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Hindus and Muslims same?

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How much the muslims in India take all their benefits for granted, as if it was the sacred duty of the Indian govt.????


A muslims friend of mine who had lesser scores in the exam than me, cd easily get a more prestigious branch in the Engineering college. I really do not understand why in India minorities are given more importance while accross the brder (Pak or Bangladesh), they get a good beating. And after all this nice treatment, the musllims support Pakistan, sitting in India.


Are we cheating ourself? Shd we look back at the existing govt policies?


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Originally posted by abhi_the_great:

From another site.


By: Saradindu Mukherji


The acquittal of a 14-year old Christian boy and his uncle by the Lahore

high court in the so-called blasphemy case establishes not only that the

minorities in Pakistan are an endengered species but also that their safety

is dependent entirely on international pressure.


While it is understandable the the West should have taken so long to

realise the grim insecurity of the miniscule Christian minority in Pakistan,

there is little justification for the apathy of the political class in India,

which includes a very vibrant intelligentsia in this matter. The 1991 census

revealed that the minorities - Hindus, Sikhs, Christians, Parsis and Ahmadiyas-

who formed 23 % of the population of West Pakistan at the time of Partition

have been reduced to around 3%. If this is not ethnic cleansing, what it is?


While a sizable section of the minorties was wiped out in partition-

related mayhem, state-sponsored pogroms and forced conversions, the rest

had to abandon their ancestral homes and seek refuge in India. The Hindus

and Christians, numbering 1.2 million each, are mainly concentrated in

Sindh, where the bulk of the Hindus live, most of them work as bonded

labourers in lands owned by the Muslims; in Punjab, the Christians are

generally employed in low-paid jobs. This microscopic minority of kafirs

has suffered every conceivable form of intimidation, harassment, discrimi-

nation and persecution in the years since partition.


We should not forget that Pakistan emerged out of the rabid hatred

for the kafirs, which concretised with the street violence in Calcutta

on August, 1946, observed as "direct action day". As Sir Francis Wylie,

the governor of UP, wrote to the viceroy on August 29, 1946: "the most

ominous feature of the (Muslim League) demonstrations was the notable

tendency to give the whole movement a religious flavour. Many of the

meetings took place in and around mosques just after the usual Friday

prayers. I am told too that members of the Muslim League party are

making vigorous efforts to obtain support of Maulvis and Immams every-

where in the province. You might have noticed that The Dawn recently

started quoting extracts from the Quran every day on its leader page.

There has been some shouting of slogans about "Jehad" in various towns here."


Documents available with the Public Record Office (equivalent to our

National Archives) in London further substantiate the theory that

Pakistan was especially created for the Muslims. The British High

Commissioner to Pakistan, in his secret despatch to the Whitehall, dated

5th May 1948 wrote, "What Jinnah appears to be aiming at is a state

sufficiently Islamic on a high level to make it acceptable to the

brotherhood of Islamic states." To understand the plight of the Masihs

in Pakistan as well as the humiliation heaped on the Hindus and other

minorities there, it is crucial that we do not lose sight of the

lineage of the Pakistan state. But then India is full of lobbyists

for Pakistan and admirers of Jinnah who are also engaged in the lofty

mission of rehabilitating his "sacred" memory.


One of the most discriminatory and humiliating devices to reduce the

non-Muslims to a status lower than that of second-class citizens is the

separate electoral system, which bars minorities from active participation

in national politics. The minorities vote in separate lists and can only

be elected from special lists for the national and provincial Assemblies.

Unlike Muslim candidates, minority politicians cannot choose their

constituencies. The entire country is their constituency. Thus a Pakistani

Hindu cannot vote for a Muslim politician any more than a Muslim can

vote for a non-Muslim candidate. In the 237-member national assembly, the

kafirs have only ten representatives and they are barred from the Upper

House. This is religious apartheid at its crudest.


In a juridical dispute, the Muslim can accuse a non-Muslim of being

a 'kafir', in such a case the testimony of the latter would count for

half that of a Muslim's. In the event of homicide (voluntary or involunatry)

the kith and kin of a non-Muslim victim are entitled to only half the

compensation foreseen for a Muslim victim in a parallel case. There are

numerous other ways of persecuting the non-Muslims. Should a Muslim abduct

a non-Muslim woman (even a married woman) and declare that she has embraced

Islam, her family loses all legal power to claim her freedom. The quota

system and inherent religious prejudice have combined in such a way that

the non-Muslims are grossly discriminated in matters of education and

employment opportunities. No wonder most of them are engaged in low-level

sanitary work or in the nursing profession to which the "believers" are

not attracted. Moreover, Islamiyat is a compulsory subject for all students.

