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Devotion or Superstition !!

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For Lord Venkateswara, devotee sells off all his property

Saturday, 22 October , 2005, 11:53

Tirupati: An ardent devotee of Lord Venkateswara has claimed to have sold his entire property to offer a saligrama haram worth Rs 18 lakhs to the presiding deity of the hill temple at Tirumala.


The devotee, who did not want to be identified, had told temple authorities that the Lord appeared in his dream recently and told him to make the offering, temple sources said on Saturday.


But, he had to sell his property for Rs 16 lakhs to make the offering, the sources quoted him as having said.


Temple Special Officer, A V Dharma Reddy received the offering from the devotee, hailing from Bangalore, on Thursday night.


The priests adorned it to the Lord on Friday.




Is this really devotion towards God or self-destruction?? If at all he wanted to show devotion, he could have used up his money for less privileged i.e. orphanages, marriage of poor girls, education of poors, old homes.....so many of them would have benefitted. What is the use of pouring the money in a temple which is probably already a billionaire and doesn't care for Rs.16 lacs.


Jai Shri Radhe!

Jai Shri Krishna!

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the very aim of life is to attain devotion to God.


either through devoted offerings or through the service of the poor and the lesser privileged.


this man has attained the state of renouncing everything he had for the sake of the Lord. this comes out of hundreds of births of severe sadhana.


he has true devotion and as such comparison of actions do not apply to him for service and worship is only the means.


the end is devotion to the hallowed feet of the Lord.

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Devotion is aim of life I agree. However, Lord Venkatesh is not hungry for money. What is the use of pouring money in temples when there is so much misery all around.


Saving one life is equal to serving to god and attaining salvation. So many poor girls fall in to vice trade becuase their parents do not money to marry them off. Serving a statue is useless when the childrn of Lord Venkatesh suffer all around. That's what I am trying to say.


Frankly speaking, Tirupati temple earns much more than that amount in an hour daily.


You can have a temple made up of gold/diamonds when poors are dying/suffering all around it...this is HYPOCRISY at its highest level.


Jai Balaji !

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I concur with you Prabhu, this was email to me and I wish to share the mail with fellow forum hubbers.


Hari Om Tat Sat




Came across this article in a local publication (which publishes

religious and spiritual articles)about plans going on in building a

church in Tirumala (up in Tirumala and not Tirupati).


In fact the article said already there are 7 churches in Tirupati.

The CM of AP Mr. Y. Samuel Rajashekar Reddy (who converted to

Christianity) is providing all the support for the same from the

government, which manages the whole temple through T.T.D (the trust

which manages all the temples at Tirumala and Tirupati).


As a step towards this, they have already converted the Executive

Officer of T.T.D into a christian (again, this officer is appointed

by the government itself). The plans came to light when 100 acres of

land, up in Tirumala, was put to auction by this executive officer

and these Christian missionaries started bidding for it. The question

was, why are they trying to sell the land while the temple is not at

all in need of any money? Even if the temple needed money, there are

FDs from T.T.D worth more than 15,000 crores in various banks, which

can be withdrawn at any time. Over the years, it was a guideline

followed by T.T.D not to sell any land to anyone. They used to lease

the land for different Mathas (like our Kashi Matha) and Chathras.

The lease period was not more than 30 years which needed renewal

after it expired. This being the case, why would they sell the land

now? The whole article was based on what was published in a daily

newspaper in AP called "Andhra Jyothi".


Even when the British were in power (pre-Independence), they did not

dare to come to Tirupati/Tirumala with their conversion plans. But

now, with the help of our own people, they are crossing all the

limits of toleration. We need to spread this awareness amoung all

our people so that this can be stopped if possible. So, I humbly

request all of you to post this message in all the religious forums

you have access to and spread this shocking news.

Report in The Hindustan Times dated 26th July 2005 states:


MINEAPOLIS: Opposing the construction of a church at the sacred

Tirumala Hills, 23 Indo- American organizations in Houston have

urged Prine Minister Manmohan Singh to ask the Andhra Pradesh

Government to maintain the sanctity of the religious place which is

a holy shrine for the Hindus world over. Agitated by media reports

from India that the AP government was actively considering the

application of a religious society to build a church atop the

Tirumala Hills, the abode of Lord Venkateshvara, these Indo-American

organizations held an emergency meeting at Houston on 16th July to

discuss the issue. The meeting decided to send a representation to

the Prime Minister. So please get everyone to sign the pettition

via the link given herebelow:




Also, please forward this message to the people we know.




