura around the people.

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I don't bother much with it, but sometimes it's spontaneous. But there are tricks too. First thing is to not try to see them. Sounds funny but you may get what I mean. Stay relaxed about it. The fact is, everyone sees them but just don't notice it, just like most of us don't notice our breathing.


When you're trying/not trying to see someone's aura, look at them against a white background. This is an excellent way to start. You will see the shimmer, or a transparent sheen. No it is not your imagination. It is there.


Seeing colors is another thing. I find it easeir to see colors when I feel them first. It is almost as if you are feeling the colors of the person's aura. A kind of feeling and seeing at the same time.


I am going to shut up now before they come to take me away. (ha ha)



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Putting someone against a white board could reflect more light which resembles a intended --interpretation of an aura. Too much white can damage the eyes.


For the bodily aura. It might be the superimposition of light from the body + brain electromagnetic radiation + (bodily raditation - light from the body) = AURA?


I don't know now.



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alfa1: I saw the film. Dionne Warwick sang the lead bhajan.

Why you can't see human auras?

Because you're vegetarian.

If you begin to eat people, you'll see their auras too.

Start with those that left their bodies due to natural causes.

Then go onto the supernatural.


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