Theoretically, a non-Muslim can refuse to be examined on Islamiyat in the

absence of an alternative subject, the student stands to forfeit the marks

allotted to the subject.


In public schools there is no provision for teaching any religion other

than Islam. Non-Muslims also find it difficult to get admission to a

public hospital or to get a blood transfusion. This is not all though. In

1992, the Pakistani authorities made it mandatory for the people to declare

their religions in national identity cards. This is generally seen as another

tactic to isolate the non-Muslims and create a system of Islamic apartheid.

As if all this was not enough to reinforce the minority status of the

kafirs, other methods are also adopted to subjugate them - desecrating

their places of worship, forcibly converting and abducting them etc. No

wonder, there is a steady flow of Hindus from Sindh to India. Despite this

overwhelming evidence, the political class in India including some of the

refugee-victims of partition, habitually goes out of its way to defend

Pakistan. A whole range of diplomatic reports from Pakistan such as the

US state department Human Rights reports and the reports of some Pakistani

human rights activists stand as testimony to the victimisation of non-

Muslims. But we the people, and the government have refused to be moved

by these accounts.


We must see Pakistan as it is - a fundamentalist-terrorist state, no

matter whether it is ruled by a London-trained barrister, s Sandhurst

cadet, a feudal chieftain or an Oxford graduate. The ideological sustenance

flows from the same source.


If The Economist, The Times, Newsweek and the chain of the prestigious

media and other organisations in the West could highlight the plight of

the Masihs and provide the necessary moral pressure, why can't we follow


Excellent post eventhough i did not understand what is funny about it. A true path should elevate the minds of its followers and prevent them from doing abominable activities. For example, one who is worshipping Krishna, even if he indulges in abominable activities gets elevated to the platform of goodness QUICKLY that he should be considered saintly. On the other hand, one who is a muslim, engages in abominable activities if he is ever serious about the teachings of Quran. Islamic states and rulers have been a major problem in the world throughour history

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I think there is a serious misunderstanding about Islam and Quran, not only among devotees, but even among the Muslims. Quran is not a religious book as many of you think. It was meant to provide comic relief. If you use 81B filter and read the original manuscript of Quran, you will see a Posted Image But while typesetting, those Posted Image were excluded and Muslims have come to take those words seriously. If you read Srimad Bhagavatam 13th canto, manuscripts of which have been lost, you will find Lord Krishna and Radha Rani having a hearty laugh listening to readings from Quran. In fact, the reader himself is Mohammad.

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C'mon kathik_v, stop being so vague and tell us how you really feel. Posted Image


I wanted to mention to you that Bush in his speech yesterday out in California, mentioned that America must remain welcoming to those of all religions.This time as he listed them he specifally mentioned "Sikhs"and "Hindus".So it sounds like progress bro.

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Practical Islam through Q & A: part 1


A devout Muslim asks and the divine Mullah answers: (a series of questions answered by Mullah ibn-bad-wallah)


Devout Muslim:


Allah O Akbar! Every time I offer namaaz from the balcony of my apartment, when I twist and crook my neck and look at a difficult angle, I can see the apartment around the block where the lady dries her inner garments outside. That causes flutters in in my heart and disturbs my namaaz. What should be done?


Divine Mullah:


Insha Allah, May you be a great Muslim. I totally agree with your observation. I decree that the lady wraps her inner garments in a burkha and then dries

them outside, so that devout Muslim men aren't bothered. For the indiscretion on her part all along, I would recommend flogging 20 times in public.

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Practical Islam through Q & A: part 2


A devout Muslim asks and the divine Mullah answers: (a series of questions answered by Mullah ibn-bad-wallah)


Devout Muslim:


Allah O Akbar!


I am married to 2 women. But of late I am getting attracted to the 2 maid servants who do house hold chores for us. I hope that my wives don't object if I wish to marry the servants. If they do, I will take a box-cutter (bAx-Qatr) and chop off their tongues. My only problem is that those maid servants are married. How do I solve this?


