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Supreme jealousy of superpower

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Below is a headline news.



London Financial Times

August 23, 2005


The Global Superpower Is Starting To Lose Its Grip On Asia



This superpower wants to remain a superpower (mostly militarily, economically, and politically, but not spiritually.)


to maintain its status quo, it does and will employ all tactics and strategies and means it has.


the roots of this desire are in the ideology it follows - xianity. but it will not admit it is xianity.

instead it will say it is american values.


it has cia, and world bank etc. to achieve its goal.


it does not like any external power to be in its vicinity, but it pokes its nose very close to e.g. bharat in the border states who are small, like bangladesh etc.


and it is sad that bharat is not saying, "please do not extend your nose around here. we will take care of these border states . this is our sphere of influence."


it has interest to cause asian neighbors fight with each other, even cause internal fights. this way it thinks that it is safe, and no one will have time and energy to challanege or equal or surpass it.


under the pretex of democracy, it says, "forget that islam has caused killings and destructions of hindu religious infrastructure for 1000 years. now give muslims protection and legal favors." this is like saying - keep cobras in your homeland, even when they kill you.


it says nationalism is bad -wrong.

why, because nationalism can unite a nation, and unity brings some good results for the nation, but it could piss off this s-power. so, it says nationalism is not good.

on the other hand, it promotes its own nationalism, but it does not tell it is nationalism, instead it is americanism.


same for social divisions.

it blames hindus for caste, and it has its own caste system,

but under different name.


xianity preaches monopoly.


so it thinks that only it has to have the monopolies for:

- being a superpower

- technology giant

- gadzilla with WMDs.

- be a leader of all in every area.

- doing anything anywhere.


despite all these problems, it has some good things:

- police

- law enforcement

- freedom of speech and thought

- and a few more things.


but it is time bharat needs to say to this s-power:


"please cease all your activities of influencing small states around our border. we will take care of them.

we are not coming to influence at your border.

so please be nice, and we are not your ememies,

but please understand that intelligence is no one's monopoly. we and all others have right to progress by our own strength, and we never bother others. we do not poke our nose like you do. so stop."


any more factual thoughts?


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Christians are losing their grips on Asian, and Internet is one of the Key factor in it.


Up to 50 years ago, Christians can lie and cheat whatever they want and just by splitting the people up, they could make sure that others remain ignorant of facts.


But nowadays, with the Internet, information is going around fast. Hindus expressing themselves on the Net and the world is seeing their values are not as ignorant and corrupted as what Christians made them believe. Even Christians themselves come here (to India and Malaysia), judge for themselves and know that Hindus are better than Christians made them believe.


Only reason I could see why US could make it this far is because of Muslims. Hindus ignore Christians, Buddhists ignore Christians, Hell ... most Asians ignore Christians. They are here because of Muslims and their stupidity and Muslims make their presence felt by using Christians and their presence here. It's like two evil beings, both feed on each other and causing problems for others.

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makes sense.


below lines are/were a bit hard for me to understand.

so i tried to make sens as follows by putting words in parenthesis. please let me know if you meant different thing.


<< Only reason I could see why US could make it this far (up to india/asia) is because of Muslims (in asia). Hindus ignore Christians, Buddhists ignore Christians, Hell ... most Asians ignore Christians.


They (xians) are here (in asia) because of Muslims and their stupidity(,) and Muslims make their (muslim) presence felt by using Christians and their (muslims') presence here. It's like two evil beings, both feed on each other and causing problems for others. >>


the truth is that both (xianity and islam)

are ou ther to take over the world and all human beings.

therefore, actually they are competing ruthlessy to take over. let us remind both of them this stark fact.


when one wins (and xianity will),

we have ways to help them understand spirituality.


at one time devas joined danavas to churn the ocean for nector. this puranic story has wisdom eternal.

the only thing is, we need to remain united and focussed, and do not forget our global hindu/vedic interests.


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the truth is that both (xianity and islam) are ou ther to take over the world and all human beings.

therefore, actually they are competing ruthlessy to take over. let us remind both of them this stark fact.


They can take over if they want, in the end, they will lose.


250 years ago, Christians and Muslims controlled India, in the end, they lost. What makes you think they will win again?


the only thing is, we need to remain united and focussed, and do not forget our global hindu/vedic interests.