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it is devotion.


however, our temples need to use teh money for:


- spreading dharma

- training priests, pujaris, and gurus who can settle in vilalges and keep the hindus unite and devoted.

- make sure every one gets darshan and prasadam at the temple easily.

- publish religious magazine guiding the society spiritually.

- maintain temple property well,and renovate as necessary.

- install security cameras to thwart terrorists.

- educate poor and care them, find employment for them.

- etc.


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However, what I heard from my sister and her group who toured the whole of South Indian temples had very bad remark for Thrupathi. The temple commitee had made the temple more commercialized instead of devotion. My sister was asked to pay 300 rupees if she wants to go near to the mulastanam to pay her homage [she had taken a vow to donate a sum of 1000 dollars if her wishe was fulfiled]. Anyway it was not only her even her friends were approached by the temple members andwere persuaded to pay or otherwise wait untill the next day.


Is ths what TV whats his baktha's to do. Puranas says he had borrowed from Kuberan to conduct his wedding and that he is still paying back to Kuberan through the donations form the devotees. I wonder if this was true or are the devotees being taken for a ride. Bakthi is needed but that bakthi is being exploited by some cunnuning fellows to cheat the innocent devotees.


The billions of rupees that TT has could have helped the Tsunami victims rebuilt their life. Please tell Reddy not to exploite circumstances and use the temple fund for good use instead of pocketting it among the poloticians.

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In the 11th century, when attempts were made to cast Lord Venkateswara as some other deity, Ramanujacharya proved that the deity was Lord Narayana in the form of Lord Venkateswara.


Ramanujacharya standardised Tirupathi temple rituals and other activities by establishing Jeeyar Mutts, appointing qualified priests and other staff. All of which in accordance with the vaishnava agamas (pancharatra and vaikanasa).


In the 14th century, Manavalamamuni renovated the temple. Tirupathi as we see today is the result of the incredible efforts of the previous sri vaishnava acharyas.


What is happening now ! TTDD officials are destroying the 600 year old pillars of the Thousand Pillar Mandapam

These photos shows how they are being destroyed, broken and used in building steps in mada street.




Hari Om Tat Sat



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Hare Krishna!


All glories to Srila Prabhupada! I offer my humble obeisance unto him!


I cannot believe most of the posts are so negative on Thirumala and it is commercialized. Why are only the bad qualities enunciated. Why cant we discuss the good qualities also????


Is everyone here so perfect we have the rights to comment on the people who maintian Lord Balaji!


First of all, one has to be practical about the assessment on Tirupathi people.


It is a HUGE organization maintaining millions of devotee every single day which means there are many officials working in the organization/administration trying to serve Lord Balaji and serve the devotees as well.


Does it automatically mean all the officials who serve Lord Balaji and the devotees are pure devotees of God that they dont care about money and so forth. Even if they are pure devotees, where do you draw the line between organizational/administrative duties and spiritual duties.


It is easy to sit in a forum and criticize people all the time. One has to understand, one Tirupathi official or group of officials do not represent Tirupathi and it is practically impossible to have all officials in the Tirupathi organization to be pure devotees.


It is like this, many students join Harvard School and drop out due to various reasons every year, does it mean the school itself is low-quality or the professors are not doing their job.


This is how, like small children based on some opinions we judge an institutions that has been running for years. One has to be fair in his/her criticism and take all into consideration and remember that while Tirupathi officials are serving Lord Balaji every day, there will be officials who are money minded trying to make a fast buck, this is the nature of man.


This goes on in every institution and blaming the institution as poor or not good is very childish and immature.


A good way to comment on the (non)commercializtion of Tirupathi is if you have data/information over a time period on the same issue. Also, we should take into account the growing number of devotees and modernization of the facilities and so forth.


Criticizing about everything based on isolated incidents is poor analysis. If that is the criteria for judgement, i can give equal if not more good reports on Tirupathi based on personal and other experiences.





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as far as the person sacrificing his entire property for Lord Balaji,


He is not a actor or superficial person to do that, in my opinion, only the person who spends 1% or 2% of his property/earnings on charity is a cheater and actor.


so....criticizing this act is easy while actually SACRIFICING ones all property is not.


