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Of Onions and Garlic

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Can anyone throw some light on why orthodox hindus do not consume onions and garlic. I hv not received any satisfactory answers. To quote a few: a. Onions and Garlic are not recommended by our shastras. b. It leads to mental disturbances.


Tx for your time.

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Please give a logical explanation otherwise let an expert answer such matters. Hindusim is not a fairy tail but has solid reasons for such for all purpose. May be by taking onions and garlic increases one's lust in sensual feelings and that might disturb one's yogic pratice. But I leave it to an expert to clarify.

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Hari OM


According to Gita, food is of three types sattavic, rajasic and tamasic. Taking food of particular type creates same type of intelligence in the consumer. Check BG to see what type of fodd is Onion and Garlic (acid, hot, pungent?) then may be you can find the reason of its avoidance.



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your explanations do not seems more rational than mine

(and your explanations are a derivate of mine... exactly like the reason for we do not eat cows: we do not eat cows because it is bad for our health, but because they're dear to lord krsna govinda and all other deities.. Said it.. eating meat is ALSO bad for health)


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quote"To quote a few: a. Onions and Garlic are not recommended by our shastras. b. It leads to mental disturbances."


How many persons do u know who were mentally disturbed due to onions and garlic?

What reason does the sastras have against onions?

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  • 4 years later...



Can you please tell me what BG is?Is it a link where we can learn more about hinduism



BG is The Bhagavad Gita. You can read it here : Introduction to Bhagavad Gita . There are too many links regarding "Hinduism". Hinduism is Sanatan Dharma, which means eternal. There is no such thing as Hinduism. It's a word coined by people who probably could not pronounce Sanatan Dharma.



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Reason is very simple.


Onion Garlic etc are tamsic food, which is create negative energy in the body. If you know that our religion is based on the positivity of the paratma in simple world power of creation or in very simple word big ban .. so if we want to connect with that positive energy source that we should avoid tamsic food .


Well just try to avoid Onion Garlic you will find that you are facing less heart burn acidity etc...

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