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The goal of human life is to attain Hari. Even after attaining this human body, if we do not try to reach Him, we are really wasting our time. It is very easy to attain Him in this Kali age just by chanting His Name. Let us start chanting His Name & attain Him.


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Why Yasoda was not able to catch Krishna immediately when He runs away from her when she wanted to tie Him for stealing butter?

Vedas describe that Dharma is present in the face of God & adharma is present in the back of God. When Yasoda runs after Krishna she sees His back where adharma was present so she was not able to catch Him. Also she had a stick in her hand which represents her ahankara, so she was not able to catch Him. When she became very tired she threw the stick & sits , seeing that Krishna took pity & turn towards her. Now Yasoda saw Krishna's face where dharma is present & caught Krishna. The moral is we can attain our goal only if we go in dharmic way & can never get our goal in adharmic way. Also we should replace I & mine with He & His. Unless He decides to get bound He would be bound otherwise it is not easy to bind Him. Only pure devotion & love can bind Him. Krishna says He will give Mukthi & not Bhakthi. So we are fortunate if we are devoted to HIM.


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Oops, I want to kill this it. After I had typed a lot, it crashed. Well, I am talking about my computer. Anyway, I'll type again.


Viji ji,

I agree that Bhagwat Gita is a great scripture if somebody reads it attentively. The teachings are really great and also soothing. I read it daily. A few weeks back, I also started reading Bhagwatam. Don't know what I will take up next. May be Ramayan.

Earlier I used to think that I would not find time to read all these because of my profession and other works. But now I find that if one really wants, he can always find time, and it is worth it.

If you remember, in another thread I had talked about my Sri Lankan sister (for the last about two months she is studying in Australia), who wants to know more and more about Hinduism. I was hesitating to explain to her anything about Hinduism because of two reasons. One that I did not know where to begin. Second I myself do not have good knowledge of this subject because it is so vast and I did not want to explain to her any wrong things. Anyway, finally I decided to explain. First I told her briefly what are vedas, upanishads, puranas, samhitas and Gita. Now I am sending her emails explaining teachings of Gita. Well, I am not just giving tranlations of all the verses of Gita, because it will take time and also she may not be able to understand many things. I am giving essential teachings from each chapter.

You (and many others on this forum) know far more on Hinduism than I do. Do you think it is correct way to explain Hinduism to somebody? Or, would you suggest some other way?

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Dear animesh,

You can ask her to visit web pages based on Hindu Religion& ask her to learn. She can participate in forums & put her doubts. Peaple will clarify her doubts. What you are doing is also correct to some extent. It is better she puts her doubts in the forums & get answer so that she has more chance to learn quickly. Ask her to visit my web page on Hindu Religion & participate in my forum. I will try to clarify her doubts. My web add is:



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One remarkable thing about Gita is the way it is presented. Sometimes when I read some shlokas, I find them confusing because it seems that Krishna makes contradictory statements. But after that I find another shloka in which Arjun asks Krishna to clarify and Krishna does that.

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When we keep Krishna in our bhudhi the bondage will be broken as in the case of vasudeva when he took his child Baby Krishna in his hand to carry Him to Gokul. When he returns he brings Maya (Yasodha's girl baby) he gets bondage again. So let us also keep Krishna in our bhudhi & overcome the bondage.


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It always makes me sad to see that christianity refers to God as an old white-bearded person who simply renders justice sitted in an armchair. How cam we be captivated by such a God, when you know that Krsna is so beautifull with His lotus eyes, always joyfull, playing flute to captivate His playmates.


Krsna means the all-attractive. God must be all-attractive, so God is Krsna.


How foolish have we been to forgot it !!!!!!!


Now let us pray so that he will allow us to go back to His Divine service.


By His mercy even this prayer is pure nectar, so we simply need to chant His Holy Names: Hare Krsna Hare Rama.


Dear brothers sisters and prabhus, keep chanting the Holy Name with humility and very soon you will see how Krsna is beautifull.


All glories to Sri Sri Radha Krsna.

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River Yamuna is superior to River Godhavari, since Yamuna gave way for Krishna to cross her to go to Gokul. Where as inspite of Sita requesting Godhavari to tell Rama about hHer kidnap by Ravana, Godhavari remained silent out of fear of Ravana. Though Yamuna was also flowing in Kamsa's land & afraid of Kamsa she helped Krishna to cross the river.Let us also surrender to Krishna. Say Jay Bholo BalaKrishna ki.


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I once heard a lecture on the day of Radhastami, in Eugene Oregon ( usa) in which the speaker presented his own argument that none of Lord Shree Krshnas friends or relatives ever considered the need to make a representative object depicting the looks of Krishna. I could only assume that what he had meant was that nobody would ever consider that Lord Shree Krishnas pastimes on earth would ever come to an end, and that in fact, they are perpetually being recreated exactly as in Goloka Dam for all time to come in order so we could have a "fresh" picture of Krishna in our minds.


This is tries to explain also as to why there are so many varieties of images of Govinda, Gopinatha, and Gopala throughout much of India today, as vastly depicted of many persons of Royal charge have had carvings made up of either jewels, marbles, or paintings, most of which shows Krishna as Krishnaa ( blackish ).




Radhe Shyama

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Five adjustments are needed in our personality to reach Krishna. They are freedom from pride & infatuation, conquering vice of attachment, remembering Krishna constantly, renunciation of desires & remaining unaffected by pairs of opposites such as pleasure & pain, love & hatred, joy & sorrow, name & fame etc. These requirements were enunciated by Krishna Himself to Arjuna in the Bhagavad Gita.


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