So before you say something, just think about the ACTUAL SACRIFICE---if a man is sacrificing his entire life property, you think it is an act of superstition, this is poor judgement on your part,


You obviously havent read the Gita, so read it and comment on this actions.





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SHUDRAS ARE RULING EVERYWHERE AND THIS IS WHAT WILL HAPPEN.All the worst criminals are politicans all over India.


Jaisi Raja Waisi Praja!!


Old adage but how very true. Degaradation of human society ingeneral, how India can excape from that. Whole society is rotting. Silent devotee can only watch in disbelief.


When the brain is diseased, the body will never be healthy. False Godman, utterly corrupt politicians, corrupt priests, criminals every where, rising cromes against women in a country of mother goddess, only hing matters is ill gotten money,..effect of extreme Kaliyuga.


Who will protests when the order comes from Rome and the ruling party is headed by one of theirs. After Shankaracharya, one could see this coming. There is a concerted effort to destroy the soul of India which is the timeless spirituatlity. Nest they will ban taking the name of Krishna and Rama as being fundamentalist from the vedic land.


Swami Vivekananda said the day Indians stop pursuing spirituality, that day India will die.


One has to see whether the shudras will succeed or the prayers of silent devotees. Biggest tyrants on this earth failed to wipe out Hinduism from India , these two cent politicians will meet their nemesis in prayers of devotees.

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You have misconstrued my posts which was not to criticize Tirupathi or Balaji, being myself a humble devotee of Lord.


What I was trying to highlight was the bigger malaise of Indian society which we are witnessing. Read any newspapper , which are full of crimes and vice news.


SriKrishna says that even if you offer a leave or a flower with genuine devotion without any expectation of results I partake that offerings. SriKrishna exhorts each one of us to do our karma without any attachment. Now to offer all the property to Balaji (Krishna) and make a big news is not what Gita exactly says. That you wanted this publiticity and in a way a return for the ofeerings to Balaji which goes againts Gita. There are thousands who offer much more than to Balaji and they just drop whatever they want to offer without much fuss and news. Worship and devotion to Balaji (Krisna) should be attachment free and not an ego trip. I have no right to judge his action as good or bad as I am not a GOd.


I am more interested in highlighting general degradation of Indian society and lack of compassion. There are people suffering all around but we happily ignore that and bring all our offering to the temple. Is this humanity?? This was not the vedic culture. Temples used to be places where the unfortunates, hungry, destitutes could go and find shelter.


What to say about an institution (Not Balaji) which has different grades of darshan based on what you pay. Now where in Gita it is written that you have to pay 1000s of rupees to have a glimpse of Lord. This is business of religion and goes contrary to all teachings, scripture and basis humanity.


My appology if I may have hurt your sentiments.


Jai Sri Radhe

Jai Balaji


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Does it automatically mean all the officials who serve Lord Balaji and the devotees are pure devotees of God that they dont care about money and so forth. Even if they are pure devotees, where do you draw the line between organizational/administrative duties and spiritual duties.




I am confused by the termilogy "pure devotee", can you please enlighten me on the concept of "pure devotee'.


Also provide the shastric reference to support the catergorisation of devotees i.e pure, not so pure and impure. Thank you


Hari Om Tat Sat



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When i say pure devotees i mean first class devotee. In the nector of devotion, there are 3 types of devotees based on the level of purification one has attained.


Although, iam chanting God's name, iam still not a proper devotee i have lots of impurities in my heart. However, first class devotee such as Srila Prabhupada is a first class devotee because he is absolutely pure. The 3 types are (correct me if iam wrong) are


Kanishta adhikari (neophytes)

Madhyama adhikari and

Utthama adhikari devotees


So, i was saying, officials in Tirupathi may be in any of the above 3 categories or they may not even be devotees and yet work in the Tirupathi administration. So, they may act based on their level of devotion to God.






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Hare Krishna Prabhu!


You dont have to apologize me cos i was giving my opinion like you did and no, iam not offended in anyway.


My question is are you 100% sure that the person himself went to the press and donated his entire property or do you think the person revealed this to the temple officials and the officials made this public.


I dont know whats the intention behind this act. However, just from face-value of the incident and with no speculation, i think it is a good deed. If he did with some ulterior intention, Krishna will take care, why should we care. We only take the good part of the act and leave the rest.So i think it is good he sacrificed. While in this world, there are many who only want more and not give, we should appreciate for this act.


