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The Personal Guide

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I shall remain your personal guide whether I am physically present or not, just as I am getting guidance from my Guru Maharaja."

--Srila Prabhupada, October, 1977, Vrindavana


Dear Forum Members:

In the above quote, was Srila Prabhupada speaking only in reference to his initiated disciples? Can and will Srila Prabhupada be a person's "personal guide" even if,the person is from a distant era? Here's a scenario: A thousand years later in the year 3001, a person comes across Srila Prabhupada's writings and becomes inspired by Prabhupada's life and words. Is it possible that at that time, Srila Prabhupada will be that person's "personal guide" in the spiritual life?Comments anyone?


[This message has been edited by leyh (edited 06-09-2001).]

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A Quote from Srila Prabhupad himself "Impossible is a word in the Fools dictionary"

Guru is eternal, but what form will we recognize? There is no doubt in my mind that Srila BVSP is saktavesh avatara, but just as Jesus Christ taught eternal truths, that apply to any time and place in eternity, still it can be static if one doesn't dive deep into the presence of Jesus.

And what if were to pray like Baktivinode Thakur to take birth anywhere so long as it is in a family of Vaisnavas, this would then make it possible for Prabhupad to be Jesus or vice versa (hypothetical) and then his teaching may be once again adjusted for time and circumstance. My own personal vision of Jesus is one of extreme beauty like Krishna,

Everfresh and effulgent, the same for Prabhupad neither old nor bearded. Of course this would be a blasphemous idea in the pseudo Christian static conception, as they don't except transmigration of the soul. It's a fixed conception but Spiritual reality is eternally and dynamicly changing from wonder to evernew wonder. As I understand it doesn't much matter which boat of scripture one gets across the ocean of birth and death on, so long as it doesn't leak.

So if we are now inspired by the words of Jesus and they lead us to the university of Prabhupads conception of divinity then we will somewhere in our consciouness give honor to Jesus siksa and his person, whatever form he be residing in at this time, whether human, demigod or eternal swarup. Our true conection is heart to heart, soul to soul, will to will.

But the magic moment of initiation from master to disciple is a divine transmission of Krishna that can give us entrance into the whole family of our many glorious gurus and guardians. Altho they are never further away than the tip of your nose, at the same time it can be easily forgotten that they are eternally exchanging loving relationship in the Spiritual dimention, and that can be accessed with faith and dedication at any time or circumstance.

I feel it especially with Prabhupad, as he had so much interest in this suffering quarter. Others may be more interested and focused on their relations in the Goloka or Vaikuntha play.

I also personally feel this is why so many that are not even initiated to SP like myself, might still receive his dharsan in vision or dream as I have. Even tho I've only had brief meetings with him he is no stranger to me. Whatsmore I always see him in connection with my own divine master and his party. A true connection to one member of the Lords entourage is enough to connect us to all members. Hence "In knowing One, one will know all" similarly In serving One, one can serve all, in loving One, we can Love all.This is a deep subject prabhu, but in short YES. But it all depends on the hierachy of the party to whom you serve. This can change also, and so can your serving propensity.

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From my experience, Srila Prabhupada is my personal guide even though I never met him personally. I met the devotees in 1979 and because of Srila Prabhupada's books I joined the movement. In his books I finally got the answers to my philosophical questions about existence, karma, reincarnation and most of all about who is God.

I'm getting Srila Prabhupada's guidance everyday because I read his books and I know he is accepting me because he told me so through his murti form in Vrindavan.

He is my inspiration to continue in the spiritual path and I'm eternally indebted to him.

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