Divine Mullah:


Insha Allah, you have great intelligence. You correctly said that you will hold the bAx-Qatr in your right hand while chopping off the tongues of disobedient wives. Many Muslims are careless about this. They hold the bAx-Qatr in their left hand. It is

against Quran to hold the bAx-Qatr in the left hand, while punishing disobedient wives. As far as the servants being already married, I think it is a minor technicality. I think you can declare their husbands as kafirs and take away their wives. That would be the right path as per Quran. Nevertheless, I would consult the Hadiths and give you an answer from the life of the Prophet. I am sure he must have faced something like this. After all, he married a 6 year old while he was 53, forcibly married women etc..and those circumstances were more complicated.


There is no God but Allah! He has no father and no SON!


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If you disrespect a persons religion,he will disrespect you.

This is the important thing,do not insult other persons beliefs,nothing good can come from it.

If you want to show discrepencies,and abuses in a historical context,or philosophical inconsistancies,that is acceptable,and non offensive.

Otherwise what is achieved?


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Originally posted by shiva:

If you disrespect a persons religion,he will disrespect you.

This is the important thing,do not insult other persons beliefs,nothing good can come from it.

If you want to show discrepencies,and abuses in a historical context,or philosophical inconsistancies,that is acceptable,and non offensive.

Otherwise what is achieved?

Dear Shiva Prabhuji,


I seriously meant no disrespect for Islam. Really Quran is meant as a comic relief. After a stressful day at work, I always read the Quran to relax. It can make you laugh. If you don't believe me, please get a 81B filter and read the original manuscript. It will have a Posted Image. Do you know what 786 means? In the original Arabic script it meant Posted Image. But Muslims never understood it and have taken it as some sacred number.You can ask any Muslim. He won't know its meaning. Actually it is a Posted Image. In fact, doctors at Satanford university [spelling mistake unintentional Posted Image]are recommending a Quranic verse a day to keep heart attacks away. If you don't believe me visit



If it says website not found, then it is a confirmation that you are a kafir Posted Image


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Originally posted by shiva:

If you disrespect a persons religion,he will disrespect you.

This is the important thing,do not insult other persons beliefs,nothing good can come from it.

If you want to show discrepencies,and abuses in a historical context,or philosophical inconsistancies,that is acceptable,and non offensive.

Otherwise what is achieved?

Dear Shiva, you have the heart of a devotee and all glories to your spiritual masters. One of the techniques of dharka sastra is ridicule. This forces the other person to defend himself rather than you having to defend his offense. This is an effective technique in convincing. What it achieves is except for the hard core people, the others in the opposite camp start taking a neutral stand and stop identifying with your opponent. Also Karthik Prabhu is communicating the core points like Mohammed was a paedophile through the story. According to GVV, Lord Buddha came to take away the Vedas because they were misused. He did it by negating the Vedas. If we apply the

same logic, we can definitely negate Islam because it is the source of half the socio-political problems in the world and it should be removed. We have the golden age in place where is the need for lesser religions especially when they are detrimental to Vedic thought. This is also the only way to save the muslims and have them enbrace higher truths - if not Vedanta atleast Judaism or Christianity. Atleast we should make the muslims come to the stage of barbarians - Posted Image Sorry about that.

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The problem today is those who are impure are trying to do kirtan and engage in temple construction. These rascal Hindus are trying to fight back and correct what great muslim rulers like Babar did - demolish hindu temples and build mosques. These foolish people are raising questions about slaughter of children, cows and rape of women. They dont understand that one should not see the lowly activities of spiritualists and only see that they are doing it in the name of God.



Hello Mr. RAM,

Don't try to be Gandhiji,

Today if hindus are facing such type of situation then the whole credit goes to Gandhiji & the hindus like you.


You call other hindus as rascal, I call you a biggest Rascal, Sorry I cannot restrain myself to call you that.


You know during the partision of India & Pakistan what happened ??

when hindus where trying to migrate from pak to India, all the muslims people killed ONE FULL TRAIN of all those hindus who boarded the train to come to India.

Then you know what hindus did, they have sent Two full trains of dead muslim people to pakistan. Do You Know the conclusion ??

