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McDonalds, Cows and Hinduism

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I just saw that Health News has used an article from our site on their page about McDonalds using beef in their french fries. You can see the page below, our article is the one "Why save the cows?" just under McDonalds answer. I just checked our stats and around 3,000 people are reading the article every hour. Just when I thought our new server could handle the traffic, something else comes up! Posted Image



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3,000 an hour is tremendous.The net is such a powerful medium and it will only increase.


Someone will be turned by the article for sure.Maybe some of the burger chomping "Hindus" I see in Burger King everyday as I walk by here in Berkeley.You know who you are.





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What I was amazed at was the fact that I couldn't even find this page, no matter how hard I tried, by going through various links and pages. I tried my best to figure out how to get there, and I still don't know. I tried a reverse process as well, starting with the article and working backwards; but no luck. That means that such an obscure link in brings 3,000 viewers an hour. is really a giant.


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