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I just saw a part of the Hindi movie 'Lajja'. I was shocked in the audacity of the director and producer of having "Sita" talking so badly to "Rama".

Even if they did it as part of the drama, they are sending the wrong message to the children and people in general. Not even as a joke they should put that kind of dialogue coming from Sita's mouth. I wonder if the Muslims would tolerate anything like that against their beliefs?

I would like to know the Indian reaction to the movie? Maybe Animeshji can comment on it?



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You see Rakheshji, my dearest friend is Bengali and we're neighbours here. We'd been friends from Calcutta and she introduced me to the Hindi movies. All the time that I visit her (every day, 24-7) she is with the TV on, full Indian DVD. She is the owner of one Indian music and Boutique Store and they rent videos and DVD. Most of the movies are released here before India and she gets the first copy and while I'm here in her computer using the internet at the same time a Hindi movie is on the TV. Like it or not, I get to see and hear the songs.

She is very upset with Lajja and she showed me the part where Madhuri acting like Sita insults Lord Rama and Lakshman. I found it very offensive.

I read in MSN India that a Chennai court is stopping the movie but they are still showing it in Delhi and another metros.

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I have not watched the movie "Lajja". I just do not feel like watching movies unless there is a historical movie.

You have written that Sita has been shown talking badly to Rama. I feel that this is really objectionable. I find it objectionable not because Muslims will not tolerate any scene which is insulting to their religion. Even if Muslims say that they will not take offence if Islam is shown in bad light, then also Hindus should take offence against such kind of scenes. I think think of many reasons as to why I consider such scenes as objectionable. Let me enumerate the ones that immediately come to mind: -


1. Against religious sentiments: Very often, film makers make excuses that they had no intention of hurting anybody's sentiments. This kind of excuse is a complete lie because it is very easy to understand that Hindus will consider such scenes as objectionable.


2. Inaccurate: The defendors of the movie can say, "Why should we believe what others believe? We do not believe that the stories written in Ramayana are true. So, there is no inaccuracy if we show anything against Ramayana." My point is that, even if the stories are considered to be nothing more than mythologies, it is inaccurate to show scenes against Ramayana. When we talk about Rama, Sita, Hanuman etc., then Valmiki Ramayana is considered to be authority. So, one has to judge the scene in the film by comparing it with Valmiki Ramayana. In that sense, it is inacuurate. As an example, if it is shown in some film that Moses promised to take his followers to the "land of God" and took them to Paris, then one can not say, "I do not beleieve in Old Testament". Irrespective of whether the story is true or not, the Old Testament is an authority in this matter.


3. Effect on viewers (esp. children): Now a days, people learn many things from movies and TV serials. There are many Indians who learn History from these sources rather than from History books. May be because they do not find reading of books as interesting. Not all Hindus have read Ramayana or Ramacaritmanas. If they see the movie, they may start thinking that Sita had really fought Rama. This is especially bad for children because it is very difficult to unlearn wrong things that one has learnt in one's childhood days.


(I mentioned about reading of books. I feel that children should be made to cultivate the habit of reading books. These could be books on any topic based on their interest, not necessarily History books. I will not write on this because this is off-topic).

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Rajkumar Santoshi has made some pretty good movies in the past. I personally liked his ghayal, ghatak, andaz apna apna etc. But his last movies were not exactly hits. I remember "pukar" was his last. So the easiest way to make a fast buck would be a little controversial movie. And who better than Hinduism to target? May be Santoshi really thinks that Sita Mata thought the way he thinks. But thats another drawback of MY religion. Complete freedom to treat the historical/mythological events as you may. The movie would have been a sureshot hit had Khalid Mohammed directed it. But its worse now. Its just controversial. No one can raise a big hue and cry (as if someone other than ShivSena and Atma would raise) because its a Hindu guy's view bout Hinduism. So its correct to express. And express it loud.




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Personally I do not think one should be offended by the inaccurate depiction of the Shastra.


However, in all cases I think one should make every attempt to point out the inaccuracies to the interested parties.


Incidently, Sri Ram and Sita maintained love and compassion midst far worst offenses.


I think, to a believer, the truth need not be defended from inaccuracies. The truth will stand up on its on feet in all scrutinies. On the other hand no amount of correction or explanation will make the non-believers see the Truth.

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  • 4 years later...
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Sita did talk back to Ram, because she wanted to go with Ram on is exile. Sita also talked back to Lakshman and told him to go look for Ram, so he did. You may find that offensive, but I find that a wonderful thing. A women that has freedom of expression and speech. A woman that can speak her mind. As a man, I want a wife that can tell me whats on her mind, even if means she insulting me, just as long as I can understand and respect her wishes. I learn from Ram, and by Him i see that women are to have freedom of expression, and need not be supressed by the males of this world. They must have equal rights to men, that includes education, jobs, and even defending one's point of view.

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