Muslims stopped killing the hindus because they understood that we too can retaliate.

So they always want a lesson to be taught to them.


So, what the hindus have done in GUJARAT I fully support that, See I don't support RAPE but definately I support killing of muslims & the killing of Hindus people like you.

If you come in front me definately I will kill you, WITHOUT HESITATION. because just because of the people like you we are suffering till date, Alraedy Gandhiji has done a great favour to them by allowing them to stay here, So see the result.... :-)& now people like you & the politician for getting the votes from muslims,


Actually neither your mother & sister got raped by these muslim demons, that's the reason you are trying to show as if you are sophisticated person, You haven't felt the agony of those people who have undergone through this trauma, sitting safely at your house & putting such type of comments is very easy sir.

When those suffered hindus get the upper hand what they will do, OFCOURSE REVENGE.

So whatever my hindu brothers have done in Gujarat, I fully support them & I am with them.


Now coming to the "Ram janam bhumi" If you don't need the temple then shut your mouth,

many hindus like me need the Ram temple at Ram janam bhumi itself.

I ask you one question How many times you go to temple in a week, in a month or in a year, ask me how many times i go to temple i will tell you.

If you don't visit temple regularly don't think others are also like you.

Like me there are many hindus, & We want the temple at any cost, I am also ready to give up my life for that.

Not only Ram Temple but also Krishna temple at Krishna janam bhumi at Mathura where again these muslim demons have demolished the temple & constructed the Mosque.


I request you please don't use any words (like rascal) for the gujarati hindus.


hari Bol,







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originally posted by RAM


The problem today is those who are impure are trying to do kirtan and engage in temple construction. These rascal Hindus are trying to fight back and correct what great muslim rulers like Babar did - demolish hindu temples and build mosques. These foolish people are raising questions about slaughter of children, cows and rape of women. They dont understand that one should not see the lowly activities of spiritualists and only see that they are doing it in the name of God.



Hello Mr. RAM,

Don't try to be Gandhiji,

Today if hindus are facing such type of situation then the whole credit goes to Gandhiji & the hindus like you.


You call other hindus as rascal, I call you a biggest Rascal, Sorry I cannot restrain myself to call you that.


You know during the partision of India & Pakistan what happened ??

when hindus where trying to migrate from pak to India, all the muslims people killed ONE FULL TRAIN of all those hindus who boarded the train to come to India.

Then you know what hindus did, they have sent Two full trains of dead muslim people to pakistan. Do You Know the conclusion ??

Muslims stopped killing the hindus because they understood that we too can retaliate.

So they always want a lesson to be taught to them.


So, what the hindus have done in GUJARAT I fully support that, See I don't support RAPE but definately I support killing of muslims & the killing of Hindus people like you.

If you come in front me definately I will kill you, WITHOUT HESITATION. because just because of the people like you we are suffering till date, Alraedy Gandhiji has done a great favour to them by allowing them to stay here, So see the result.... :-)& now people like you & the politician for getting the votes from muslims,


Actually neither your mother & sister got raped by these muslim demons, that's the reason you are trying to show as if you are sophisticated person, You haven't felt the agony of those people who have undergone through this trauma, sitting safely at your house & putting such type of comments is very easy sir.

When those suffered hindus get the upper hand what they will do, OFCOURSE REVENGE.

So whatever my hindu brothers have done in Gujarat, I fully support them & I am with them.


Now coming to the "Ram janam bhumi" If you don't need the temple then shut your mouth,

many hindus like me need the Ram temple at Ram janam bhumi itself.

I ask you one question How many times you go to temple in a week, in a month or in a year, ask me how many times i go to temple i will tell you.

If you don't visit temple regularly don't think others are also like you.

Like me there are many hindus, & We want the temple at any cost, I am also ready to give up my life for that.

Not only Ram Temple but also Krishna temple at Krishna janam bhumi at Mathura where again these muslim demons have demolished the temple & constructed the Mosque.


I request you please don't use any words (like rascal) for the gujarati hindus.


hari Bol,







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Dear Sushil Kanoriaji,


I think you have been very harsh on Ram. Ram Prabhu was being sarcastic when he used the word "rascal" in his above post. He was actually ridiculing Mr.Shiva. If you had read the post completely, you would have understood that he is actually ridiculing Islam and those Hindus like Gandhi who always placated the Muslims. He is not supporting the Muslims. If you read his other posts, you will understand that he is a passionate and committed Hindu who does not at all believe in appeasing the Muslims.