Don't forget to spread it on the Internet. Ignorance must be fought with wisdom, not guns.

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Christianity and Islam are flip sides of the same coin. Both are about "saving" (converting or killng) heathens and infidels. The West has a certain advantage because of its secular-when-it's-convenient policies (first the traders, then the soldiers, THEN the missionaries).


Yes, they will lose. India is the next superpower. But what kind of power will she be? Will she be India: a secular, Western style, caste ridden, empire? Or will she be Bharat Mata, the queen of nations who spreads the Dharma all over the world?

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<< India is the next superpower. But what kind of power will she be? Will she be India:


a secular, >>


no. we have to make it Hindu, because hinduism is inherently secular but not in the sence of western meaning of teh sord secular.


<< ..Western style, >>


no. vedic style. we have to make it.


<< ..caste ridden, >> no, varnasrmi in the style krishna has described in gita. varnas per guna and karma vighaaga.


<< ..empire? >> we hindus neve created "empires" enve when we had strong influence all over the world. hinduism is not about dominating ove others, but progressing towards peace, prospecity, and shanti, but willing to subdue any adharma.


<< Or will she be Bharat Mata, the queen of nations who spreads the Dharma all over the world? >>


yes, but having no interest to convert forcibly or by intice. the fragnrence of hinduism will attract people to willingly accept vedic style living. it is happening, but no credit is given to Hindus or Bharat for it.


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India is the next superpower. But what kind of power will she be? Will she be India: a secular, Western style, caste ridden, empire? Or will she be Bharat Mata, the queen of nations who spreads the Dharma all over the world?


All signs says it will be a corrupted superpower where there is distingustion of level of people in India. Sad to say.


Too many people who are materistics in nature, too many communists and atheists, too many politicians who divides the nation. The problem with India is its politicians and its policies.


The Bombay flood 2 months ago had proven that, India is so divided, that people within it doesn't care on what happens to others.


North Indians hold too much power and supportive of caste system, and South Indians are too pasify to do things their own way. Sad ... /images/graemlins/frown.gif

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<< North Indians hold too much power and supportive of caste system, and South Indians are too pasify to do things their own way. Sad ...>>


could not be true.

what makes you think it is so please?

sometimes anti-hindu use tactics to cause strife between north and south people. i assume you ae not doing it.





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<< North Indians hold too much power and supportive of caste system, and South Indians are too pasify to do things their own way. Sad ...>>


could not be true.


what makes you think it is so please?

sometimes anti-hindu use tactics to cause strife between north and south people. i assume you are not doing it.





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<<How will India become a Super Power in this world?


Even if they do, how will the people feel about following sanatana dharma?>>


I believe that India will be a different kind of superpower. She will not follow the traditional, European/Arab model of military conquest, oppression, and exploitation. India will be an economic, technological, and cultural force.


I once read a quote from a Chinese diplomat about Buddhism:

"India conquered China without ever sending a soldier across the border". The Sanatana Dharma will attract billions of people once they know about it.



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Because most things I see in India is accordance to what passed in the North.


Hindi language a must, Caste still exists in the government form despite of passing bills to remove it over 20 years ago (according to a Hindu from India who works here).


There is no State Parliment in Tamil Nadu which solve its own problems, too much consideration is given to non-Hindus and toward Economics and not enough to beneficts of South Indians (the flood in Bombay proved that) and such.


I don't see why South Indians have to run to Delhi everytime their toilet get stuck. I don't see why South Indians who still managed to hold against Muslims and Christians till the last 150 years, have to rely on North Indians who were kissing Muslims' butt for over 200 years.


Yeah, you can say I'm an anti-North Indians, if you like.

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North Indians hold too much power and supportive of caste system, and South Indians are too pasify to do things their own way.


Do you support or object caste on earth, Sephiroth?


I believe that India will be a different kind of superpower. She will not follow the traditional, European/Arab model of military conquest, oppression, and exploitation. India will be an economic, technological, and cultural force.


How many battles did India involve after the indep.? I trust in your ambition instead of your mouths.


I once read a quote from a Chinese diplomat about Buddhism:

"India conquered China without ever sending a soldier across the border". The Sanatana Dharma will attract billions of people once they know about it.


Please study the history of buddhism in China. It can't root until it make some changes for Chn. gov. & culture. Don't grudge your knees. If you want to get my support in any case, you must convince me that you will succeed.

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