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Worshiping the Devas

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Dear friends.




My spiritual life is ruined because I have a lot of material ambitions. I tried to chant Hare Krishna mantra for some years, etc but the desires are still there...

Today I read from BhagavadGita that one who still has material desires should worhsip the Devas. So here is my question: how should I worship them? Particularly I need to stabilise my sexual life, so I thought that I should worship Kamadeva somehow?


Here I am, knowing nothing about the gods, I humbly ask you to give me some practical advises.

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Nobody worships Kamadava (also called Madana, Kandarpa, Manmatha). You have to practise brahmacarya. Hanuman is an excellent example of a pure brahmacari.

I would advise to start worship Ganapati / Ganesha.

Everyone can worship Ganesha, also people who are not pure, who are not vegetarian. He is the remover of obstacles. He makes a start in the process of the spiritual path. So everyone who starts a puja begins to invoke Ganesha.

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Dear Vinayakan, thank you for your answer.

I have tried to practice brahmacharya for one year, living in asram. I have found that for my situation it is to early abandon my sexual desires as well as couple of others, like house, welth etc. trying to abandon the world I have ended up with stressed mind and very depressed mode. Recently one friend of mine has found the Bhagavad-gita on my shelf and asked me if he can read. Then I started to read also and found chapter 3 where Sri Krsna advices Arjuna to worship Devas for material sake. So I turned here and asked how to do it...


Will Ganesha bless me with material things?


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You consider it too early to abandon and are stressed in your current attempts. So materialsm is better you think for now.


What if the material desires do not come up to your satisfaction or say expectation. What would that be. Would that also be stress.


Well, while you think through the above, may I suggest you to read the BG. And then make time for actions & value the contribution of action performed in the BG way.


I was like you listening to whole lot of friends wise in marriage, wise in money, wise in materialism..etc. The best guides to teach you the way to thrive in this materialistic world, might be elsewhere & in you.

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Krishna is the chief of Devas being Him the Supreme Lord, so pray Him for material things and chant Hare krishna to achieve them.. there's no harm, only advantages..


your problem is that you have mistaken devotion with repression, so go on chanting, any reason will be good and your desires will be fulfilled

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But I read somewhere that chanting the Holy Name for some material sake is offence toward the Name.

Please comment..


(However internally I am agree to stay 100% with Sri Krsna, the problem is that during last 5-6 years I have asked Him several times to help me, and still have no result...)

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No I dont think that materialism is better. I just think that I have to early decided to abandon the world. The result is ruined spiritual life. Now I undeerstand that if I have these sexual and other major materialistic desires I need to fulfill them to some reasonable degree, and develop mode of controling my senses, gradually progressing on the spiritual path.


I understand that I will not be _really_ happy even if my material dreams will come true. But my present reality is that if they are _not_ realised, I am not able to do spiritual things _at_all_. So this is why I have came here -- help me a little bit with Vedic advice -- how to properly satisfy my senses so I will have a chance to continue my spiritual life.


Yes, now I read BG on daily basis. I have purchased it when I was 15 but still I have a lot to learn...


Thanks for your reply

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But I read somewhere that chanting the Holy Name for some material sake is offence toward the Name.

Please comment..


(However internally I am agree to stay 100% with Sri Krsna, the problem is that during last 5-6 years I have asked Him several times to help me, and still have no result...)



Saivites and some Vaishnavites recite Chamaka, which is basically a list of requests to God. Generally this is done after reciting Rudram by Saivites and Purushasukta by Vaishnavites. I don't think this is an Aparadha. Lord Krishna is there to grant us what we need in this life.


Lord Sri Krishna Paramatma works in imperceptible ways. Even if you think you have no results, you should continue to chant His holy Names. Personally I prefer Vishnu Sahasranama, since it is so beautiful, meaningful and satisfying.

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Some say to worship Ganesh, some say to worship Hanuman, so say to worship Ram and some say to worship krishna, Where will the poor guy go. if you know the correct answers suggest him otherwise dont confuse him by giveing him wrong suggestions....


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the boy, having chanted hare krsna for some time, knows perfectly who's the Supreme...


and one who has problems, who is ill, wants to be helped by the chief doctor, not by the assistants even if very expert..


and when the chief helps us, he's assisted by the others.. so we get double advantage...


if we call Krsna, we automatically call Rama (that is Krsna) and other devas who are His powerful expansions

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<< Will Sri Hanuman help me? >>

yes, if you want to live like a brahmachari/devotee.


<<He is a brahmachari and I want to have controlled sex life. >>


controlled sex means (in vedic culture) sex only with one's wife, and sex only for producing god conscious children.

any other sex act is disuraged, even mental engagement is discouraged. do you want it? if yes, then hanuman can help.

you have to love him and read about his pastimes.


<< For this I need to meet object of my sexual dreams, will he help? >>


you are driven by your organ, it seems.

hanuman is not a match maker.


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Material desires are something which all experiences and everyone is born with, you cannot just discard it one fine day. The best way is to control it, because anything in access is bad.


If one see a box of sweets, even though thrilled, one would not consume it fully in one go, because we know that intake of too much of sweets is not good for our health. Hence we control our craving. No one can ever be satisfied with his material gains, because when we achieve something, a new or better thing is found, we then crave for that and the cycle goes on...This would finally leave within us a feeling of non-fulfillment and depression. To counter this, try to be happy with what you achieve, even though little, don't think too much of what you will gain, but see that you put your best efforts in whatever you do.


Sexual desires is likewise, everyone has it, but is better if one has control on it.... You may have tried being a brahmachari, but then just retiring to a secluded place or ashram, whilst thinking of all the material pleasures, you will never be able to control your desires.....One who becomes a true brahmachari is in good control of his mind and body, and for that - with all the shlokas and mantras, the most important thing is controlling your mind and body...like, in meditation/yoga. Have you tried it? If no, you should try and practice meditation/yoga, from a good teacher. You should also be open minded to him about your feelings during the course....if you are not able to control your mind you will never be able to control your feelings...


Next, is to keep yourself busy with activities, in which you find interest, like book reading, music, playing etc., so that you keep yourself involved. If your thoughts wander, and the desires return, just sit back and ask what would be the end result if you indulge in such activities, will it bring any good in future if you keep on succumbing to this temporary urges.


Chanting of shlokas and mantras is good, it will give you inner strength, but for that to happen you should put in your own efforts...Most people have this misconception that taking a bath in a holy river will wash their sins off, while their inner mind is corrupt. Our body is just a covering to our inner soul, just like clothes are material covering for our physical body. If we don't keep our body clean, with regular bath, and only clean our clothes, will that be of any good????


Hence, first you should put efforts from your own end by having control of your self, and when you feel that you now have the will to change for the better, you should then approach God to give you the mental strength to guard and withstand you from any unwanted influence.


Be practical, don't confuse yourself on the choice and importance of which God to pray? God is "ONE". He is depicted in different forms, referred to with different names and prayed to in different ways, by people, as per their choice, interpretation and liking. Choose any form of Lord with whom you could relate yourself better, may it be Rama / Krsna / Shiva / Durga / Ganesha.........


Also, do not rush into things. You may find success slowly and there would be occasional failures, but you should think positive in that, by saying to yourself that even though for a brief period, you were successful, and that you will try and better it the next time.


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I have tried to call Sri Krishna to help me to find what do I want -- no result. For some reason Sri Krishna is not going to satisfy my desires. I read or heard somewhere that Krishna will give one only those things which are usefull and will not give those which although pleasant are not usefull. In the same time Devas will give whatsoever they can not regarding if that is or is not usefull to one's spiritual life..

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