Hope that helps.

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Sri Aurobindo on Muslims:


April 18, 1923:


[The short-lived display of Hindu-Muslim unity that followed the launch of the Khilafat agitation in 1920 soon gave way to renewed distrust and acrimony, which seized on issues such as Hindu processions playing music before mosques, killing of cows in public during Id, etc.; early in 1923 clashes broke out in Amritsar and Multan, now in Pakistan, and were going to recur with increasing frequency till the Partition—and after.]


(A disciple): Did you read [Pandit Madan Mohan] Malaviya's speech about the Multan riots and also what C. Rajagopalachari has said?


(Sri Aurobindo): I am sorry they are making a fetish of this Hindu-Muslim unity. It is no use ignoring facts; some day the Hindus may have to fight the Muslims and they must prepare for it. Hindu-Muslim unity should not mean the subjection of the Hindus. Every time the mildness of the Hindu has given way. The best solution would be to allow the Hindus to organize themselves and the Hindu-Muslim unity would take care of itself, it would automatically solve the problem. Otherwise, we are lulled into a false sense of satisfaction that we have solved a difficult problem, when in fact we have only shelved it.


So, this Hindu retaliation in Gujarat will bring the Muslims to sense. That is, provided, the media acts sensibly.

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Sri Aurobindo on Islam:


July 23, 1923:


"You can live amicably with a religion whose principle is toleration. But how is it possible to live peacefully with a religion whose principle is “I will not tolerate you”? How are you going to have unity with these people? Certainly, Hindu-Muslim unity cannot be arrived at on the basis that the Muslims will go on converting Hindus while the Hindus shall not convert any Mahomedan. You can’t build unity on such a basis. Perhaps the only way of making the Mahomedans harmless is to make them lose their fanatic faith in their religion...."


September 12, 1923:


"The Mahomedan or Islamic culture hardly gave anything to the world which may be said to be of fundamental importance and typically its own; Islamic culture was mainly borrowed from others. Their mathematics and astronomy and other subjects were derived from India and Greece. It is true they gave some of these things a new turn, but they have not created much. Their philosophy and their religion are very simple and what they call Sufism is largely the result of gnostics who lived in Persia and it is the logical outcome of that school of thought largely touched by Vedanta.


I have, however, mentioned [in The Foundations of Indian Culture] that Islamic culture contributed the Indo-Saracenic architecture to Indian culture. I do not think it has done anything more in India of cultural value. It gave some new forms to art and poetry. Its political institutions were always semi-barbaric."

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Originally posted by sushil_kanoria:

Haribol Sushil, Before getting tensed up please follow my other posts. I was just just making that post to show how easy it is to talk gandhi kind of nonsense. Anyway, I share your thoughts but I would attack the root cause of evil - Islam, its proponent paedophile Prophet and try to convert neutral muslims to Vedanta. As for as aggressors are concerned, they should be slayed. People who slay cows at the lotus feet of Ranganatha just with the purpose of agitating the Hindus, need not be tolerated.




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In the Bhagavad-gita,Krsna states that:


sri-bhagavan uvaca

tri-vidha bhavati sraddha

dehinam sa svabhava-ja

sattviki rajasi caiva

tamasi ceti tam srnu


"The Supreme Lord said, according to the modes of nature acquired by the embodied soul, one's faith can be of three kinds--goodness, passion or ignorance. Now hear about these." (Bhagavad-gita 17.2)


You may claim to be defending a Ram temple or a Krsna temple,but if you really mean what you wrote:


So, what the hindus have done in GUJARAT I fully support that, See I don't support RAPE but definately I support killing of muslims & the killing of Hindus people like you.

If you come in front me definately I will kill you, WITHOUT HESITATION.

Then I can be certain that you are not representing Krsna or Rama.You are merely engaged in some ignorant sectarianism.Rama or Krsna never taught anyone to hate other living entities.It may be one thing to defend one's religion or family from aggressors,but to say:"I am Hindu and they are Muslims.We shall kill them." is foolish.You think that taking out all the Mislims in India or in the world is going to please Rama or Krsna? Didn't Krsna say in the Bhagavad-gita12.13 that one who is a kind friend to all living entities (and yes,that includes Muslims) is very dear to him? What do you think a father would react if his sons start killing each other?