As for improving the general community, our duty is to serve Krishna and this is what Srila Prabhupada taught us. He said serve Krishna and He will take care of us. He gave the example of watering the roots of the plants and the plant will grow automatically. Same way, do sacrifice for Krishna and He will provide us with enough materials to survive. So based on that argument, i think what the person did was right by sacrificing his property to God.


If everybody sacrifices like him we can be sure that God ill be happy and we can have plenty of fruits and grains and less Kali.


Also to add, Srila Prabhupada said it is practically impossible to contruct schools and hospitals to serve the entire humanity and what use of serving small number of people for limited time. So it is wise to sacrifice for Krishna and Krishna satisfied with our sacrifice will provide for us and for our community eternally.


This is my opinion on charity for charity also is classified into 3 modes which you must be aware.






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Saving one life is equal to serving to god and attaining salvation. So many poor girls fall in to vice trade becuase their parents do not money to marry them off. Serving a statue is useless when the childrn of Lord Venkatesh suffer all around. That's what I am trying to say.


While it is true that there is a lot of people suffering in the world and could use such amount, problem arise here is that there is no central foundations for the money to be distributed to the needy.


In Islamic community - there is Amal Zakat foundation and in Christianity, all donations goes to the Vaticans either from the Churchs or the people. Even the Buddhists have foundations which works together with the Buddhist Temples to spread the wealth to the needy.


However, what about Hindusm? Is there a foundations for it? No - not for Wealth distributions. Temples usually segreated according to their own management and whatever money the management makes from the society is used to manage the temple.


In another words - there's no Vaishavas come forth, accept the responsibility honesty and managed a foundations for hindus temples. No central distribution of wealth.


If there is one, I'm sure India can become a self-sufficient nation on its own. The Temples will become the pillars once more. The people will flood it with riches and wealth and the Temples (through the Foundation) can use it to buy and sell shares, buy land for agriculture and as forest reserves (good karma and merits to save animals and natural resources), wealth which comes from the people will return back to the people with God's blessings and economy can be stabilized, come what may.

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If everybody sacrifices like him we can be sure that God ill be happy and we can have plenty of fruits and grains and less Kali.


If everyone sacrifice like him, we could be begging in the street for food in couple of years. /images/graemlins/smirk.gif


The wealthy shouldn't be encouraged to sacrifice their wealth needly, they could be encouraged to sacrifice their wealth in proper manner and in proper methods so they could be like "tree" which provide shade in hot wealth, protection from rain and fruit when hungry. This in return will encourage new people to support the society and a strong forests of "trees" will emerge.


THEN we will have plenty of food and grains.


Don't kill a tree in needless attempt to feed for a time being. Look ahead.

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if a certain action of a person doesnt suit ur logic then the best method is for u to do whatever alternative u propose.


the actions of the person concerned suited him.


the action stated by you, might suit u.


follow ur path, ur logic and let other follow their paths and their logic.


in the end however Venkateswara knows that all such actions have sprung becoz of devotion to His feet.


so there should be no controversy.

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Hari OM


Yes that is indeed bad, and TTD is being administered by very rouge and greedy elements and act as if it has become some exclusive property of VIPS (including industralists, film stars, etc.,) and this is in general happening all through the India.


Regarding this particular issue the Zeer mutt had petitioned the court, however as you know the blood-thirsty Judicary-Journalist-Administration nexus exists in India, had done the same thing to this issue, as they do with all Hindu related issues:


Judiciary - just keep on prolonging the issue if it is becoming clear the Hindu side would win


Journalist- ridicule the hindu traditions directly or subtly by putting quotes in unnecessary places or highlighting some strange things


Administration- disinformation campaign to confuse the people.


We can just only wait and pray that all these things are somehow destroyed and the original dharma - "Sarve Jano Sukino Bhavantu" re-emerges, instead of the current scenario where every body seems to hate every body else.

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Hare Krishna!


All glories to Srila Prabhupada! I offer my humble obeisance unto him!


"The wealthy shouldn't be encouraged to sacrifice their wealth needly, they could be encouraged to sacrifice their wealth in proper manner and in proper methods so they could be like "tree" which provide shade in hot wealth, protection from rain and fruit when hungry. This in return will encourage new people to support the society and a strong forests of "trees" will emerge"


We both have the same goal and intention, to protect and help mankind, however, the difference between what you said and mine is the method of help.


