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Maitreya said:

This is what Siddhasvarupa has been doing for decades.Out of any group a few brahmins will emerge naturally.Most will be better off maintaining an occupation to support those brahmins in their teaching/preaching efforts.

Several months ago I ran across a Public Access channel that carries a program by Siddhasvarupananda every week. What surprised me was that I always thought he was more or less based in Hawaii and the Phillipines, and am unaware of any of his disciples in my area. But his program was really quite good. Mostly they are old programs from the mid to late 80s (you can tell by the context of the dialogues, like speaking of the Soviet Union, or Reagan etc...). He has a very different style,yet preaches the same message. I think his idea is rather than focusing on the Sanskrit verses, he speaks in english. If you are trying to get across an idea to someone what is easier for that new person to understand - 'jiva' or 'soul' etc... But he does a good job of presenting his views nicely.


After running across his program, I decided to try to find out more of what he has on the internet. I figured he was pretty media savy, but was disappointed that most of the sites related to his organization seem to be down or inactive. Does anyone know of his official internet site? Also, I think I had read that his right hand man Tusta Krsna (I believe) has passed away. Is this one of the reasons that his Internet presence is not very strong?





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"Word is" sounds like a prelude to rumor and gossip.


The sites did go down right after the passing

of Tusta Krishna das who was running VINA which became stagnant for a long time after that.


If they feared communication why the big involvement with WVA?


Also since other Vaisnava societies have many sites up how would his disciples closing their stop them from being exposed to Narayan or whoever?


Gossip is poison.



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Sorry. You are right. I fell into gossip. I am repeating hearsay, though from a fairly reliable source. Please forgive me.


It isn't logical. But I think it is something about isolation.


Tusta Krishna's death meant that VINA kind of died. But the other sites were up for some time after that. Surely Tusta was not responsible for the Haribols' New Zealand site, or the Polish sites.


Anyway, I don't know. I am sorry.





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I know he likes to avoid the controversies and fly under the radar screen so to speak.They are somewhat isolated in that respect.But they concentrate on bringing new people into the kirtana-rasa, which is a good thing.Perhaps the internet was just not considered productive.


I would like his students to be a little more reachable though.Months back I e-mailed Vina asking why nothing of Siddhasvarupa's lectuures or the like appeared on Vina.No reply.I was disappointed as it seemed real impersonal.At least they could have responded telling me it was none of my business. Posted Image





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Originally posted by Jagat:

Word is that a big Siddha Svarupa disciple in the Philippines went and joined Narayan Maharaj. SS responded by ordering all contact cut off, including websites.

I can't understand how that would be a sensible response. How does shutting down your websites stop your followers from leaving? Unless your philosophy is so lousy that be reading it people run away Posted Image




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Guest guest

MC: Keep your eyes (and ears) open in your neighborhood. I used to see them chanting on Telegraph, and especially the corner of Telegraph and Haste, a block from my old apartment. They would be easy to recognise, looking like hippies (albeit clean ones) and having guitar and tambourines, chanting the mahamantra blissfully and passing out pamphlets. I think they have a house over in the City. Surely Supersoul will direct you to them if that is your desire...

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You are right.I have had some nice conversations with those folks.They go on campus sometimes as well with a book table.In the City also.They do have some programs in the City where they have Sunday feast and classes.Nice folks.I have many of his tapes and gain valuable insight from them.


Jagat, I know what you mean about VNN.It was like no one was home.Hopefully they will change that when they reorganize.




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Jagat, I know what you mean about VNN.It was like no one was home.Hopefully they will change that when they reorganize.





>> At least we'll have a choice...Peter




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Krsna Krsna Hare Hare

Hare Rama Hare Rama

Rama Rama Hare Hare

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Just wanted to mention that this week's episode by Siddhasvarupananda was about the advent of Caitanya. It was nice. I was also informed by email that they have a center in Austin, and also have a Public Access program there as well. I believe that the Iskcon Texas devotees put on a public access program there (in Texas) also (called Hare Krsna TV or something). It would be great if there was some more organized, national use of the Public Access arena for the propagation of the Holy Name, by whatever organization. Its free, and is just sitting out there waiting to be used.



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