I don't live in India.I'm a Chinese male living in Singapore,but just because I don't live in India and don't really understand the situation there doesn't mean I cannot understand evil or ignorance when I see it.It really disturbs me to see people --- Christians,Hindus,Muslims,etc.engaging in violence in the name of religion or God.It gives people who are into God a bad name.If people start killing others in the name of Rama or Krsna, they might start thinking that all Rama or Krsna devotees are fanatics.Do you want that to happen? Only an imaginary Rama or Krsna would be pleased to have devotees that advocate hateful violence and revenge.


I ask you one question How many times you go to temple in a week, in a month or in a year, ask me how many times i go to temple i will tell you.

If you don't visit temple regularly don't think others are also like you.

Like me there are many hindus, & We want the temple at any cost, I am also ready to give up my life for that.

What's the big deal about how many times one goes to the temple? One may never step foot in the temple and be near to Krsna while another might be the pujari and be far from Krsna.And I'm sorry to say this,as long as you talk of revenge and killing Muslims and Hindus who don't agree with you,you're very far from Krsna.It would be futile if you win all the temples in the world and lose your soul in the process.I am a fallen soul very far away from Krsna myself,but I really have to express my opinions about fanaticism going on in the name of God.It is fanaticism and not persons that I am against.




[This message has been edited by leyh (edited 05-03-2002).]

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Dear Leyh,

What is your actual name? Is it 'Leyh'? I don't think so. This name does not sound like a Chinese name. When you drop a utensil, then it makes some sound. Chinese names sound like that. There is a joke in India about Chinese names:


"In China, when a child is born, then some utensil is dropped. Based on the sound generated, the name of the child is decided." Posted Image

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Originally posted by Avinash:

Dear Leyh,

What is your actual name? Is it 'Leyh'? I don't think so. This name does not sound like a Chinese name. When you drop a utensil, then it makes some sound. Chinese names sound like that. There is a joke in India about Chinese names:


"In China, when a child is born, then some utensil is dropped. Based on the sound generated, the name of the child is decided." Posted Image

Hi Avinash:


I don't think my name is relevant to the discussion, but since you've asked, "leyh" is a sort of acronym combining a romanized version of my Chinese name into four english letters.



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Hari Bol Ram,

I am extremely sorry & please please forgive me for my fault as I didn't read the thread fully, I again apologize for the mistake I have comitted, I am really feeling very embarassed, hope you will forgive the blunder I have commited.


Now coming to Mr. Legh, if we should not indulge in killing muslims then they will kill us.

You tell me one thing what was the need to kill so many demons during Trete yuga & dwapar yuge by so many Kshatriya's, just to protect Brahmins.


Hari Bol,


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Hari Hari Bol Legh,

Exactly one should always kill in the self defence, & the same thing we are doing, In godhra they have killed many hindus, & if we don't start killing them now then in future they will kill us, So, in order to take a precautionary measure we have started killing them.

They will not come & say come on, beware! now we will be killing you, be ready to face us, they will just come & will kill us, So according to me "ATTACK IS THE BEST DEFENCE"


hare Krishna,



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Originally posted by karthik_v:

Hari Bol Abhi the great!


786 written in Arabic is considered very holy by the Muslims. You can find that symbolism in many of their books, holy sites etc.. But, none of them knows what it means. The following link argues, quite convincingly in my opinion, that it is nothing but Om. Generally, I take this site with a pinch of salt, but this piece is good, more so because Muslims don't have any explanation.





It was very good posting. Why are you pinching the salt ?

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Originally posted by ram:

It was very good posting. Why are you pinching the salt ?

Not this piece. This is good. At times, this site goes overboard.For example, they once argued that the whole world was vedic once. Nothing wrong in it, provided it is done in a sane way. But, they claimed that every word came from Sanskrit, including England. Their contrived logic was, England was originally Angulistan. Anguli = finger. They claimed that when the vedic army went to Europe, the commander stood at a vantage point and pointed his finger [Anguli] at what is England. His followers then named it Angulistan, which later became England. they never cared to say what that vantage point was!



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