I believe and have faith that KRISHNA will protect me and this humanity in all aspects and so iam sacirficing my deeds for Him and you believe in human strength and management of wealth and resources and so forth.


This is the difference!


Man has been ruling the planet since time started, you see where we are today with the money and management and how the poor are getting poorer and the rich richer.


But in previous yugas there was more God related activites and people were much richer and happier (this iam basing on the vedic references).


You can do the same by creating an effective way to distribute money and wealth to the needy but it will not be effective cos man himself has anarthas (unwanted desires or impurities) and hence along the line there will be corruption always and hence money swindling will go on where ever there is man, money and instituion involved. The anrathas exist cos there is less sacrifice to God and God related activities.


The current system (corporate, governement, non-profit) any sector you take, there is corruption and lack of commitment and will cos no one really cares. If not why do you think inspite of the so many non-profits and so many policiies for the poor, for the past so many years (not sure how many) there is still poverty and exploitation of the weak.


So tell me what is so different putting some laks of rupees in an existing system or creating a new one where again man will be involved and wrong will prevail cos man has inherently downgraded himself to such greed, pride and lust that his brain can never think beyond his pleasure and his family.


This is reality, so i believe in God and i believe by sacrifing to God He has the power to annihilate the bad and uprrot the good. This is the law.


So there is no business for man to do his own management and wealth distrbution to the poor cos if everyone was not greedy, not lustful, not prideful and not wanting other peoples property there will be no poverty in the first place, there will be no wars for oil or like that in the first place, there will be no wars for power in the first place and hence there will be no poverty and lack of righteousness.


So, the conclusion, sacrifice to God and have FAITH and BELIEF that HE will take care rather than you using your small sums of money to help a few.


Lord Chaitanya said we have to become pure and then help others, are we pure?----i know iam not...say by sacrificing your property for God (with the right intentions, ofcourse) one is setting the pathway to become pure cos by complete surrender and sacrifice of everything there is no where to go but to depend on God.


If everyone does this, and if everyone is pure, there is no exploitation and hence what people have to get they will get! There is no need for cheaters and swindlers to swindle large sums of money from other people and give away a few back to the same people you took money from!


This is what Srila Prabhupada taught and so i stick to it,


Serve God Krishna with all faith and surrender and He will protect you, if everyone does this why is there a problem cos Krishna will protect everyone.


As Krishna says in the Gita in the 18th chapter


Sarva dharman parityjya mamekam sharanam vraja

aham tvam sarva papebyo moksishyami ma sucaha


He says, "abandon all varities of religion and just surrender unto me, i will protect you from all your sins and take care of you"


This person did just that by abandoning all varities of religion (in this case his entire property) and surrenderd to God, so Krishna will protect Him. Same way, everyone should have 100% faith in God that He will protect and He will take care of everyone, then where is the question of poverty and exploitation and so forth.


This i very strongly believe that Krishna will protect me in all ways (socially, economically and politically), so this is the right way,


SURRENDER TO GOD UNCONDITIONALLY which I think translates to all that you posess (mentally, physically, emotionally,socially, economically,politically and in every way possible)





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We both have the same goal and intention, to protect and help mankind, however, the difference between what you said and mine is the method of help.


I believe and have faith that KRISHNA will protect me and this humanity in all aspects and so iam sacirficing my deeds for Him and you believe in human strength and management of wealth and resources and so forth.


Our methods are different because our goal is different. Our goal is different because our point of view is different.


When you say you have faith and trust Sri Krishna - it is your personal view. Fine ... everyone entitled to have his personal views and trust.


However, I don't have any personal view. When I do something, I do it for sake of others. I try to see the future by predicting its outcomes and by predicting this outcomes and identifying the problems, I perform my tasks and actions to help as much as possible for His sake. What I feel and what I believe have no consequences to my actions for His sake.


I could hate Muslims if I choose to, but when I see Muslims suffering in places like Nigeria, my full-hearted prayers will go to them. WHY? because that is Truth and Dharma in my belief, despite of what I may feel personally about Muslims.


So tell me what is so different putting some laks of rupees in an existing system or creating a new one where again man will be involved and wrong will prevail cos man has inherently downgraded himself to such greed, pride and lust that his brain can never think beyond his pleasure and his family.


