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Srila Bhakti Vaibhava Puri Maharaj in New York City (a photoessay)

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Haribol Sudevi! Long time no see!


I may add a few more photographs once my 4th role is used up, but it will be shots only from the last day of the trip. I'll have to wait until Madan Gopal Prabhu gets back from Srila BV Puri Maharaj's tour (after Mexico) before I get more photos.


As for the books Maharaj has written, these are all the books I bought on the tour. As far as I know, these are the only books translated into English:


The Six Goswamis (60 page paperback)


Atma Nivedanam (60 page paperback about surrender)


The Divine Name (200-300 page hardcover)


Caitanya Bhagavat (300 or more page hardcover commentary on Sri Caitanya Caritamrta).


I also got one of those "magazines" similar to "Rays of the Harmonist" with small articles, but its mainly pictures of Srila BV Puri Maharaj.


I haven't read them all, but I have glanced at all of them, and are pretty good reads. The only thing is there are some differences between his teaches and Srila BV Narayana Maharaj. One thing I've noticed is that he calls Raghunatha Das Goswami "Rasa Manjari" in the six goswamis book while we were taught that he is Rati Manjari in Vrindavan. Perhaps there are more contradictions, but I have not seen them yet.


Also, I heard Srila Puri Maharaj may come to Murwillumbah (sp?) around the same time as Sripad BV Van Maharaj. Now wouldn't that be nice for the people of Australia???


Talk to you later Posted Image




Krsnacandra dasa


[This message has been edited by Krsnacandra dasa (edited 09-05-2001).]

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Dear Krsnacandra prabhu,


Dandavats. Jai Sri Sri Guru Gauranga!


Haribol! Good to see you again. Is there anyway that I can write to you on e-mail? Which e-mail address are you using now? I'm really looking forward to seeing more photos on the website. That should be really cool.=)

Yes!! It's awesome news, Sripad BV Puri Maharaja might be gracing the shores of Australia with his lotus feet dust, but he's going to be on the East Coast whereas I am stuck here on the West Coast... bleh. I'm going to the Puri festival though with Srila Gurudeva... That should be nice.

It's so wonderful how all these great Vaishnava acaryas are all travelling and spreading the Holy NAmes of the Lord.

Can you tell me how I may obtain the books of Sripad BV Puri Maharaja? OR could you buy a few copies and send them to me. Please... HAribol!!


Your servant

Sudevi dasi

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Hari bol, Krsnachandra prabhu, nice to see you around again; as I mentioned earlier on the Mela I too enjoyed this photoessay very much. It would be wonderful if more were able to do this on special events. You described everything so blissfully too.


Sudevi prabhu, I sent out some batches of Jagannath turban pieces this week, but still haven't heard from you as to where to send them. Perhaps you missed my email? Let me know and I will send another email.


thanks, ys, Jayaradhe dasi

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Originally posted by gauraprema:

Dear Krsnacandra prabhu,


Dandavats. Jai Sri Sri Guru Gauranga!


It's awesome news, Sripad BV Puri Maharaja might be gracing the shores of Australia with his lotus feet dust, but he's going to be on the East Coast whereas I am stuck here on the West Coast...

Sudevi dasi



If you have Maharaj’s Australian itinerary and the necessary Australian contacts, could you please email them to me? I wish to have his darshan


I am:




Satyarupa dd


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Dandavats. Jai Sri Sri Guru Gauranga!


Jayaradhe didi: I haven't received any e-mail from you yet. Can you please re-send it? MY e-mail address is sfchung79@hotmail.com. Perhaps I might have given you the wrong e-mail address.


Satyarupa didi: I've already sent you an e-mail with details of Sripad BV Puri Maharaja's visit to Australia.


Jai SRi RAdhe!


Your servant

Sudevi dasi

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Hariharibol! KRSNacandraji ki jaya! So sorry I missed it.

I don't know where my old NY/NJ current GBC friend got this idea that our PrabhupAd wanted us NOT to invite senior sAdhus like Zrila Bhaktivaibhava Puri Gosai into our mandirs to speak, chant, give darzan, accept prasAd...

Very bad precedent.

Sub-Vedik. Sub Amy Vanderbilt. Sub Emily Post.

Anyway, Zrila RUpa Gosvami knows the score: If you're still attached to buildings and cashflow, if you're lending money to your Deities and charging Them interest, don't go to Yamuna's bank...

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Dear Sudevi didi,


Thanks for the extra feedback! I am now at krsnacandra.dasa@verizon.net . Hopefully, I will add more photographs within the week (mostly from the final day). If you need books, you can either contact the people receiving Maharaj in Australia (not sure who yet exactly, but Lilasuka Prabhu probably knows), or perhaps in the next few days, I will have a few extra. If I do I will let you know.


Thanks for the feedback, Tarun Krsna prabhu, I too was most suprised with the GBC's behavior. Even Samakrsi prabhu who invited Maharaj to New Jersey. Although he has quite a big house, he had the program in the basement, forcing Maharaj to walk down and up one full flight of stairs. The basement was damp, and we could hear whenever one was using the faucet or flushing the toilet. Even the programs held in people's cramped apartments were so much better than the one held at Samakrsi's mini-mansion.


Didn't mean to complain BTW. Sadhu sanga in any situation is a wonderful thing.

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