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Is Conversion Real?

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I think you are experiencing doubts due to being non-Hindus who are following Hindusm. You dress like a Hindu, talk like Hindu, try to follow like Hindus and still doubt whether you can become a Hindu.


There is no such thing as conversion in Hindusm. You just need to understand Karma, Dharma and such concepts, based your lifestyle according to it (which not necessarily mean changing your clothes and such), and you can become a Hindu.


Hindusm is not about changing to an Indian, or does it mean that ALL Indians are Hindus. Hindusm is about knowing the Truth and following it.

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<< Is it really possible for a non-Indian to convert to Hinduism and still be accepted? >>


yes. never doubt it.

it will need a lot of learning though, with open mind,

but it is not difficult.


there are millions of hare Krishnas (HKs)

who are europeans/white, and we accept them as hindus.


hnduism has nothing to do with race or national origin.





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yes. never doubt it.

it will need a lot of learning though, with open mind,

but it is not difficult.

there are millions of hare Krishnas (HKs)

who are europeans/white, and we accept them as hindus.

hnduism has nothing to do with race or national origin.


If Hindus only admit converting out & don't admit conv. in, the imbalance will incur religious conflict sooner or later. Lifting up a rock is not a news for Hindus.

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Hinduism( Sanaatan Dharma) is a way of life. See God in every living being is its main concept. That's it. It's not a commercialized religion. It is a open religion. No baptism required. No salesman will visit your house to convert you or distribute any published material or brainwash. It is not a religion which believes in numbers or membership. No priest will ask if you have visited the temple regularly. It is not a religion established by any prophet. It is an evolving religion. Yogis, Rshis have continued to enlighten and elevate the needy souls. Vedas, Bhagavadgeeta and other Upanishads are a guiding sources of knowledge. There is a wealth of knowledge in the Sanaatan Dharma. It's left to us whether to explore it or ignore it...........

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Namaste, Shahalad-ji



I am a non-Indian Hindu. I have been following the path for over 11 years. I have been accepted with love and respect in all the temples that I have attended.


Love and respect are the keys. When you love and respect people, they will return the same.


I do not see that you should have any problem being accepted.


Om Shanti,


Devi Sarada

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<< When you love and respect people, they will return the same. >>


it is true with most people, but not true with Islam.

When you love and respect Islam (which does not deserve any respect looking at its message about the kafirs, and the history how it has invaded may countires) the Muslims think that Islam is superior and they are brave in contrast to the coward hindus and false hindu religion.



additionally, may be some muslims will returen loe and respect back, but this will be at personal level. None of these Muslims will abe able to convice teh large mass of Muslims and their mullas that Hinduism is better than Islam, and that Hindus and hinduism must be respected. So, as long as koran is ther and the muillas are there, the kafirs and Hindus will keep suffering.


The vedas say that all paths lead to same god. This line of the vedas is misinterpreted by the Hindus,a nd many think "all" includes islam also, and it is not. Because of this umisinterprettion for 1000 years the Hindus have behaved very nicely despite immense suffering from the invaded islam, and still after 1000 years Muslims have no gratitude for Hindus or Hinduism. The lession is that a Muslim cannot be grateful to a kafir,no matte what a kafir does to him. There may ve some exception, but that will not change the message of koran and their followers.


When the minority Muslims threatened for a civil war in 1947, gandhi caved in and divided the nation. the Muslims' act of threatening for civil war is a proof that Gandhi failed to make the Muslims non violent. This is not possible because even Mohammed had his army to invade and occuly and sprea islam by forcem. So, Gandhi made non-violent Hindus more cowards.


The need is to follow Krishna, not Gandhi, Mahavir, or Buddha.



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it is true with most people, but not true with Islam.


Many Muslims complain that I'm not respective enough toward Muslims and Islam (in another forum). Before anyone preach about respecting others (especiallly Muslims), you must understand a few things.


1. Respect MUST be in equal level. You respect another, he or she must do the same to you in the same level. No use for you to respect others when others insult your beliefs openly or indirectly.


2. Respecting Muslims means indirect submission to Muslims. If you question them about their actions, they will say you are being disrespective toward them.


3. Respecting Islam means indirect submission toward their God. In that way, it is like stating that your beliefs are faulty and you are interested in Islam.


4. In Muslim's mentality, non-Muslims ARE kafirs and ALL kafirs are damned to hell - NO exception. So, you are already damned. /images/graemlins/smirk.gif


5. Also, they are brought up with this foolish notion that ALL kafirs are out to bring Muslims out of Islam. So, no matter how much you respects them, they will not be your friends because they believe your good intentions have bad intentions in them.

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Remember ... Hindus and Non-Hindus can sit down and discuss anything as long as they respect each other in equal level ... they did that for hundreds of years before Christianity and Islam came.


However, you cannot expect respect from people who thinks you are disrespective and out to drag them to sin. You can deal with foolish people, not paranoid people who sees monsters in each shadows.

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yes, i have said here many times that the hallmark of the vedic culture is to openly debate dharmic matters to seek/find/reveal truth and in most civil way. we did that even in last 500 years.


a debate with irrationals cannot lead anywhere,

except that the rational audience will know who is irrational.


i am curious about a couple of things:

what is your chosen picture that appears as your logo here please? what is the meaning of the world sephiroth please?


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i am curious about a couple of things:

what is your chosen picture that appears as your logo here please?


My avatar is a character from a game. I used it in other forums so I thought since there is an option for an avatar, I could put the same one.


The signature "You are just a Puppet" is also one of the dialog the character have spoken in the game. It has some good meaning, if you think about it.


what is the meaning of the world sephiroth please?


The meaning (roughly) is "Attribute" - or in plain English "Characteristics".


In Judaism, Hebrews split the characteristics of God into 10 well-known (at least understood) characteristics. And in this 10 characteristics (or Sephiroths as it is known), God thought to based His actions upon the World.


Thus my nickname. Don't ask me why I choose it. I picked it because I loved the game and somehow, it grew onto me like vine upon a wall. /images/graemlins/laugh.gif

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