Unfortunately - True. Society which is irresponsible its duties and functions WILL generate people who are irresponsible as well.


You see the individuals as irresponsible and greed. They are just mirrors to what the society they came out from is. So don't blame the individuals alone.


Even among the rich paddy fields, weeds can grow and choke the plant and in a weed field, nothing will grow which is beneficial to others. Same here with men. The society is corrupted and become like a weed field, and you are blaming one or two weeds for their actions.


This is reality, so i believe in God and i believe by sacrifing to God He has the power to annihilate the bad and uprrot the good. This is the law.


True ... question here is - how good do you think you are? Are you certain your children will follow your foodsteps even if you live a dharmic live?


Don't say God will uproot the bad ones alone, as if you are certain you are saved. That is arrogance which comes from your beliefs. Remember, weeds can choke good plants - corrupted society can corrupt the good minds.


So, the conclusion, sacrifice to God and have FAITH and BELIEF that HE will take care rather than you using your small sums of money to help a few.


Sorry, I don't believe your methods will work because it is lack of maturity and very self-centered. You seek salvations from God for whatever you do - thus self-centered.


Me? I'm trying to plant and nurture a forest which will grow up and produce fruits. And as you may know, weeds die out once the supply of sunlight cut off. Same way, strong dharmic people will kill off greedy people who pray on the weak by gathering resources and distribute it properly with God's blessing.


I'm sorry, I don't recognise any Lord Chaitanya or Srila Prabhupada. I only recognise the Gita, its Speaker and God (in Hindusm). No one else.

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  • 2 months later...

believe and have faith that KRISHNA will protect me and this humanity in all aspects and so iam sacirficing my deeds for Him and you believe in human strength and management of wealth and resources and so forth.


I'm offering Sweets to Him and you are offering Poison to Him. THAT is the difference between you and me.


I'm placing Him in a temple to be worship and you (like Arjuna the HUMAN) placing Him on your chariot so He can beat the horses and you just shake a leg and enjoy the view.


My method is, I WORK for Him and I give my benefits and merits to Him. Your method is HE work for Himself and give YOU the benefits and merits to YOU (in form of a Vedic world).


Man has been ruling the planet since time started, you see where we are today with the money and management and how the poor are getting poorer and the rich richer.


Wrong, Poor get poorer and rich get richer because people works in Adharmic ways. Many books like History of South East Asia and such which I have read had descripted that the temples in Ancient India (before Muslims came) were full of gold and jewels and they just lying there without anyone wanting to steal them. People GAVE away their treasures and kept very little for themselves. THAT was Vedic land.


Don't get influenced by Adharmic influences. Vedic people were good people who ensured that suffering didn't occur in their land.


So tell me what is so different putting some laks of rupees in an existing system or creating a new one where again man will be involved and wrong will prevail cos man has inherently downgraded himself to such greed, pride and lust that his brain can never think beyond his pleasure and his family.


Sorry, I disbelieve that there is NO man who is pure at heart. Even the person who donated the money is pure at heart and if he was trained properly to distribute the wealth in name of God, he will do so happily. I don't believe that Man is corrupted to the point that EVERY man in the Planet is a greedy SOB.


So, the conclusion, sacrifice to God and have FAITH and BELIEF that HE will take care rather than you using your small sums of money to help a few.


Wrong ... because ANYONE can become a trustee for temples and ANYONE can call themselves Holy men and use that money. And even the government can take some, invest it as it likes and people like you have nothing to do to stop it.


Question here is - you going to trust yourself with YOUR money to do good for others? Or are you going to trust others with your money to good for others?


Lord Chaitanya said we have to become pure and then help others, are we pure?----i know iam not...


You are not pure, that doesn't mean everyone in the world is not pure either. Stop thinking that just because you are sinning, others are sinning as well.


This is what Srila Prabhupada taught and so i stick to it,


Sorry, I don't believe in Srila Prabhupada. He's not my guru, anyone I know or anyone I accept as worthy to teach me. God is the only one I believe worthy to teach me.


He says, "abandon all varities of religion and just surrender unto me, i will protect you from all your sins and take care of you"


He said abandon varities of religion, He didn't say abandon duties to your people. You are abandoning the duties to your people and making excuse.

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